-Caveat Lector-

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Accused priest heads to Michigan - Reinstated by Vatican, he can't have Navy job 4/21/04 by David Crumm "The first Catholic priest in the United States to be reinstated because of a loophole in the church's zero-tolerance policy on sexual behavior with minors is headed back to Michigan, the Archdiocese of Detroit said Tuesday.  The U.S. Navy will not take back the Rev. Brian Bjorklund, 64, for reassignment as a chaplain in California, even though the Vatican has ruled in the priest's favor, Detroit Auxiliary Bishop Walter Hurley said. In February, the Vatican reinstated the priest to active ministry, saying the charge against him - sex with a 16-year-old boy in the 1970s -- wasn't a crime under church law at the time. That ruling cast a national spotlight on Bjorklund because it opened a major loophole in the get-tough, zero-tolerance policy on abusers that Catholic bishops in the United States adopted in 2002." http://www.freep.com/news/mich/cath21_20040421.htm

Emotional Trauma &  Childhood Amnesia Reprinted from: the Journal of Consciousness & Emotion, 4 (2), 151-178, 2003  by R. Joseph, Ph.D. Brain Research Laboratory "The results indicate, therefore, that childhood amnesia has its offset at around age 3.5 for the general population and 6.1 for those with a history of early trauma, and that repetitive instances of traumatic episodes significantly disrupt memory and neurological functioning such that individuals who were repeatedly traumatized experience a period of childhood amnesia which is almost twice that of the general population....It has been reported (Joseph, 1999), that those claiming no memory for their childhood were victims of repetitive instances of severe emotional or sexual trauma.  Disturbances of early memory have been frequently reported among adults who were traumatized or abused as children (Berliner, Hyman, Thomas, Fitzgerald, 2003; Briere & Conte, 1995; Courtois, 1995; Duggal & Sroufe, 1998; Elliot, 1997; Wessel, Merckelbach, & Dekkers, 2002). The more prolonged or repetitive the trauma, and the younger the victim, the greater is the degree of amnesia (Joseph, 1998, 1999). Severe disturbances of memory, and related post traumatic stress disorders have also been reported for victims of childhood sexual abuse (Briere & Conte, 1995; Briere & Elliott, 1994; Courtois, 1995; Duggal & Sroufe, 1998; Elliott, 1997; Polusny & Follette, 1995; Williams, 1994), rape (Burnam, Stein, Golding, Siegel, Sorenson, Forsythe, & Telles, 1988; Christianson & Nilsson, 1984; Donaldson & Gardner, 1985)..." http://brain-mind.com/TraumaAmnesia.html
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