-Caveat Lector-

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Priest found guilty of assault for pulling gun on church official AP 12/3/03 "LEBANON, Pa. - A Serbian Orthodox priest accused of pulling a gun on the council president of the church where he had presided for 15 years has been convicted of assault and reckless endangerment.
However, a jury found the Rev. Filip Velisavljevic innocent of charges of terroristic threats and unlawful restraint stemming from a fight that both men testified was over who would control church business....Velisavljevic testified during the trial that he pulled the gun to protect himself after church council president Frederick Pantelich cornered him in a church office and became threatening, including hefting a stool above his head. The gun went off during a struggle, they testified. The bullet apparently grazed the priest's foot. Pantelich, 69, had testified earlier Tuesday that he pleaded with Velisavljevic. "I was begging him not to shoot me," he said. Velisavljevic also faces a civil lawsuit in which the council alleges he took at least $5,800 in religious items from the church, and that he defrauding the church of about $10,000. Some of the items have been returned to the church, but Velisavljevic has denied taking others." http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/1203PriestGun03-ON.html

fwd from L Moss-Sharman   Cardinal urged to aid new law 12/1/03 Chicago "Two dozen advocates for victims of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy picketed Holy Name Cathedral on Sunday afternoon and called on Cardinal Francis George to oppose challenges to a new state law that lengthens the statute of limitations for seeking civil damages in abuse cases. The challenges are not from the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago, the advocates said, but George was asked to take a stand. One challenge has been made in an abuse suit filed in Cook County, said Barbara Blaine, president of Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests. The archdiocese is one of the suit's many defendants but has not challenged the constitutionality of the law signed in July. The Springfield diocese has challenged the law as a defendant in an abuse suit scheduled for a hearing Tuesday in Sangamon County." http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/north/chi-0312010117dec01,1,6984629.story

article describes violence

Iraqis deny US accounts of fierce fight with 'guerrillas'
By Phil Reeves in Samara 02 December 2003
To Ali Abdullah Amin, the accusations and denials that were yesterday flying about the latest battle between the occupiers and occupied of Iraq - the fiercest engagement, some say, since the early days of the US-led invasion - were irrelevant. He was not interested in whether the American military was telling the truth when it said that its troops had killed 54 "attackers" - shorthand for Iraqi guerrillas who carried out a double ambush against a US convoy in the Sunni town of Samarra on Sunday which turned into a running fire fight. Nor was he wondering about the denials made by Iraqi hospital officials and policemen, in the face of what the Americans have presented as a crushing defeat for the pro-Saddamists, Baathists, ex-soldiers and other fighters who are violently opposing their presence. Iraqi officials say only eight people died, including a 71-year-old Iranian pilgrim called Fathollah Hejazi, whose charred passport they were showing to all-comers. The old man had, it seems, come to visit the ancient gold-domed Shi'ite mosque in this once-peaceful town on the banks of the Tigris. Ali Abdullah Amin was interested in none of these things. What he cared about, as he lay beneath a grubby yellow blanket in his hospital bed, was the pain in his bandaged legs, both of which were seeping blood from bullet wounds, and the hole in the left side of his stomach. "My legs hurt, my legs hurt," the little boy moaned, as he cried in the arms of his 22-year-old cousin, Jamal Karim.
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