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-Caveat Lector-

The One Way Bet

The Daily Reckoning

Paris, France

Wednesday, 14 January 2004


*** A good life... what will disturb it?

*** Stocks down... gold down... a correction?

*** The New Deal... Howard Dean... importing low-cost
labor... and more!


We were taking a cab to Waterloo station last night when a
thought crossed our mind:

We lead such an agreeable life.

Two days a week we work in London... the rest of the week
Paris is our headquarters - going back and forth on the
Eurostar. In both cities, we dine in nice restaurants... we
enjoy the theater... and we have a ready smile for all that
we read in the newspapers. We eat well and drink too much
whenever we can.

If nothing comes along to disturb our peace, we may stick
with this schedule until life itself adjourns. But that is
not likely. If our tranquility is not shaken by external
events... we are likely to give it a good jerk ourselves.
For that is the way things work.

We were trying to describe our book to an interviewer the
other day. "You know," we began, "you have moods... times
when you feel you can do anything... and times when you
think you can do nothing at all. Highs and lows. Ups and
downs. Backs and forths.

"Well, put a lot of people together and you get these
sentiments amplified... magnified by the mob. So, whenever
you have collections of people, you get these kinds of
exaggerated group-think trends. You see these things in all
sorts of collective activities - sporting
events... politics... and markets."

In the 20th century, particularly, politics went haywire.
Huge groups of people came to believe the most absurd
things... and markets, too, went through the biggest booms
and busts on record. Why the 20th century? Because with the
advent of mass communications, all of a sudden, many more
people could participate in the prevailing illusions.

No, we know of no mass movement in favor of
cannibalism... but communism was almost as mad. People were
eaten alive by it.

But mass illusions do not last forever. They are destroyed
by reality... often at great cost. As Buffett says, markets
are a voting machine in the short run (voters can elect any
goofy outcome they want)... but they are a weighing machine
in the long run (when the voters get what they have

The illusion that currently grips America has two parts to
it. The first is merely a holdover from the bubble economy
of the late '90s - that there is something special about
the American economy that places it beyond the laws of
economics. Investors think stock prices only go up... no
matter how expensive they already are. And both democrats
and republicans seem to think they can spend all they
want... with no care for how the money will be paid back.

"All Democratic presidential hopefuls want, to a greater or
lesser degree, to repeal Mr. Bush's tax cuts," explains the
Economist magazine. "Yet they aim to use the money not to
bring down the deficits, but to expand public programs. Mr.
Bush's own new legislation to pay for prescription drugs
under Medicare, the federal health program for the elderly,
will cost $400 billion over the next ten years. A
bipartisan conspiracy exists; it seems to ignore the risks
of a widening deficit."

A paper produced for the American Economic Association goes

"... substantial deficits projected far into the future can
cause a fundamental shift in market expectations and a
related loss of confidence both at home and abroad."

"In other words," adds the Economist, "a full-blown, third-
world style financial crisis."

But Americans cannot imagine it. And just as they believe
their economy is protected by some special magic, so do
they believe a second vast illusion: that their role in the
world makes them invulnerable to the type of setbacks that
have bothered other peoples. But when a man is on top of
the world, the old ball gets slippery. Others lube the
surface... or he spreads the grease himself.

In bookstores throughout the nation you will find Mssrs.
David Frum and Richard Perle with an oil can in their
hands. For there on the shelves is their latest book, "An
End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror."

Frum and Perle are "neo-conservatives." The handle itself
is a double lie, for there is nothing neo nor conservative
about the pair. And the book title is a double
disappointment, too... for it is sure that evil will be with
us long after Frum and Perle have cooled... and that terror
will still make headlines. But you have to admire the
chutzpah of the two. In fewer than 300 pages, they not only
tell how to rid the world of evil... which is a pretty tall
order itself... but also how to re-organize both the mid-
east and the U.S. State Department... and how to put the
French in their place!

And now over to Addison with more news:


Addison Wiggin in Paris...

