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-Caveat Lector-

Influence and bailouts a business tradition in Bush family


© St. Petersburg Times, published October 29, 2000

Once upon a time, a rich and powerful father gathered his four young sons and urged 
them to
become rich and powerful, too. Take risks. Push yourselves. Influence others, he 
ordered in a
bold voice.

Then he whispered, "And if you muck things up, a fairy godfather will always appear to 
things better."

Those may not have been the precise words spoken, but this is no tall tale. It's the 
model adopted long ago by George and Barbara Bush to propel sons George W., Jeb, Marvin
and Neil into the high ranks of industry and, at least for two boys, politics.

Sure, by now in the presidential campaign Dubya's dubious business transactions have 
poked at repeatedly by the media.

No question, Jeb's numerous and often questionable business dealings have been scoured
more than once.

Little has been written about Marvin, an investment adviser. Neil, the youngest, took 
serious legal heat in the 1980s for his role in the demise of a Denver savings and 
loan. But he
has since retreated to the Bush home turf of Houston and largely disappeared from the
national spotlight.

Altogether, the Bush boys' business deals have received scant attention.

What's intriguing is that, time and again, all four brothers have chosen to use a 
similar two-step business model.

STEP 1: Leverage the Bush family name and a small personal investment into really big
money, always provided by others.

STEP 2: If any deal goes sour, exit early with personal fortune intact. Or rely on a 
bailout from
one of Dad's fairy godfathers: some of the thousands of wealthy Republican fundraisers 
longtime supporters of former President Bush.

Of course, playing off the privileged and famous Bush name is inevitable. To a point.

But to the Bush boys, dubbed the "Shrubs" by detractors, it's become a chronic 
A habit of striking consistency.

The Bushes uniformly deny any wrongdoing and insist they haven't profited improperly 
on their
family's political and financial connections. But let's just take a quick peek at some 
of the more
interesting "Bush business model" deals pursued over the years by each of the boys.

George W.

Alaska construction: At age 27 and halfway through two years at Harvard Business 
Dubya spent the summer of 1974 in Alaska working for a small airline-and-construction
business. The company, Alaska International Industries, had received a letter from an
executive at a Houston construction company asking about a job for Bush. The aviation 
of Alaska International had an unusual list of clients that just happened to include 
the shah of
Iran and the Central Intelligence Agency. Dubya's father would be appointed CIA 
director the
following year.

Oil deals: In Texas, Dubya took his $50,000 trust fund and in 1977 started his first 
Arbusto Energy Inc. He got friends to invest in various drilling ventures that mostly 
nowhere (but did generate big tax deductions). Friendly investors arranged a 1984 deal 
in which
struggling Arbusto was acquired by another drilling company called Spectrum 7. When 
Energy bought Spectrum in 1986, George wound up on the board with a $120,000 consulting
gig and $530,380 worth of stock.

In the midst of his father's presidency in 1990, Bush unloaded his Harken shares for 
Less than two months later, Iraqi troops marched into Kuwait, throwing the oil 
business into
turmoil. Harken shares plummeted and the company reported a $20-million quarterly 
loss. The
Securities and Exchange Commission investigated Dubya for improper insider trading but 
no reprimand. At the time, the SEC was headed by Richard Breeden, a former aide to
President Bush.

Baseball: Dubya was appointed managing partner of the Texas Rangers baseball team, even
though he put up only $600,000 of mostly borrowed money for a 1.8 percent stake in the
team. Among the big backers buying the Rangers were William DeWitt (a fellow Yale alum 
Dubya's) and Mercer Reynolds. Both were major contributors to President Bush's 
Earlier, the two also were in on the rescue of Dubya's oil company.

Dubya later sold out of the Rangers' ownership group. His take: $15-million. That sum 
Dubya rich and finally in a comfortable position to pursue a political career.

In 1998, Dubya and his wife reported income of $18,405,524, on which they paid federal 
of $3,772,252, or 20.5 percent. Most of their 1998 income came from long-term capital 
And nearly all of that resulted from the original $600,000 investment in the Texas 


Miami real estate: After relocating to Miami from Texas, Jeb quickly teamed up with 
American real estate investor Armando Codina. A prominent fundraiser and staunch 
of President Bush, Codina took Jeb under his wing and eventually made him a partner in 
Codina Bush commercial real estate business. Jeb, with no investment, would get 40 
percent of
the real estate company's profits plus chances to invest in other ventures. After Jeb 
the race for Florida governor and lost to Lawton Chiles in 1994, Codina welcomed Bush 
back to
the firm. That relationship made Jeb a millionaire, with a net worth of about 
$2.4-million by

Water pumps: In 1988, the same year Jeb's father became president, Jeb formed a
partnership with David Eller, Broward County's Republican fundraiser, to market 
irrigation and
flood control pumps overseas. Bush went to Nigeria, where he pledged his father would
increase aid to developing countries, according to Nigerian press reports. Nigeria 
received $74-
million in loans from the federally backed Export-Import Bank of the United States to 
buy the
pumps, giving Jeb a healthy commission. Twelve years later, Nigeria has yet to repay 
most of
the loans.

