Title: Message
-Caveat Lector-
----- Original Message -----
To: Zuukie
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: Why not appropriate?

You have given
----- Original Message -----
From: Zuukie
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 12:34 AM
Subject: RE: Why not appropriate?

A small correction.  The Blavatsky works are published by the Theosophical Society.  The channeled works of Alice Bailey and the political works of her husband Foster Bailey are put out by Lucis Trust and have been put out since the 20s.  There is a question whether the Theosophical Society or Lucis Trust is the more political group.  Both are very secretive and both played a major role in the Parliament of World Religions that was held at the Palmer House.  The UN/Lucis Trust connection is important.  Where you might have gotten confused is that Bailey was a Theosophist before she started Lucis Trust.  New Group of World Servers is a Lucis Trust operation.  I pointed you in that direction to show the extent of that movement.  It is an important site because of the networking done thru conferences, etc.  You might be interested in tracking Rainbow Swastika down on the net.  It is a rather large piece put out by a woman who lives in Israel.  Another good source for material is http://www.stelling.nl/simpos/simpoeng.htm
The oral tradition came about because Jews had to govern their own communities in accordance with the Torah.  Now the Torah does not have a response for every situation that comes up in human life, so the rabbis had to build case law based on the Torah.  With a given problem, many rabbis might have their own opinions, and these opinions were put down in writing after thousands of years.  Somewhat as our Supreme Court does.  Law was different than it is now because of the lack of written material.  I have trouble with the Kabbalah as do many others.  I believe that Jews in southern France were influenced by the Albagenses and the Cathars in that area.  Kabbalah really plays no part in the life of the average Jew and is not part of the schooling.  It is kept separate for scholars.  Until recently no one was to delve into Kabbalah until they were completely grounded in Jewish law and there were warning of its danger to the minds of many.  Right now Kabbalah is a plaything of the pagan and occult communities.  They have taken a sentence here and a sentence there to make up their own philosophies.  The Kabbalah Centre is a cult that has attracted many in Hollywood. 
Well, that's enough for tonight.  Please let me know your sources.
-----Original Message-----
From: Marti Maurer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 7:29 PM
To: Zuukie
Subject: Re: Why not appropriate?

----- Original Message -----
From: Zuukie
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 6:15 PM
Subject: RE: Why not appropriate?

First of all know that I'm Jewish if that makes a difference to you.  Those who post to CTRL generally have their own agenda.  I don't want to get into a spitting war with people who may be involved with New Agers.  It's a waste of time. 
Have you read the Lucis Trust material?  Have you gone to ngws.org, a branch of Lucis Trust?  As New Age is really quite broad, religious as well as political, where do your particular interests lie? 
-----Original Message-----
From: Marti Maurer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 5:28 PM
To: Zuukie
Subject: Why not appropriate?

Are you afraid of retaliation?The New Age movement should exposed to all for the protectioin of the unsuspectimg poeple.         M Maurer       a soldier for Jesus Christ        It matters not to me whetheryou are Jewish, Roman Catholicic, or Protestant. Yes, I am familiar with Lucius Trust and know it was once called L;ucifer  Publishing.I also know it published the works of M Blavatsky. My political interests lie with freedom for all peoples and against this New World Order these new agers are helping to bring in with their stupid reincarnation theories of becomming your own god. They are tied in with al other secret societies who subscribe to the ancient mysteries of Babylon. These powers all come from the same source - satan. He`s real alright and these powers  are real but subject to Jesus Christ. Being Jewish, I do not know where you stand on this. I do know that there are 2 Talmuds in the Jewish faith. One is  based on the Torah and the other is the Talmud Bavli. The latter is the one followed by the Quaballa, if I am understanding this correctly. I myself am a baptised Roman Catholic but a Christian before any denomination. I have done a tremendous amount of research on many of these secret societies but I  am open to anymore education available. I also know these secret societies are made of the wealthy elite from all countries and have their influences in every aspect of human life from governments to banking and even in churchesas well as in the military. I thank you for your polite reply.       M Maurer    a soldier for Jesus Christ     Thank you for your reply and correcting me concerning Lucius Trust. You have given me much more to do research on.I looked up the Talmud Bavli and the site said that the some of the Pharasis , while in exile in Babaylon, became fascinated with the Babylonion gods and that is where the Talmud Bavli originated. I know the Jewish people were God`s chosen because He sad so. Isaiah:44. Just as all Germans were not Nazis not all Jews are into Quaballa. The New Age movement takes part of the Christian Holy Scriptues and adds to them or alters them in some way to deceive many Christians  into thinking this new way is what God wants just as I`m sure they do the Torah. So many are deceived because of what society says - not what God says. Many  of the founding fathers of the USA were Masons. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin for starters, Maybe I`ve already told you but the capitol compound in D.C. is laid out in the shape of an inverted pentagram.I have a satellite photo of this. I have looked up the rainbow swastika and am going to print it out as well as the other sites you sent my way. The whole thing boils down to spiritual warfare. My main resource for what I have read is Freemasonry Watch. It is an extensive site that deals with most, if not all, secret societies and their histories. You may have to add .com after Freemasonry Watch but you will  know it for it`s a free   speech - free press.     Marti Maurer  a soldier for Jesus Christ
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