-Caveat Lector-
Serious Pyramid Stuff, even though tedious number crunching.
Black Trinity and Death

First to fashion and form the symbol for spiritual âDeathâ, that is the sarcophagus in the Kingâs Chamber of the Great Pyramid at 3,000,000 x 3,000,000 x 10 and square root and /Pi and square root twice is the internal volume of the sarcophagus at 41.68625160 cubic feet.

It was the Egyptologist, Sir Flinders Petrie, who measured the partly broken granite sarcophagus in the Kingâs Chamber of the Great Pyramid with special calipers and gauges using 388 reference points on the outside and 281 points on the inside. And he published the inside measurements as 78.060 x 26.810 x 34.420 inches, which is equivalent to 41.68625161 cubic feet, or 72,033.8427 cubic inches.

And I believe that the Ancient Egyptian designer of the most important sarcophagus ever cut from a single block of granite knew the number 3 could form and fashion the internal volume of the sarcophagus, because 3,000,000 squared x 10 and square root and /Pi and square root twice is 41.68625161 cubic feet.

Please note, there are no inscriptions or adornments on the sarcophagus and there is no lid on the sarcophagus. And Sir Gardner Wilkinson commented and said, "...and it may be doubted whether the body of the king was really deposited in the sarcophagus."

The Black Trinity consists of the three demonic frogs which come from out of the mouths of the Bibleâs âDragon, Beast and False Prophet, and frogs symbolized by the fleur de lis.

âAnd I saw three unclean spirits like frogs [come] out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, [which] go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almightyâ And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.â Book of Revelations 16:13-16

The reference number for the Dragon is 322 + the Beastâs 933 + the False Prophetâs 515 is 1,770 or three frogs at 590 each. And the cycle of the Moon in the Underworld is 354 days or 6 x 59 days, and so the Moon, the Bibleâs symbol for the Ruler of Darkness shows 6 frogs per one cycle, and one frog at 59 is the number reference for the Pharaohâs insignia of the serpent goddess of Delta Egypt at 17 + the vulture goddess of Upper Egypt at 42. Thus the Pharaohâs insignia represents the Ruler of Darkness. And Darkness is seen in the speed of gravity (the grave) at 177,000 miles per second. Thus the Black Trinity, or thrice the âFrogâ is represented by the speed of gravity, the Moon, and even the Knight Templars who used the number 59.

OK, now the platform area of the Great Pyramid, the worldâs âFirst Wonder of the Worldâ and the worldâs symbol of human death. And the most significant measurement for the Great Pyramid is its foundation area, its platform at 440 x 440 Ancient Egyptian cubits and equivalent to some 755.77350 x 755.77350 feet. And the area of the platform can be formed and fashioned out of the sarcophagus x gravity speed.

For the cube root of the internal volume of the sarcophagus at 41.6862516 cubic feet is as
3.4673494 seconds x gravity at 177,000 miles per second is 613,720.85518 miles of gravity.

And 3.00000e+3246 squared x 10 and square root and /Pi and square root twice is 4.16862516091e+811 (the sarcophagus number) and cube root x 177,000 miles per second is 6.13720855180e+275 miles and squared x 10 and squared thrice x 4 is 1.620295014870e+4421 and square root 9 times and cube root is the mean width of the four base sides of the Great Pyramid at 755.773504 feet or 9069.2820 inches or 440 cubits of 20.6120046 inches.

As I said, the internal volume of the sarcophagus x the Black Trinity, the thrice âFrogâ at 177,000 which is gravity speed, forms and fashions the platform area of the Great Pyramid, the 'Platform of Death'.

So the Skeptics need to do a bit more fine tuning in their understanding of Ancient Egypt.


John D. Miller


And not forgetting that:

âSatan came as an angel of light.â

The velocity of light in a vacuum is some 186,282.4604 miles per second (299,792.56kms).

The full volume of the sarcophagus is made up of the internal volume of the sarcophagus at 41.6862516 cubic feet + the granite frame of 40.80 cubic feet (17 x 2.4) at 82.4862516 cubic feet (89.620 x 38.50 x 41.310 inches).

And as I did with the internal volume, I cube root the full volume of 82.4862516 cubic feet is 4.3530520 as seconds in time x 186,282.4604 miles per second and squared 10 times and /2 and square root twice is seen internal volume of the sarcophagus at 4.168625160000e+1512.

So the measurement for internal volume of the sarcophagus in the Kingâs Chamber of the Great Pyramid (which is of the number 3) can form and fashion itself into the cube root of its full volume x the velocity of light in a vacuum. So Satan, who is Darkness, and of the grave, the dead, has the basic reference number 155 + the âmanâ that is the spirit inside human men at 126 (the mind and the âEye of Horusâ) + the âfemanâ the spirit inside human women at 127 and both reside in Hades, is 408 (or 24 serpents). And 12.6 x 12.6 x 0.8 is 127.0080 so the âfemanâ came out of the âmanâ, in that Eve came out of Adam. And 40.8 cubit feet is the volume of the Cofferâs frame.
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