-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

article describes abuse - Group Claims Rampant Abuse in Children's Homes - Abuse in German church-run children's homes was widespread, victims say. 5/29/04 "Nuns, priests and educators in German children's homes systematically abused the young people there, according to a recently-formed lobbying group....Their association, which hopes to be a forum and interest group for people who spent parts of their childhood in institutions, is meeting in the city of Kassel...."We demand a public apology for the harm that was done to us in these institutions," Jean-Pierre de Picco, chairman of the victims' association, told reporters....According to him, there were around 3,600 children's homes in Germany in the 1950s and 60s, and while abuse did not take place in all of them, the horrific stories of mistreatment are not isolated cases. Of the cases of abuse reported thus far, 90 percent happened in Catholic children's homes." http://www.dw-world.de/english/0,3367,1430_A_1220276_1_A,00.html

The American Academy of Experts of Traumatic Stress pages on trauma http://www.crisisinfo.org/documents.htm

Intelligence Agents Accused in Abuse
  The Associated Press
  Saturday 29 May 2004
  WASHINGTON (AP) -- Several U.S. guards allege they witnessed military intelligence operatives encouraging the abuse of Iraqi prison inmates at four prisons other than Abu Ghraib, investigative documents show.
  Court transcripts and Army investigator interviews provide the broadest view of evidence that abuses, from forcing inmates to stand in hoods in 120-degree heat to punching them, occurred at a Marine detention camp and three Army prison sites in Iraq besides Abu Ghraib.
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