-Caveat Lector-

....the real issue.

Now what would James Dobson (CNN Showbiz) and Pat Robertson (re Andy
Rooney, PBS comment) say a Pro-Christ Culture would be like? If we all
trot out a few jingoisms like "down with homosexual activism" and "down
with abortions" is that all it takes? That seems to be all they stand for.

Fragile political-religious platforms which can support nothing ... and
now they wonder why their "words as shallow as sounding brass" and their
"great swelling words" in mockery of the teachings of Christ are having
so much difficulty supporting the Bush platform. Bush is reaping the
shallow mockery of Christ's teachings he has sown, the same mockery the
tele-evangelists have sown.

Any GP psychologist can describe a "Culture X" in the rain forest, given
the opportunity. The "Culture of Life" as called for by both
pope and president (in mockery) seems to escape quack psychologist Dobson.
What would a Pro-Christ Culture be like?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 16:13:36 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Christianparty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Jewish Defense League <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: [arabs-talk] Re: [Antifeminismclub] Terrorist Threat On the
    Internet from scumbag jew Goldman

Saul, aka Paul, continued to call himself "The Jew of Tarsus".
Undoubtedly he would have said that he was a follower of "The King of the
Jews" (said respectfully and not with contempt). There was a schism in
Judaism 2,000 years ago. The White Roman Fascists of the "First Reich"
(people like John KKKnight) and the Edomite Jews took an Anti-Christ
position (see I John 2:22 re antichrists). The Pro-Christ Jews for the
most part dropped the name "Jew" and adopted the name "Christian" later
though the word Christian is only found in three places of the NT.
When Eusebius was writing "Historia Ecceliastica", three centuries before
Mohammed, there were 6 million tombs under Rome in the Catacombs. Though
90% are designated as Christian and 10% as Jews, it is not clear whether
those Jews were Pro-Christ or Anti-Christ. They may very well have been
the latter, ie Israelite Jews rather than Edomite Jews. Perhaps Vatican
scholars know. In any event, both groups were undoubtedly targeted by
the persecutions of the Supremely White First Reich. John KKKnight's
notions about the "good guys" being white and the "bad guys" being
not-white is stupid beyond belief. This is the kind of mental garbage
which got Metzger and his thugs in trouble ("City Confidential" last
night). National Post yesterday had a front page picture showing that
Jesus Christ likely had a more arabic appearance than a Mel Gibson movie
would indicate.

The issue today is not who is "Anti-Semite" and who is "Pro-Semite" as
such expressions are a stupid bastardization of the English language. It
is: Who is "Pro-Christ" and who is "Anti-Christ".

Perhaps the Shiekh who owns the Chechnya-sized Gang Ranch in BC would be
so kind as to allow a city-state-designing contest for the Gang Ranch and
we will find out who is really Pro-Christ and who is Anti-Christ by the
kind of lifestyle they envisage for all of us at Gang Ranch City State.

Let us, the CITIZENS of Canada and America decide by REASONED debate as to
who can offer a better way of life for North Americans. After all the De
Sola Poole Traditional Jewish Prayer Book says, "Judaism has never called
for an unreasoning faith ....". A reasoned faith would eagerly tell us
about the works of a "City of God" at the Gang Ranch according to the
views of Pro-Christ Jews, Anti-Christ Jews and those with other belief
systems from Atheist to Zoroastrians.

Zandu Goldbar
Learned Elder of Zion/POC Financier

On Sun, 22 Feb 2004, Christianparty wrote:

> In addition, your inflammatory rhetoric about "neo-nazi sites" is blasphemy,
> another crime in this putative Christian nation, as we are NOT jews, and
> nazis WERE jews.
> John Knight
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jack Perrine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Jewish Defense League" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2004 8:10 AM
> Subject: [Antifeminismclub] RE: your email
> as you did to just send a list of articles / books one might read that
> might encourage them to like Jews.

> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Jewish Defense League [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Sat 21 Feb 2004 12:47
> >Subject: your email
> >
> >Jack:
> >
> >Thank you for sending us your message, which has been routed through a
> >neo-nazi site. We appreciate having your address and phone number, as we
> >like to know who and where the Jew-haters are.
> >
> >Sincerely,
> >
> >Rhonda Goldman
> >Jewish Defense League
> >www.jdl.org

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