Golf community, IBM property: When Bush and Codina needed to unload Deering Bay, an
upscale South Florida golf community that had lost millions, they found a buyer in 
developer and major Republican fundraiser Al Hoffman. Hoffman would become the primary
finance chairman of Jeb's successful campaign for governor.

Separately, in what Jeb considers one of his biggest deals as a real estate broker, 
his firm was
hired by IBM Corp. to find a buyer for its massive Boca Raton office park. Jeb handled 
the sale
personally. He eventually sold the property for about $46-million in 1997 to a group 
included Mark Guzzetta, a key fundraiser for then-former President Bush. Guzzetta 
later co-
chaired Jeb's campaign for governor.

Jeb said he got a great sales price for IBM. This year, Guzzetta and his partners sold 
property for about $140-million, nearly three times what they paid a few years ago.


Coral Gables director: As an executive of Winston Partners Group, a northern Virginia
investment company, Marvin was named to the board of South Florida-based Fresh Del 
Produce in 1998. The international fruit and vegetable company, run by the Abu- 
family, has a board full of Bush family friends. Among them: Stephen Way, who heads
Houston-based HCC Insurance Holdings and is a major fundraiser for Bush family 
Way also invited Marvin on to the HCC board last year, a position that pays Bush 
thousands of
dollars and gave him options to purchase 12,500 shares of HCC common stock.

Stratasec: Marvin was recruited to join the board of this secretive Virginia security 
that serves international corporations and governments. The company is awash in ex-
government security and military personnel. Among them: Barry McDaniel, who served 
the Reagan years as deputy director of readiness for the U.S. Army Materiel Command; 
retired U.S. Air Force General James A. Abrahamson, who served as director of President
Reagan's "Star Wars" Strategic Defense Initiative.

The company touts such major customers as Dulles airport near Washington, as well as 
Alamos National Laboratories (where former scientist Wen Ho Lee pleaded guilty to 
downloading nuclear weapons design secrets).

KuwAm Corp.: The investment company, with roots in Kuwait (the country "liberated" by
President Bush's Gulf War), is a large backer of Stratasec. Stratasec chief executive 
Walker also is a managing director of KuwAm. And KuwAm chairman Mishal Yousef Saud Al
Sabah also sits on Stratasec's board.


Silverado failure: In the mid-1980s, Neil served as a director of Denver's Silverado 
Savings &
Loan. The bank loaned more than $100-million to Neil's two partners in JNB 
Exploration, their
unsuccessful oil company. Silverado later failed, in part because Neil's two partners 
did not
repay $132-million in loans. After years of regulatory hand-wringing, Neil was fined 
$50,000 for
ethical lapses. He did not appeal the fine.

Oil deals: Like brother Dubya, Neil went into the oil business with poor results. In 
1989, he
bailed out of JNB Exploration, the company where he became president with a personal
investment of a few hundred dollars. His next company, Apex Energy, was formed with a
personal investment of $3,000, plus a $2.3-million loan from the federal government's 
program. Like JNB, Apex went belly-up with few assets to repay the SBA. Afterward, Bill
Daniels, a cable-TV magnate and prominent contributor to President Bush, offered Neil 
a job.

Interlink: Neil now runs Interlink Management Corp., a Houston business based in the 
building as his father's office. Interlink invests in small companies such as 
Lithium Technology (rechargeable batteries) and represents Universal Display Corp. 
(flat panel
displays) in Asia. Interlink's executives included "Bush Pioneers": fundraisers who 
have raised at
least $100,000 for Dubya's campaign.

Building a political dynasty has been a priority of George and Barb Bush for decades.

Almost 40 years ago, in the height of the Kennedy era, a competitive George Bush was 
to say: "Just wait 'til I turn these Bush boys out."

So far, the former president and wife have done a pretty good job. If you don't look 

-- Robert Trigaux can be reached at (727) 893-8405 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

© Copyright 2003 St. Petersburg Times. All rights reserved
Grand Forks, North Dakota, US of A
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written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
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Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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