- The man is a puzzle, an enigma... a living contradiction.
Let's begin: "Globalization," Alan Greenspan affirmed the
obvious yesterday in opening remarks before the Bundesbank,
"has altered the economic frameworks of both developed and
developing nations in ways that are difficult to fully

- We couldn't agree more. Briefly marveling at our own
globalization project here in The Daily Reckoning HQ, we
note that Bill, across the desk, is conducting an interview
with the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong... we have
instant messaging windows open to London and Chicago... and
are trying to connect by fax with a reader in Zürich. We're
planning a small PR campaign in India... and another one
here in France, for the French edition of our book hits
bookstores in Paris this week. How it got to this... well,
it's difficult to fully comprehend.

- But ours is just one inconsequential e-letter of less-
than-penetrating insight. What must it be like to command
the rate of interest for the currency in which a majority
of the world is now conducting business? (At least for the
time being.) We have to admit, we have absolutely no idea.
Nor would we want the job.

- In his critiques of socialist economies, the
economist/philosopher Friedrick Hayek demonstrated that it
was impossible for any one human to collect enough accurate
information at any given time to make a command decision
about the price of a given product. In determining the
price of bread, for example, it's better to let the market
figure out how to factor in the cost of flour, yeast, the
baker's labor etc, than to set it by committee in the
Kremlin. Likewise, bureaucrats can't possible collect
enough information to make informed decisions about
subsidies and trade tariffs. Better let the market
determine them. History has thus far borne Hayek out...

- With messaniac zeal yesterday, Greenspan outlined the
benefits of free markets for his listeners in Germany. The
current account deficit and the "stately" decline of the
dollar are "no problem," suggested Greenspan, so long as
the chocolate-making countries in Europe do not ramp up
protectionist legislation.

- "At a fundamental level," Greenspan sums up the argument,
"Americans have used substantial increases in wealth
generated by our market-driven economy to purchase what
many would view as greater civility." In other words,
credit-goosed consumer capitalism produces a far superior
civilization than the historical remnant Europeans lay
claim to. So far, so good... hey, Mr. Greenspan?

- And yet, Greenspan and his cronies at the Fed set the
price of money - the most liquid and exchangeable of all
products now being produced by man. Dave Lewis, at chaos-
onomics.com, sums up the contradiction nicely: "In the
sense that humans cannot fully comprehend their own slice
of reality, much less the totality, of which the phenomenon
called globalization is a part, isn't this a good reason
NOT to have central bankers? To the extent the main money
man for the powers that be, who are driving the process of
globalization, cannot fully comprehend its effects, why is
he setting the time value of money for the whole world?"
Well, it's difficult to fully comprehend.

- "In the end," Greenspan admits, "the restraint on the
size of tolerable U.S. imbalances in the global arena will
likely be the reluctance of foreign country residents to
accumulate additional debt and equity claims against U.S.
residents." When will that "end" arrive? Greenspan doesn't
know... nor does he think it's inevitable.

- Both former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and PIMCO
founder Bill Gross are in the news today expressing their
fears about deficits... both trade and fiscal. Your editors,
tapping away daily under the rainy skies of Gaul, think
foreigners losing money in dollar-denominated assets might
decide to flee quickly, but what the heck do we know?

- "He who controls the money market controls the stock
market," Daniel Drew said over 150 years ago. "The 'money
market' as Drew refers to it," explains colleague Steve
Sjuggerud in a guest essay below, "is interest rates. Like
it or not, changes in interest rates by the Federal Reserve
have a dramatic effect on stock prices. When the Fed is
hiking rates, you don't make money in stocks... the Fed is
not hiking rates, and with the recent (reported) inflation
numbers at 40-year lows, it doesn't appear that Greenspan
will raise rates for a while. Stocks could rise in that
environment, where people feel like they have to take their
money out of the bank. " [More below... ]

- In support of Greenspan's remarks, Señor Aznar, the prime
minister of Spain, proposed a free trade zone between the
U.S. and the EU. A measure that, given the state of
childish relations between Washington and Brussels (Paris,
rather), will likely be ignored. And très vite, at that.
But overall, Greenspan's speech was, in the words of
Everbank's Chuck Butler, a "non-event" anyway. The dollar
stayed within its 1.27 trading range. Gold dropped a couple
of bucks. The Dow lost 58 points to close at 10,427. "Fresh
earnings warnings are to blame," chimes the consensus. The
S&P lost 6 points to close at 1,121. The Nasdaq slid
sideways... closing down a point.

