-Caveat Lector-

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Thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses Abused, Groups Say AP 3/28/04 Nashville "Present and former Jehovah's Witnesses who claim they were sexually abused by congregation leaders gathered in their first national caucus Saturday, sharing grievances about the religion's handling of abuse complaints and discussing legal strategy. William Bowen, former leader of a Kentucky congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, said Saturday that more than 6,000 alleged sexual abuse victims have contacted a group he founded in 2001 to express "outrage at being silenced by the bad institutional policies" of the faith."

Rwandans Are Struggling To Love Children of Hate By Emily Wax 3/28/04 Kigali, Rwanda -- Hands covering her eyes, her thin legs crossed to try to stop what she could not, Eugenia Muhayimana screamed out to God as the baby pushed through her birth canal. She said she yelled and kicked during two hours of labor, hoping her heart would stop, her soul would drift away and she and her infant would pass to a world where they could live in peace. "We are already dead," Muhayimana recalled thinking. "I wished we could just disappear." Her pregnancy was not conceived in love, or in a casual encounter. It was what women in Africa call a pregnancy of war. In 1994, during Rwanda's genocide, she was one of an estimated 250,000 women raped by Hutu militia groups. She survived three years of sexual slavery in the militia's forest encampments and emerged with a son and pregnant with a daughter. Today they are known as les enfants de mauvais souvenir, the children of bad memories. More than 10,000 children were born of rapes during the genocide, according to victims' groups. They are the living legacy of a time of death, in which an estimated 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were slaughtered in 100 days." http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A29888-2004Mar27?language=printer 

article has graphic descriptions of crimes - Woman called priestess of satanic cult says she's changed - Inmate has served 15 years in prison in Mexico for ritual sacrifices of 13 people Dane Schiller, San Antonio Express-News 3/28/04 Mexico City "...Sara Aldrete more resembles a mall rat than the priestess of a border town cult that ritually sacrificed college student Mark Kilroy and a dozen other people." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/03/28/MNGGR5RF0E1.DTL

Church must pay for Nfld. sexual assaults by Kirk Makin Globe and Mail Update 3/25/04 "A Roman Catholic diocese in Newfoundland is vicariously liable for hundreds of sexual assaults one of its priests committed against young boys over a 30-year period, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled. The court also found that two successive bishops were directly liable for their "failure to properly direct and discipline" Father Kevin Bennett during his prolonged sexual rampage. Father Bennett's 36 victims will be paid by the diocese after a trial court determines the actual abuse each plaintiff suffered and how much they should be paid to compensate. A lawyer for the plaintiffs, Richard Rogers, predicted that based on recent cases involving abuse by priests - where damage awards have amounted to several hundreds of thousands of dollars - the individual awards will be high." http://www.globeandmail.ca/servlet/story/RTGAM.20040325.wscoc0325_2/BNStory/National/
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