-Caveat Lector-

hi peoples,

hehe...  spent my last week or so in and around iraq visiting in-laws family
and such things...

and i can tell you first hand that the absolutely petrified look on the faces
of the US solders (like he was going to defecate himself)constantly scanning
every person as they move in huge convoys (min 20-100 ppl) around iraq says
more words than all the US propoganda put togeather.

some things are worth risking ones life to see... hehe  like the US soilders
in iraq... hehe.  i wish i took a picture

wish i had a chance to shoot of an rpg at one of the humvees while i was
there, but alas the oppertunity did not come my way.

truthfully it is a bit of a sport now in iraq firing these rpg i say this from
the casual manner about which common iraqi civillians talk about it  "i did
this yesterday, my friend killed two the other day" and so on (there was even
a couple of stories i was told about women firing these thing and hitting
humvees which honestly i didnt believe but the fact this is bringing a smile
to their face enough to make up stories aswell about attacks purely means
these people are commited)

which in itself should be scary to the american occupiers..

Daniel Harrison

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