-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2003 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: H


The Horrors of Stalinism/Communism/

A1. An Opening Note

At the beginning of the 90ties we here in Bulgaria were told that Stalin had killed (!) 60 (sixty!) millions in his concentration camps.

That figure is still rolling shamelessly from time to time from the Bulgarian TV Channels.


In his October 2003 article "In defense of the SU"

http://www.left.ru/inter/2003/oct/jones.htm, Simon Jones ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

quotes Seumas Milne in the "Guardian Weekly" September 19-25 2002: "the latest Soviet archives show just under 800,000 executed and a peak gulag population of 2.5 millions".


We were also told that the "Communists" killed (!) hundreds of thousands (!) of Bulgarians in their concentration camps here.


The book "Quo vadis, Humanitas?" (2000, Sofia) informs us the following:

Total number of people killed in Bulgaria between 1944 and 1989:

2730 are sentenced to death by the People’s Court after the end of WWII and


3255 are killed without any sentence in the period of September-October 1944

150 died in the concentration camps (!)

6135 totally

~25,000 have passed through the concentration camps

~25,000 have been interned

~50,000 totally repressed

(Author: Georgi Andreev, a Bulgarian scientist, writer, investigator, translator, editor of the unique progressive newspaper "ZOV" = Appeal).

Note of no importance: In 1989 Bulgarians were almost 9 millions

In 2003 the Bulgarians are about 6 millions


When one starts counting "the horrors" of the Communist era, objectivity demands to compare the real numbers of the real victims to the number of millions who enjoyed the privileges of the Communist socialist system, namely the RIGHT

to work

to receive a pension providing for a normal human life

of totally free of charge health care

of totally free of charge education

of 80-90-100% paid sick-leave - depending on the numbers of the years of work

of paid year holidays and the possibility for everyone to spend them in the state holiday rest homes at the seaside or in the mountain

to cheap medicine.

to cheap railway, road and city transport

to students’ hostels at a symbolic price

to workers’ and students’ canteens at symbolic prices

to accessible prices of all the communal services like electricity, water, telephones

to secure real protection from all kinds of violence and crimes against individual persons and their property!

and so on and so forth…

The simple truth is that the Communist system provided a living space for the ORDINARY people! They felt protected economically and also in all other possible ways. It was NOT only Gulags and PR’s horrors.

The neo-liberal capitalist system rejects arrogantly even our RIGHT TO LIFE!

That system turns purposefully the ORDINARY people into humiliated, broken slaves! It deliberately is carrying out a specific Low Intensity GENOCIDE on the ex Soviet Union’s peoples, on the people of Bulgaria, on the other ex-Communist countries already for 14 years!

The ugly truth is that the real horrors have unleashed in the ex-Soviet Union and the East-European peoples only after the Berlin Wall’s Great Fall…

Humpty Dumpty sat on the Wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

And all the king’s horses,

And all the King’s men

Cannot gather Humpty Dumpty

Together again…

Poor Humpty Dumpty.

Poor us all here…

B. The Horrors on the Balkans’: YUGOSLAVIA

Let’s look back at that country in the 90ties of the last century.

Let’s leave aside the RP’s stories re the "genocide" on Kosovo Albanians - Srebrenica - Saraevo, which the USrael media repeats shamelessly again and again.

But if all these stories are PR’s lies what’s the truth? Why did the Globo Master targeted Yugoslavia?

The main reasons to victimize Yugoslavia were that Milosevic kicked the IMF and WB out, refused to "open" Yugoslavia’s boundaries for "free" trade and preserved the state ownership on most of the prosperous Yugo plants and factories then - i.e. rejected the demand for privatization!

He was NOT a greedy raving Zionist Jew - as the murderous couple of Gorbachov-Elzin in the Soviet Union or Anananieva-Lukanov in Bulgaria.

He was a person with a strong feeling of responsibility for both his people and his country. and he could not sacrifice either of them at the bloody altar of the insatiable USrael neo-liberal God named "Free Market"!

He did his best to preserve and protect Yugoslavia as a social state - and both Yugoslavia and he had to go!

A state that demonstrates an alternative should not be allowed to exist!

