-Caveat Lector- also has :
Abu Ghraib Whistle Blower Under Attack by Military
New Details of Prison Abuse Emerge  

some articles have graphic descriptions of abuse

ritual abuse conference

Articles on Wenatchee from

Consultant Finds No Fault in Sex Ring Probe - Tri-City Herald, A7, 2/22/96, (AP)
Wenatchee - A consultant hired by the city's insurer to look into the way Wenatchee police conducted child sex-abuse investigations said Wednesday the cases were properly handled. "In hindsight, anything can be done better. But what I'm here to tell you is that the investigator met the standard of care that is exercised in the policy industry in this case," retired Bellevue Police Chief D.P. "Don" Van Blaricom told reporters at a city hall news conference...A justice Department Investigation, completed last month, found no evidence of civil-rights violations...He (Van Blaricom) also said he found nothing improper in asking alleged victims leading questions, or in police lying or using a ruse to get a confession from a suspect..."I found (the report by Kathryn Lyons criticizing police methods in the case)... was based upon interviews with disgruntled employees at CPS..., interviews with people who (pleaded) guilty or were found guilty by juries..." (Note: in a 11/27/97 article "Ex-chief accused of sexual abuse" Van Blaricom is accused of alleged sexual abuse.)

Lowry's request for federal review of sex-ring probe draws attack - Tri-city Herald - 10/6/95 (AP) - Wenatchee - Police and Prosecutors are complaining that Justice Department officials considering a federal inquiry into Wenatchee's sex-ring investigation are working from a one-sided report compiled by critics of the probe...Twenty eight adults have been charged since last fall with child rape and sexual abuse in what authorities describe as two loosely organized sex rings in operation since 1988. Authorities say as many as 50 children may have been involved.

Doctor confirms abuse in sex-ring case - (AP) 12/5/96 - Waterville - "One girl showed definite medical signs of sexual abuse and it could not be ruled for two others, a defense witness testified (Dr Deborah Harper)...in the child rape and molestation trial of a Pentacostal preacher and his wife... Prosecutors allege unordained pastor Robert "Roby" Roberson and his wife, Connie, has sex with children at the East Wenatchee Pentacostal Church of God House and Prayer and at their home."

Pastor, wife charged with perjury, fraud - AP - Tri-city Herald 10/7/95 - "Waterville - A pastor and his wife awaiting trial on charges they were participating in a child sex ring were charged today with perjury and welfare fraud."

"...Pleads guilty to fraud" Tri-City Herald - Doug Campbell (staff writer) "Robert Roberson pleaded guilty to one count of first degree theft, a felony, and one count of "false swearing," a gross misdemeanor. He originally faced eight counts of perjury and one count of first degree theft." (All charges were dismissed against his wife - Pastor Wants Credit for Media Time - 7/12/96 Tri-City Herald A5 (AP)

this one forwarded from L Moss Sharman - Six assigned to state school seek apology - Men were classified as 'morons' as result of flawed test in 1950s By Scott Allen, Globe Staff 5/19/04 "Six men who were inaccurately branded "morons" as children and confined for years at a state school for people with mental retardation are asking Governor Mitt Romney to apologize and possibly compensate them for their mistreatment. They also want him to correct the education records of thousands of others who they believe met a similar fate in Massachusetts before 1960." http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2004/05/19/six_assigned_to_state_school_seek_apology/

Continuing the Cover-Up?
  By Brian Ross and Alexandra Salomon
  ABC News   Friday 21 May 2004
Military Takes Action Against Key Witness in Abu Ghraib Abuse Scandal.
  A witness who told ABCNEWS he believed the military was covering up the extent of abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison was today stripped of his security clearance and told he may face prosecution because his comments were "not in the national interest."
  Sgt. Samuel Provance said in addition to his revoked security clearance, he was transferred to a different platoon, and his record was officially "flagged," meaning he cannot be promoted or given any awards or honors.
  Provance said he was told he will face administrative action for failing to report what he knew at the time and for failing to take steps to stop the abuse.
  "I see it as an effort to intimidate Sgt. Provance and any other soldier whose conscience is bothering him, and who wants to come forward and tell what really happened at Abu Ghraib," said his attorney Scott Horton.

has graphic descriptions of abuse

    New Details of Prison Abuse Emerge     By Scott Higham and Joe Stephens     Washington Post
    Friday 21 May 2004
Abu Ghraib Detainees' Statements Describe Sexual Humiliation And Savage Beatings.
    Previously secret sworn statements by detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq describe in raw detail abuse that goes well beyond what has been made public, adding allegations of prisoners being ridden like animals, sexually fondled by female soldiers and forced to retrieve their food from toilets.
    The fresh allegations of prison abuse are contained in statements taken from 13 detainees shortly after a soldier reported the incidents to military investigators in mid-January. The detainees said they were savagely beaten and repeatedly humiliated sexually by American soldiers working on the night shift at Tier 1A in Abu Ghraib during the holy month of Ramadan, according to copies of the statements obtained by The Washington Post.
    The statements provide the most detailed picture yet of what took place on the cellblock. Some of the detainees described being abused as punishment or discipline after they were caught fighting or with a prohibited item. Some said they were pressed to denounce Islam or were force-fed pork and liquor. Many provided graphic details of how they were sexually humiliated and assaulted, threatened with rape, and forced to masturbate in front of female soldiers.

    "They forced us to walk like dogs on our hands and knees," said Hiadar Sabar Abed Miktub al-Aboodi, detainee No. 13077. "And we had to bark like a dog, and if we didn't do that they started hitting us hard on our face and chest with no mercy. After that, they took us to our cells, took the mattresses out and dropped water on the floor and they made us sleep on our stomachs on the floor with the bags on our head and they took pictures of everything."
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