-Caveat Lector-

scroll for articles - describes crimes and torture

Fourth Milan deaths linked to Satanist rock band By Peter Popham in Rome 6/11/04 "New details have emerged this week of an alleged cabal of young Satanists connected to Milan's heavy metal scene, who are accused of murdering at least two people while drunk and high....The other victim, Fabio Tollis, was a guitarist in the same group as three of the young men arrested in connection with the murders, the Circus of Satanis. Marino and Tollis were last heard of in January 1998, and their disappearance remained a mystery until Mario M, one of the four arrested and a former member of Circus of Satanis, began talking to the police. The group, he said, whose musical name had changed to The Beasts of Satan, were devil-worshippers whose so-called "spiritual leader" is Nicola Sapone, a 26-year-old plumber, who was also arrested but is not a musician in the group. The Italian media are now feverishly seeking other clues to explain the extent of the Satanic network, with most interest focused on Turin, where a Satanic church was founded in the 1960s. One reporter claimed to have discovered in Turin the true ringleader of the sect, nicknamed "the first born son of the devil" and related to one of the four arrested. Members of the extended group, it is claimed, celebrate black masses all over Italy." http://news.independent.co.uk/europe/story.jsp?story=530272

describes torture

Calif. Guardsman Alleges Abuse in Iraq
    The Associated Press
    Wednesday 09 June 2004
    San Francisco - A California National Guardsman says three fellow soldiers brazenly abused detainees during interrogation sessions in an Iraqi police station, threatening them with guns, sticking lit cigarettes in their ears and choking them until they collapsed....
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