In 1999 USA-NATO smart DU bombs kicked most successfully Yugoslavia’s peoples into the roaring Hell Furnace of the so-called "market economy"…



Clinton’s address to the White House on March 23 1999:

"… And if we’re going to have a strong economic relationship that includes our ability to sell around the world, Europe has got to be a key. And if we want people to share our burden of leadership with all the problems that will inevitably crop up, Europe needs to be our partner.

Now, that’s what this Kosovo thing is all about. And so I want to talk to you about Kosovo today, but just remember this - it’s about our values." (http://usa.grmbl.com/s19990323e.html)

(Note: values = interests)




The truth of Iraq is the same.

It is strange that nobody made an effort to look impartially at Iraq and tell about the well working social protection system in that country before the first USrael assault on it - and afterwards till the start of the Iraqi War II in March 2003. (Everybody clicked heels and bent to the Globo Master’s unwritten Order: "You should write only bad - or nothing for Saddam Husein!")

That system worked notwithstanding the murderous sanctions of the UN of USA for more than ten years and the regular USA-UK bombing since Dec. 1998 till 20th of March 2003!…

It is curious how many people in Europe f.i. know that in the years of Saddam Hussein’s rule the Iraqi people enjoyed the same social privileges that the people in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe enjoyed.

How many know that such social privileges are possible only if the state ownership is prevailing? Only then the profits are NOT squandered on luxury boats - palaces - cars - and generally on the sweet life for THE FEW but they are spent mostly on the violence protection - health care - education - medicine - housing for THE MANY!

The WMD story and the haggling around it before and after the Iraqi War II are only a part of the Circus thought of and organized mainly for the USA poor dumb public, a part of the West-European public - and also for almost all progressive and not so progressive journalists all over the world. They still chew most diligently at the subject thrown at them by the Globo Master’s PR’s!

Meanwhile the truth remains well covered.

The basic USrael intentions are to crush the last remnants of the social states on Earth because they offer an alternative - and make Thatcher with her TINA look as a Greedy bloodthirsty Ugly Bag of Bones!

(TINA = There Is No Alternative)

Following that way of reasoning it is understandable why after Yugoslavia Iraq logically comes first in the USrael Bombing Agenda.

Yes, the Zionist and Fascist State of Israel and its drive for Great Israel are a serious war incentive.

Yes, Iraqi oil is a serious war incentive too.

But the destruction of the social governing system - the social state of Iraq has been a priority!

A state that demonstrates an alternative to the "Market Economy" should not be allowed to exist!

Imagine only how mad Saddam Hussein had made them all those years since the 16 of January 1991 (when their Iraqi War I had started)!

Imagine only how they waited - and waited - and waited! - for the fall of the Iraqi government under their criminal sanctions. Losing paitience at the end of 1998 they added the terrorizing bombing on a regular base. The bombing and the sanctions continued till the start of their Second War on Iraq in March 2003. Still Saddam Hussein refused to fall!

And all the time the social state of Iraq existed notwithstanding the difficulties - a daring challenge and rejection of Thatcher’s TINA!

Having decided they have waited long enough for Saddam Hussein to fall, USrael organized their picturesque 911, then deviated a little in Afghanistan to put things right there too - mainly to build that chain of bases along the Southern boundaries of Russia! (They had to neutralize Russia first: Putin might be their diligent poodle but why to risk uselessly?)

That finalized, they hit Iraq in March 2003!

The USraeli Shock and Awe operation was spurred on!…

It was 20th of March 2003…

B1. Re: Saddam Hussein’s "horrors"

Before to start talking about SH’s "horrors", let’s look at Iraq and start using the little gray cells.

First let’s look at the map of Iraq - Iran, Turkey, that artificial state of Kuwait on Iraqi land…

Then let’s see what nationalities live there. "Sunnits" - "Shiites" - Kurds - Turks. (Forgive the spelling.) Sunnits are less than the Shiite population. Still, they had ruled!

In neighboring Iran it is vice versa: the deeply religious Shiites are the majority!

Look at the Kurds in the North. They are only a part of Kurdistan - the other part is in Iran, the third - in Turkey. Their life dream is united independent Kurdistan!

What about the Fascist Zionist State of Israel nearby and its insatiable greediness and readiness to dig its blood-dripping claws in any Arab country around at the first signs of weakness?

