-Caveat Lector-
I have been reading a multitude of conspiricies concerning a multitude of people. Who are the people behind all of this global chaos?Many of the elite, wealthy members  of the most powerful secret societies known to man. The freemasons, the Illuminti, the Shriners, the Oddfellows, the Golden Dawn, the Thule Society, the Rosicrusians, the ODO, THE knights Templar, the Skull and Bones, the Quaballa, the knights Pythias, and the New Age Movement, just to name a few. Their agenda? New WORLD ORDER!!!!! One worl government, one world economy, one world religion, which excludes Jesus Christ. Their beliefs? In the ancient mysteries of Babylon which include powerful satanic powers. This is not superstition, therory. or fabrication. These are hard, cold facts. They are easily verified through research on this internet or through libraries or any wherelse. These satanic powers are real and deadly. The powers of  Satan are second only to the power of Jesus Christ. Some names mentioned as founders of these organizations are Alister Crowley. M. Blavantsky, Anton LeVey, Albert Pike just for starters. Many of the founding fathers of this country were freemasons: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. Look at the eye of Horus on our dollar bills, and at the layout of the government complex in Washinton D.C. Look up satanic symbols and then look at how many are found everywhere as logos or worn as jewelry or on clothing. Take the peace symbol for example. It looks like an upside down Y  in a circle. In reality it`s an upside down cross with broken arms. What do the satanists use in their black mass? An upside down cross. The broken arms display more of their hatred for cross of Jesus Christ as well as Himself for He is the One satan and all of his followers answer to. The world is in chaos and the stage is being set for the anti-christ who, in the beginnig will bring peace and the new world order but will ultimutely bring on Aramageddon.       M Maurer     a soldier for Jesus Christ.
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