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US explores its Afghanistan exit options
By Syed Saleem Shahzad

KARACHI - With Afghanistan daily slipping into more anarchy and chaos, United States authorities, aware that they are unlikely to ever bring stability to the country by military means, continue to explore political avenues that ultimately could pave the way for them to withdraw from the country.

First there were the talks at the Pakistan Air Force base in Quetta with "moderate" elements of the Taliban (which immediately failed due to the US insistence on the sidelining of Taliban leader Mullah Omar). Then came the formation of Jaishul Muslim, a formal grouping of lesser Taliban lights (which failed even to enter into Afghanistan), and moves to pry some of the more powerful mujahideen commanders from the anti-US resistance movement.

The Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System (CAPPS II) is designed to crawl through government and commercial databases and issue "threat assessments" for air travelers. Based on automated searches of public and private databases, each passenger is given a color-coded threat level: green for no problem, yellow for passengers who require heightened caution, and red for people who are not allowed to fly.  The government says CAPPS II, which is currently being implemented by Delta Airlines, will increase security. Perhaps. But the system is extremely dangerous to your rights, in that there are no mechanisms in place for you to learn your own assessment level or to correct false information about yourself.

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