And let’s not forget trampled victimized Palestine that Israel keeps destroying and murdering day after day for years!

QUESTION: How could any leader - any government - KEEP the boundaries of his country UNTOUCHED - combined with some comparative peace inside it - having in mind that situation?

If you were Saddam Hussein, how would you rule the country in those circumstances?

Horrors for THE FEW - Life for THE MANY!

I am interested in THE MANY.

C. RUSSIA and the neo-liberal HORRORS

Look at the pitiable liberal Russia - could the weak Russian government take any decision without being kicked at both from inside and outside?

Question: Who rules Russia in fact? Who takes the decisions?

Answer: The USrael Globo Master does - plus his pawns inside, like Zionist Jew Chubais, f.i.

The recent developments in Russia re the Oil Tycoon Hodorkovski and their final solution makes one wonder what is exactly the game in the shade. Keeping in mind the fact that at the end just the US CEO have taken Ukos Oil in their hands, one may easily come to the conclusion that all that theatre around Ukos has been just that - a theatre. A well orchestrated CIRCUS - with the willing participation of Putin The Great, the Globo Master’s very useful poodle.

Q: Because who has won in the end?

Answer: The USrael Oil corporations have!

Q: And who has lost?

Answer: the Russian people have…

Now the greatest parts of the profits from the RUSSIAN oil will be siphoned outside the country and it will metamorphose into Sweet Life for the USrael Masters… Or into Mothers of All Bombs for Usraeli Masters’ enemies… (Some crumbs may go to their local poodles.)

Q: And what will be left for the ordinary Russians"?

Answer: The neo-liberal SLAVERY and its HORRORS!

Some of them are listed below.


1/ Millions of children in Russia are illiterate;

2/ 9-year-old children are drug-dependent…

3/ Village girls go out on the roads to sell themselves

4/ Town girls go out on the streets to sell themselves

5/ A Free Market order: Russia should forget the production of meat, chicken, milk, milk products…

6/ Thousands of villages are annihilated;

7/ Thousands of village schools are shut up;

8/ Thousands of maternity aid centers and hospitals are closed;

(TV Channel Moskva, 28th Oct. 03)


More on the horrors of Gorbachov the Judas’ "Perestroika":

Acc. to the Russian television:

1/ 7,000 unidentified bodies were found in Perepensky Cemetery near Moscow;

2/ 250 persons a day disappear only in Moscow;

3/ 6,000 persons were forced out of their Moscow apartments in 1996-97 by the many Mafia gangs; the apartments now cost thousand of dollars;

4/ 80,000 people were missing in 2002; in the same year police found 20,000 bodies. 13,000 of them are still unidentified;

5/ Quote: "the young girls are forced into prostitution and are sold all over Europe";


(From Canadian magazine "Northstar Compass for Friendship and Solidarity with the Soviet People", March 2003, p. 8, [EMAIL PROTECTED])


Globo Master’s and Gorbachov-Elzin-Putin’s (his local poodles) neo-liberal horrors in Russia continued:

1/ Quote: "Russia's population has dwindled by 3.3 million since the 1991 Soviet collapse to about 145 million as of Oct. 1 (2000).

In the first nine months of this year alone (2000), the country lost 550,600 people. The State Statistics Committee forecasts that the population will shrink by 11 million more people in the next 15 years."

2/ Quote: "Dismal economic conditions in the 1990s have led to a dramatic plunge in living standards, a steady disintegration of the state health care system, and
a corresponding rise in mortality."

3/ Quote: "According to the latest report from the State Statistics Committee, Russia's overall average life expectancy fell by about three years during the last decade to 66 years in 1999. The rate for men was 60 years, 10-15 years less than in Western countries, while the average life expectancy for women was 72 years, six to eight years less than in the West."

4/ Quote: "The decline in health care has resulted in a high number of deaths of babies up to a year old, far exceeding the level in Western countries. Russia's infant mortality rate, which reached its peak with 20 deaths per 1,000 births in 1993, has since dropped, reaching just under 16 per 1,000 births last year. But that was still shockingly high…"

(From "Russia's Population To Decline" by VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV, Associated Press Writer, Oct., 2000)

To the quoted 3.3 millions of neo-liberal deaths for the first 10 (ten) years of neo-liberal reforms in Russia one should add also:

1/ The unborn children in those 14 years:

- the unborn children of the Russian girls sold as prostitutes abroad.

