-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

this one fwd from L Moss Sharman - Regina priest arrested CP Regina "A Regina priest appeared in court yesterday charged with making child pornography, soliciting children and obtaining the services of a prostitute. Pedro Surtida Aldea had been arrested at the airport Thursday night after returning home from a vacation....Aldea, 66, has been the priest at Sacred Heart Parish and the priest moderator at St. Cecilia since August 2002."  http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand/EdmontonSun/News/2004/05/29/477823.html

Survey Released on Jewish Women's Sexuality By Forward Staff "The survey also found that 15.7% of Jewish women claimed to have experienced sex abuse before the age of 13, 9.9% after 13. These numbers were not much different than those of the larger American survey, which revealed 17.2% experienced sexual abuse before 13, 9.2% after the age of 13." http://www.theawarenesscenter.org/statistics.html#Survey
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