- Lots of data coming out today. Trade Balance and PPI
numbers come out today... as well as the Fed's Beige book.
We'll get a good look at what rate foreigners are getting
nervous about the dollar decline... how the Fed and Treasury
are faring in the battle against declining rates of
infation... how the nation's businesses are reacting to
trillions of dollars in government stimuli... all in one
day. Titillating... we can't wait.


Bill Bonner, also in Paris...

*** Gold went down $2.60 yesterday. But it is still far
above our latest 'remorse price,' the price at which we
wished we had bought it. Oh for a nice correction in gold
and the euro - so we could 'back up the truck.'

*** We are getting a surprising number of letters. Some
hate us. Some love us. And some just don't know what to

The critics can be divided into two camps... those that hate
us because they think we are leftists who support Howard
Dean... and those that hate us because they think we are
rightists who support Louis 16th.

Many cannot bear our impertinent attitude to everything
they hold dear. And some seem to hate us for no apparent

But it is our headquarters in France that seems to attract
lightning. "Traitors!" thunders the mob. No matter that
Jefferson and Franklin spent many years in Paris... the
current generation of numbskulls seems to take a French
passport stamp as tantamount to treason.

As we mention above, we are rather fond of our European
lifestyle. It gives us a 6-hour headstart each morning - to
write the Daily Reckoning... and enough distance from the
great mass of lumpen-americanoes to avoid getting caught up
in their collective hallucinations. That must be what
really galls our critics.

*** "France is a socialist country... with high taxes and
crushing regulations," say the critics. We offer no defense
of France. Instead, we counter-attack: For after nearly a
decade in Europe, we have found many differences... but the
residue of human liberty in both America and Europe is
similarly small... and current trendlines are converging,
not going their separate ways.

The Economist: "Americans will soon have to accept that
federal spending is rising to a permanently higher level,
one closer to European levels of government spending... "

*** But here's a view we didn't expect. We criticize Bush
because he is an FDR-style activist. Here, a reader
complains that he is not FDR enough:

"In the January 8th Daily Reckoning I couldn't believe your
comparison of what Bush is doing to the economy with FDR's
New Deal. The New Deal never gave huge tax breaks to the
super wealthy, thus accelerating the trend to extreme
difference between the rich and the poor that has been
going on for decades. The New Deal provided for assistance
to those in need... its major effort was not to find excuses
to remove many from eligibility, as the current
administration is doing. The New Deal fought to protect
workers from inhumane treatment and to protect the
environment from pollution, not just the opposite as Bush
is doing.

"The New Deal never made it easy for wealthy individuals
and corporations to completely avoid paying any taxes, as
Bush has done. The New Deal made and enforced laws that
made it hard for corrupt management to cheat the public,
whereas both Bushes completely de-regulate everything they
can, resulting in disasters like Enron, and the old Lincoln
Savings fiasco, thanks to daddy Bush. Under FDR, government
assistance went to those who needed it, not to those who
could give massive financial assistance to the party in the
White House, as a quid pro quo."

*** "It's strange how you never know what you're going to
get with a President," writes our friend Doug Casey on the
same subject. "Few people remember that Franklin Roosevelt
ran on what was almost a radical free-market platform in
1932, decrying the tax, spend, and regulate policies of
Hoover. One might have thought you'd have gotten a fiscal
conservative with Reagan ('If not us, who? If not now,
when?'), but his policies sent the deficit through the
roof. It was reasonable to anticipate a socialist disaster
with Clinton, but government spending grew slower than the
overall economy. Baby Bush, few now recall, made noises
about personal freedom, and no more 'nation building' in
foreign hellholes.