- the children that will never be born by the Russian girls who prostitute on the roads and streets of Russia.

- the unborn children of the young Mafia Russian men, who will never create a family: they will be either killed, disabled or imprisoned till old age or for life…

2/ The impressive number of the Russian emigrants who will give birth of children WITHOUT a nationality, WITHOUT a Motherland, WITHOUT that wonderful feeling of belonging to a greater family of people - to a country!

The emigrants’ children have and will have NOTHING to do with Russia - they are Globo children - i.e. NOBODIES! (One of the reasons why the Globo Masters CAUSE and ENCOURAGE immigration on a large scale…)

3/ The unknown number of people who die in slavery: a Russian TV Channel told recently the awful story of women-slaves who were forced to work as seamstresses for years in horrible conditions in a cellar deep under the ground. They were beaten to death and killed like mice…

Some women were saved. The camera showed one of them: about 50 year-old woman with the word "Rab" (Russian for slave) tattooed on her forehead…

I am tempted to tell you also a recent story from one of the Russian Channels. Yesterday afternoon (4th November 2003) they told us how the courageous Militia saved a 15-year girl dragged away in a car while walking along the street. They found where she was after some days. (A pause: think what that girl, still a child, had gone through during these days…)

They broke into the flat where other girls plus several men were … The 15 year old girl was in such a condition that she could not understand what was going on, the speaker said. She kept crawling on the floor imploring for mercy, crying helplessly: "I want to Mom… I want to Mom…"

I doubt she will restore and be a normal person again… It’s doubtful she will ever create a family and give birth to a normal child…

She is lost for herself - for her parents - for Russia…

The neo-liberal genocidal tempo - the neo-liberal horrors leave Stalin’s Gulag well behind!

Still there will be people who will keep writing about "the horrors of Stalinism/Communism" even though a poor student in mathematics can calculate that the neo-liberal horrors in Russia have killed much more people - ONLY FOR THE FIRST 14 (fourteen!!!) DISMAL YEARS OF USrael DEMOCRACY!

C1. Gorbachov, the Greatest Judas of Our Times!…

The Butcher of the ex Soviet Unions’ people…

The Inquisitor of the East-European countries’ peoples…


Where does his money for his and his family’s Sweet Life come from?

Where does the money for his famous Foundation come from?

Doesn’t they come from the grateful USrael corporations for his giving them away on a platter rich Russia and East-European countries with their peoples?

Don’t they come directly from the USraeli taxpayers through NED (National Endowment for Democracy) and its branches?

(By the way, what are his Foundation activities? Visit

http://dieoff.org/page1.htm and http://dieoff.org/page99.htm <page1.htm>. Read and cry!…)

How can some still look reverently up to a Mass Murderer who has betrayed his country and its millions of people - who has betrayed East European countries and its millions of people - sentencing them all to untimely death, unspeakable suffering, untold humiliations?

When will they get free from the PR lies and estimate him for what he really is - a greedy, traitorous - amoral - servant of his USrael Masters?

C1-I. An East-European dream re Gorbachov in the Land of Revenge

We would like to watch him

1/ getting burned out to ashes in the Moscow Red Square!

2/ slowly dying by being gradually dipped into boiling oil!

3/ getting tied to four strong horses which then rush as crazy to the four directions of the world!

4/ slowly dying by being cut to pieces with a blunt pocket knife!


It is high time for all Western progressives to stop screaming about the "horrors of Stalinism" and stop working for the Globo Master in that way.

When will they look the Bloody - Ugly - truth of the so-called "Free Economy" in the eye, and recognize the real horrors of the real Monsters?

When will they start talking - writing about - get mad at! - the horrors of the neo-liberalism - the Free Market Monstrous God - the so-called Free Economy!

It is high time to understand and acknowledge that "the horrors of Stalinism" are next to NOTHING in comparison with the HORRORS of the USrael’s Free Market Economy!…

Blagovesta Doncheva

The Balkans

5th of November 2003



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