-Caveat Lector- also has :
Memos Reveal War Crimes Warnings    
The Roots of Torture

scroll for news articles

site has very graphic descriptions of abuse
"more than 100 incidents of rape, sexual assault and other forms of sexual misconduct reported in the past 18 months by U.S. women soldiers currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan who have been sexually assaulted by fellow U.S. soldiers.  The military's response to these victims has been grossly inadequate. Many victims did not receive even the most basic medical care." http://www.stopfamilyviolence.org/sfvo/mil_sa_iraq.html

this one fwd from L Moss Sharman - Disgraced choirmaster resurfaces at Ottawa church  By Sarah Crosbie 5/15/04 Local News - OTTAWA ""Gallienne, acclaimed as a brilliant musician, teacher and organist, was exposed in 1990 as a predatory pedophile who exploited his position of trust and authority as choirmaster and organist at St. George's Anglican Cathedral in Kingston for at least 15 years.  In that time he sexually abused more than a dozen young boys, some as young as eight. In the fall of 1990, he pleaded guilty to 20 sex crimes against 13 young boys." ""a document that forbade him to be involved in a music program or holding a leadership position again in any Anglican Church in the Kingston region." http://www.thewhig.com/webapp/sitepages/content.asp?contentid=67379&catname=Local+News

History of Child Abuse and Neglect Laws http://www.theawarenesscenter.org/HistoryChildAbuse.html

Memos Reveal War Crimes Warnings      By Michael Isikoff
    Newsweek      Monday 17 May 2004  Could Bush administration officials be prosecuted for 'war crimes' as a result of new measures used in the war on terror? The White House's top lawyer thought so.

   The Roots of Torture
    By John Barry, Michael Hirsh and Michael Isikoff
    Newsweek International     May 24 Issue
The road to Abu Ghraib began after 9/11, when Washington wrote new rules to fight a new kind of war.
But a NEWSWEEK investigation shows that, as a means of pre-empting a repeat of 9/11, Bush, along with Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and Attorney General John Ashcroft, signed off on a secret system of detention and interrogation that opened the door to such methods. It was an approach that they adopted to sidestep the historical safeguards of the Geneva Conventions, which protect the rights of detainees and prisoners of war. In doing so, they overrode the objections of Secretary of State Colin Powell and America's top military lawyers - and they left underlings to sweat the details of what actually happened to prisoners in these lawless places. While no one deliberately authorized outright torture, these techniques entailed a systematic softening up of prisoners through isolation, privations, insults, threats and humiliation - methods that the Red Cross concluded were "tantamount to torture."
    The Bush administration created a bold legal framework to justify this system of interrogation, according to internal government memos obtained by NEWSWEEK. What started as a carefully thought-out, if aggressive, policy of interrogation in a covert war - designed mainly for use by a handful of CIA professionals - evolved into ever-more ungoverned tactics that ended up in the hands of untrained MPs in a big, hot war. Originally, Geneva Conventions protections were stripped only from Qaeda and Taliban prisoners. But later Rumsfeld himself, impressed by the success of techniques used against Qaeda suspects at Guantanamo Bay, seemingly set in motion a process that led to their use in Iraq, even though that war was supposed to have been governed by the Geneva Conventions. Ultimately, reservist MPs, like those at Abu Ghraib, were drawn into a system in which fear and humiliation were used to break prisoners' resistance to interrogation.
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