-Caveat Lector- also has
"Last month, the U.S. Army announced 17 soldiers in Iraq, including a brigadier general, had been removed from duty after charges of mistreating Iraqi prisoners."

has graphic descriptions of rituals and crimes



three fwds from L Moss Sharman Area authorities no strangers to cult, ritual probes by Robin Erb 4/27/04 "The recent investigation into the 1980 murder of Sister Margaret Ann Pahl wasn't the first time authorities have come across the possibility of satanic rituals in northwest Ohio.Five years after the Mercy Hospital nun was strangled and stabbed, tips, surveillance, and an infrared aerial sweep of Spencer Township prompted Lucas County Sheriff James Telb and investigators to spend two days excavating a woody area in western Lucas County. They were looking for the bodies of 50 to 60 babies and children who reportedly had been sacrificed over several years during cult rituals. "We hear these things for 4 1/2 months, we had to act on it," the sheriff told The Blade yesterday. Investigators found nothing of substance, and the dig was abandoned. But nearly two decades later, the allegations then loosely echo those of a woman who told local authorities last year that, as a child, she was an unwilling participant in rituals in which other children and animals were sacrificed or mutilated. Priest accused of killing Later, in high school, she said she was used for sadomasochistic sex. Among the perpetrators, she alleged, was Father Gerald Robinson, who was arrested Friday for the 1980 murder of Sister Margaret Ann Pahl." http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20040427/NEWS03/404270346/-1/NEWS

Victims' group faults reaction by local diocese - Priest accused of killing nun on radar for a year, SNAP says By Christina Hall 4/27/04 "A priest accused of killing a nun 24 years ago continued to serve until his arrest, and a local victims' group wants to know why the Toledo Catholic Diocese didn't place him on leave last year after a woman accused him of perpetrating sadomasochistic sex or when investigators reopened the murder investigation....." The murder case was reopened last year after a woman testified before the Diocesan Review Board and wrote a detailed statement alleging years of sexual, physical, and psychological abuse by Toledo diocesan and religious-order priests during her childhood and continuing into high school. In addition to claiming she was an unwilling participant in satanic rituals, she also accused Father Robinson of sexually assaulting her when she was a teen." http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20040427/NEWS03/404270341/-1/NEWS

Court backs trial to keep molester James Porter locked up indefinitely 4/26/04 AP Boston "A Superior Court judge ruled today that there is enough evidence to hold a trial on the state's bid to keep former priest James Porter locked up indefinitely as a sexually dangerous person. Judge David McLaughlin's ruling came after a two-week hearing on Bristol District Attorney Paul Walsh's petition to have Porter committed to the Massachusetts Treatment Center for sexual offenders. Porter, 69, was convicted in 1993 of molesting 28 children during the 1960s and 1970s while he was a priest in the Fall River Diocese. He completed his prison sentence in January, but has remained in custody while prosecutors made their case to commit him civilly." http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/4743455.html

Protestant sex abuse: A $69 million cost -  Why did the Chicago-based Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's sex-abuse scandal get so little, if any, real media coverage? Carol Marin 4/28/04 ""It involved a Chicago-based denomination of 5 million members that, according to the Associated Press, "has drawn comparisons to the worst abuses committed during the Roman Catholic molestation crisis."....Fourteen male victims. A bishop accused of looking the other way. And a whopping $37 million civil jury award plus a separate out of court settlement of $32 million for a total of $69 million....It involves the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, headquartered on West Higgins Road in Chicago, and a former minister named Gerald Patrick Thomas Jr., who was the pastor of one of the denomination's churches in Marshall, Texas. Arrested in 2001, Thomas is now in federal prison on child pornography charges. When he is done serving a five-year sentence there, he'll move on to a Texas state penitentiary where he has been sentenced to 397 years for molesting boys." http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/printedition/chi-0404280117apr28,1,2523690.story?coll=chi-printcommentary-hed

Church Fires Priest Known for Defending Victims 4/29/04 "The U.S. Roman Catholic priest who has provided the most visible help to victims of clergy sex abuse  for the past 18 years has been fired by his archbishop and cannot celebrate public Masses. It's the second career disruption for the Rev. Thomas P. Doyle (search). In 1986, the Vatican embassy in Washington ended his employment as staff canon lawyer after Doyle co-authored a detailed memo sent to the nation's bishops that warned of the molestation crisis.  Doyle became the most outspoken U.S. priest in criticizing the American hierarchy's handling of the scandal. He has provided victims pastoral counsel and expert legal advise in numerous suits against the church.  After Vatican service, Doyle enlisted as a U.S. Air Force chaplain. Last Sept. 17, Archbishop Edwin O'Brien of the Archdiocese for the Military Services (search) withdrew his endorsement as a chaplain, meaning he cannot function as a priest on military bases or celebrate sacraments. The stated reason was a disagreement over whether military chaplains must provide public Masses every day, but observers charged Thursday that Doyle's advocacy for victims is the underlying reason." http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,118554,00.html

Abuse Of Iraqi POWs By GIs Probed April 29, 2004 (CBS)Â"Last month, the U.S. Army announced 17 soldiers in Iraq, including a brigadier general, had been removed from duty after charges of mistreating Iraqi prisoners.  But the details of what happened have been kept secret, until now.  It turns out photographs surfaced showing American soldiers abusing and humiliating Iraqis being held at a prison near Baghdad. The Army investigated, and issued a scathing report.  Now, an Army general and her command staff may face the end of long military careers. And six soldiers are facing court martial in Iraq -- and possible prison time." ""60 Minutes II has a dozen of these pictures, and there are many more â pictures that show Americans, men and women in military uniforms, posing with naked Iraqi prisoners.  There are shots of the prisoners stacked in a pyramid, one with a slur written on his skin in English.  In some, the male prisoners are positioned to simulate sex with each other. And in most of the pictures, the Americans are laughing, posing, pointing, or giving the camera a thumbs-up."
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