-Caveat Lector-

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Paedophile expert jailed for abuse 3/16/04 by Mark Easton ""Depraved, corrupt and persistent" - a judge describing Stephen King, a 54-year-old paedophile from South London who was today jailed for seven years for grooming and sexually abusing three young girls." ""It's two years since the FBI sent police here names of people who'd paid for child porn on the internet but still thousands of those individuals have never had even a knock on the door.  New figures released by the Home Office last night show that there were 7,200 names on the original list, reduced to 6,500 when duplicates were removed. Since then just over 1,200 have been charged and there have been 655 convictions so far BUT 2,400 people have yet to be visited." http://www.channel4.com/news/2004/03/week_3/16_paed.html
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