"I'm not sure what conclusion one can draw from all this,
apart from the fact the kind of people who survive in the
game of politics long enough to become President are,
almost necessarily, pathological liars. It would appear
that Boobus americanus doesn't much care. Certainly not if
the domestic economy is good. In which case who cares who's
lying? Or if there's a war or emergency going on? In which
case they believe that almost anything is justified in the
interest of 'national security.'" [For more on the lies
that leaders must tell, see Doug's article on the DR

Politics, Lies and Really Big Government
http://www.dailyreckoning.com/body_headline.cfm?id=3685 ]

*** And here is an old pen-pal, Virginia Abernethy, still
trying to tighten up America's borders:

"Conservatives and some Democrats are resisting Pres.
Bush's open borders policy.

"He cynically left his announcement on amnesty for the 8 to
14 million illegal aliens in the United States until it was
too late for any other candidate to file for the
Republicans primaries.

"But in Tennessee, we are organizing a campaign for a
write-in ballot.

"The decision to support Congressman Tom Tancredo [R-CO]
for the Republican presidential nomination, challenging
incumbent President George W. Bush, stems from President
Bush's recently announced proposals for the 8 to 14 million
illegal aliens now living in the United States.

"President Bush's plan to offer 3-year work permits,
renewable without limit, amounts to amnesty - or worse
still, an open borders policy. That seems like the best
interpretation of Bush's assurance that the plan 'will
offer legal status as temporary workers to the millions of
undocumented men and women now employed in the United
States and to those in foreign countries who seek to
participate in the program and have been offered employment

"According to Harvard economist George Borjas, immigration
costs American workers close to $200 billion annually
through displacing them from jobs and depressing wages.
Other economists estimate that as many as 15 million
Americans are unemployed, discouraged, or involuntarily
part-time workers."

[Editor's note: We try to answer a fair amount of the
letters of substance we receive. We publish still more. But
the task is daunting. Pattie, our courageous e-mail
responder in Baltimore, recently wrote to say that on any
given Monday there are 6,000 e-mails waiting for her in The
Daily Reckoning inbox. So, if we do not get to yours,
please do not take offense... we'll get to you as soon as we

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The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: Dr. Steve Sjuggerud debunks
"the common wisdom" in favor of a (still) contrarian

By Steve Sjuggerud

"The way to make money in Wall Street is to calculate on
what the common people are going to do, and then go and do
just the opposite."

         - Legendary speculator Daniel Drew

"I like China," a broker told me at a neighborhood
Christmas party, "and nanotech... What do you think, Steve?"

Oh boy. Here is "the common wisdom" Daniel Drew was talking
about in the quote above, all wrapped up in a nice blazer
and khakis. My companion then went on to tell me that he
focuses on "safe stocks like Microsoft and Wal-Mart."

This guy is in trouble. How do I know? It's because you
never make and keep extraordinary profits by doing what
"the common people" are doing. You've got to do something
extraordinary... and different. In particular, you've got to
be willing to buy what nobody else wants.

I gave the broker my honest answers... that China is a
bubble like the Nasdaq in 1998, and that nanotech is a long
way off. Both could double from here, of course. But both
will likely end badly.

Specifically, about China, the common people are now buying
China without thinking, just as they did in late 1993. The
story today is exactly the same story I heard in 1993.
China stocks peaked in early 1994, and then the MSCI China
Index fell 90% from 1994 to early this year. Now it's taken
off again. The easy money has already been made...

As for nanotech, I told him that it feels like the great
boom in power stocks after the power crisis in California a
couple of years ago... All the alternative-power stocks
[like Ballard, Plug and Active] soared. Of course, none of
them had any hope of making profits for many years. And all
of them subsequently crashed hard. Nanotech looks the same
to me... there is promise, but no profits, and it could be
many years before they see any.

