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Disney Forbidding Distribution of Film That Criticizes Bush

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Gang rape trial underway in France 5/5/04 "Seventeen people have gone on trial in France for the gang rape of 18 children. Most of the victims are the defendants' offspring. The paedophilia case is one of the largest to be tried in northern France and has shocked the country's population. Prosecutors allege 18 children, aged between three and 12, were attacked over a five-year period at their run-down housing estate near Boulogne....The case is expected to last six weeks and will hear some of the victims testify against their parents. Three of the defendants have admitted rape." http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s1101445.htm

Child rape trial opens in France 5/4/04 "Seventeen people have gone on trial in northern France on charges of gang raping 18 children, aged three to 12, over a period of five years. The six women and 11 men have also been charged with "rape with torture" and "rape with barbaric acts". Some of their own children were named as victims.  The alleged incidents, which have shocked France, happened in Outreau, near the port of Boulogne-sur-Mer. Fourteen of the defendants, aged 24 to 67, deny any involvement....The children, once they had been placed in foster care, told investigators they had been fondled, raped, coerced into performing sex acts and forced to watch pornographic films....The children named other individuals involved, some of them neighbours.  Police seized sex toys and pornographic videos from the family apartment, where the illicit sex sessions allegedly took place." http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3683255.stm

America's Deep, Dark Secret 5/2/04 "a new book, "The State Boys Rebellion," by Michael D'Antonio, reveals even more: A large proportion of the kids who were locked up were not retarded at all. They were simply poor, uneducated kids with no place to go, who ended up in institutions like the Fernald School in Waltham, Mass....In 1994 Senate hearings, it came out that scientists from MIT had been giving radioactive oatmeal to the boys - men now - in a nutrition study for Quaker Oats. All they knew is that they'd been asked to join a science club...."But they forgot to mention the milk was radioactive," says David White-Lief, an attorney who worked on the state task force investigating the science club. He says he was outraged that the children were exploited without their knowledge. "It's my contention, and it was my contention on the task force, that these experiments, because of the lack of informed consent, violated the Nuremburg Code established just 10 years earlier," says White-Lief. "The lesson of Nazi Germany was we don't do experiments on people without informed consent. They didn't use the word "informed consent" - without knowing consent."  Boyce, also in the science club, got a group of members together and they sued. Each received approximately $60,000 in compensation from MIT, Quaker Oats and the government." http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/04/29/60minutes/main614728.shtml

With Child Kidnappings on Rise, Afghans Seek Help From Public By Carlotta Gall 4/30/04 Kabul, Afghanistan, April 29 - The Afghan interior minister, Ali Ahmad Jalali, made an unusual appeal to the public on Thursday to watch out for child kidnappers and traffickers, after the police uncovered widespread cases of child kidnapping across the country. More than 187 children have been rescued from kidnappers, and 100 kidnappers have been caught in the past year, Mr. Jalali said. Women, girls and boys are being kidnapped in every province of the country, often by criminal networks that deal in human trafficking, using children for crime or even trading body parts, he said." http://www.nytimes.com/2004/04/30/international/asia/30afgh.html

Disney Forbidding Distribution of Film That Criticizes Bush
Published: May 5, 2004
WASHINGTON, May 4 â The Walt Disney Company is blocking its Miramax division from distributing a new documentary by Michael Moore that harshly criticizes President Bush, executives at both Disney and Miramax said Tuesday.
The film, "Fahrenheit 911," links Mr. Bush and prominent Saudis â including the family of Osama bin Laden â and criticizes Mr. Bush's actions before and after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
Disney, which bought Miramax more than a decade ago, has a contractual agreement with the Miramax principals, Bob and Harvey Weinstein, allowing it to prevent the company from distributing films under certain circumstances, like an excessive budget or an NC-17 rating.

Executives at Miramax, who became principal investors in Mr. Moore's project last spring, do not believe that this is one of those cases, people involved in the production of the film said. If a compromise is not reached, these people said, the matter could go to mediation, though neither side is said to want to travel that route.
In a statement, Matthew Hiltzik, a spokesman for Miramax, said: "We're discussing the issue with Disney. We're looking at all of our options and look forward to resolving this amicably." But Disney executives indicated that they would not budge from their position forbidding Miramax to be the distributor of the film in North America. Overseas rights have been sold to a number of companies, executives said.
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