As for "safe stocks like Microsoft and Wal-Mart"... all I
could think of in my head was the maxim, "things appear the
safest when they are the most risky." In particular, I
thought of the awful bear market of 1973-1974, when the
"safe stocks" all lost over 50% of their values. Take a
look at three of the prime suspects, for example:

               P/E Jan '73    P/E Dec '74      Stock Fall

Coca-Cola:          44             16              -64%
Gilette:            25              9              -60%
General Electric    25             10              -54%

I find the comparison useful for two reasons... First,
Microsoft and Wal-Mart are trading at similar P/Es to the
"safe" stocks of 1973 (Microsoft is at a P/E of 30 and Wal-
Mart is at a P/E of 27). Second, the "safe" stocks were
thought to be the place to hide after the tech-stock boom
of the late 1960s.

The situation is similar today, where we're four years
after the peak in super-speculative stocks, and the common
wisdom is that the "safe" blue chips are the right place to
be. We've seen this movie before. It's called Bear Market
1973-1974. And it doesn't have a happy ending.

With "the common people" chattering about nanotech, China,
and safe stocks, it gives me the willies about the stock
market. People are buying without thinking. Sure the stock
market could rise from here. But I'm not putting too many
eggs in that basket.

What really works when it comes to investing? For me, I
like to look for 1) a situation that nobody likes, and then
2) look for a good value, and finally 3) I wait for the
start of an uptrend.

Sounds simple. But people can't bring themselves to buy
what nobody else likes - people feel comfortable doing what
the common man is doing. You'll never get extraordinary
returns doing the common thing. People also have a hard
time buying good, boring, value - as they prefer to chase
the latest hot fad. Not me! And finally, people are afraid
of uptrends - thinking they've already missed it.

What I'm doing isn't new. It is exactly what Daniel Drew
was doing 150 years ago. "He who controls the money market
controls the stock market," Daniel Drew said in the 1800s
(the "money market" as Drew refers to it, is interest
rates). Drew should know... he was the most successful
speculator of the time and influenced the markets more than
Alan Greenspan and Warren Buffett combined in his day.

Drew is absolutely correct. Like it or not, changes in
interest rates by the Federal Reserve have a dramatic
effect on stock prices. When the Fed is hiking rates, you
don't make money in stocks.

Fortunately, the Fed is not hiking rates, and with the
recent (reported) inflation numbers at 40-year lows, it
doesn't appear that Greenspan will raise rates for a while.
Stocks could rise in that environment, where people feel
like they have to take their money out of the bank.

The only alternative the common man has known for the last
20 years is stocks. He is not buying gold, or commodities.
Are you kidding? The common guy wants stocks. That makes me
not want stocks.

Instead, I'm looking where mainstream investors still
aren't (though perhaps not for much longer): gold.

With interest rates close to zero, gold actually poses
competition to paper money...

When given a choice between government-printed paper money
paying 5% interest, and gold paying no interest, most folks
take the paper money - they figure it's a risk worth
taking. But when the government-printed paper money pays no
interest, and the government behind the money is in debt
somewhere between $80,000 and $400,000 per household in
America, then gold looks more attractive.

Right now, the government does not look likely to raise
interest rates in the near term. And based on that, gold
will continue to be a one-way bet - up!

The "one-way bet" is a simple idea... if inflation is dead,
the government will print money to create inflation (really
to prevent deflation), causing the price of gold to rise.
And if inflation appears, gold will rise even more, as the
dollar continues to fall, until the Fed seriously starts
hiking interest rates multiple times.

There is plenty of room for gold to move higher, even
though it has already moved significantly. Triple-digit
gains are still possible.


Steve Sjuggerud
for the Daily Reckoning

Editor's note: Dr. Steve Sjuggerud has worked in the
investment world as a stockbroker, the vice president of a
$50 million global mutual fund, an international hedge fund
manager, and the director of several research departments.
An international currency expert, he is also a member of
the Oxford Club advisory panel. A version of today's essay
appeared in the October issue of Dr. Sjuggerud's investment

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