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-Caveat Lector-

Below was faxed as 10pp to Governor Schwarzenegger's scheduling
office and to White House Chief of Staff office, 15Jun04 ~2:30-2:45pmPDT

From: David Crockett Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: USA President George Walker Bush (fax cc attn White House Chief of Staff
Andrew Card) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Rainbow Uprising Campaign Proposed Jerusalem Peace Pole Ceremonies
and The American Peace March
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 2:01 PM

RE:  Proposed Jerusalem Peace Pole Ceremonies
"To Unite the Three Faiths of Jerusalem in Peace"
Cesar Chavez La Paz Community, Keene CA, June 21
Rainbow World Family Gathering Camp CA, July 5
Sacramento State Capitol East Lawn, July 9
Oraibi Wash, Hopi indigenous nation AZ, July 11
White House Lawn, July 18
Jerusalem Israel, July 21
Babylon Iraq, July 25

A Global Emergency Alert Response --

The Rainbow Uprising Campaign 2004:

"A spiritual practice of self-purification for an uprising of
consciousness to a higher level from which solutions to
problems can be seen."  (proper English for "intifada")

Open letter of June 15, 2004, to:

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Attn: Governor's Scheduling Office
Fax: 916-323-xxx
Phone: 916-445-2841
General Fax: 916-445-4633

Cc: Andrew Card, White House Chief of Staff
via Fax:  202-456-xxxx

I volunteer as an American Peacemaker for Global Peace Now.
Please help me in this mission and read my appeal here.  If Governor
Schwarzenegger and President Bush participate July 9 and July 18
as proposed here, this mission will succeed without fail.  If not, it will
succeed anyway with sufficient public support.

In 1967 I was married in Bel Air Presbyterian Church, the church of
President Ronald Reagan whom I saw at several services there while
he was Governor of California and with whom I share the heartfelt belief
in the innate goodness of humankind, as depicted by the words on
his tomb shown on television lately.  Of that marriage was born my
eldest son who is now a pilot with United Airlines but from whom I
am estranged due to my apparently Quixotic dedication to the cause
of peace and harmony among all of humankind.

I use my Christian name David Crockett Williams to honor my great
grandfather and my late father, for whom I was so named at birth.
My Islamic name is Daoud ibn Daoud (David son of David) given in
1963, when I embraced Islam, by my teacher of Islam and Sufism
who was associated with the (now) Islamic Center of Southern
California and who taught Koran at my alma mater California State
University at Northridge where I earned my Bachelor of Science
degree with honors in Chemisty in 1967. My Buddhist name is
Karma Tsering Thrchen given March 5, 1977, after the Refuge
Ceremony in Santa Barbara given by His Holiness Karmapa when
I was accompanied there by one of the disciples of my Guruji, the late
Most Venerable Nichidatsu Fujii who was also called Guruji by his
friend and associate Mahatma Gandhi.  My father's spiritual teacher
was Sri Sathya Sai Baba since the late 1960's, which helped inspire
me to author the equations of my "chemical physics of consciousness
theory" called the Tetron Thesis (1974-77) that introduces to science
the concepts of the "absolute identity function" and Tetron as the
"human mind's consciousness orientation function of light" per an
overlooked property of the nature of light, ie, the C in E=mC^2, fulfilling
my 1973 vision quest for a way to scientifically correct how humanity
understands and applies the nature of faith and belief itself.

This week I am putting my possessions in storage and preparing to
offer my life to the above schedule, to fulfill what I have seen since
1978 as my life's mission of spiritually uniting the Three Faiths of
Jerusalem in Peace, using the vehicle of the Peace Pole Ceremony
as interpreted and practiced since 1978 when introduced to me at
the Rainbow World Family Gathering in Oregon that year and which
this year will be taking place at Bear Camp Flat near Likely CA,
July 1-7, 2004  http://www.welcomehome.org
http://www.peacepagoda.org - http://www.dharmawalk.org

Next Monday the June 21st Summer Solstice I will offer the Peace
Pole Ceremony at the Cesar Chavez La Paz Community nearby
here as an interfaith prayer to help this mission succeed on the above
schedule, to which end I am abandoning all other activities and seeking
no reward other than its success.  But for this to succeed the support
and prayers of all who care are needed.   Verily, this is a test of my
theory, a scientific experiment in the power of faith and belief as
applied both through prayer and such paranormal phenomena as the
psychokinetic metal bending associated with Uri Geller and the many
such paranormal events over these past seven decades in the lifetime
of Sathya Sai Baba of India with whom I spoke in September 1996 and
received his message.  http://www.sathyasai.org

This is the proposal that will be discussed in councils at this annual
spiritual gathering for peace and love among all humanity, the
Rainbow Gathering of The Tribes:

Jerusalem Peace Pole Ceremonies
"To Unite the Three Faiths of Jerusalem in Peace"
Cesar Chavez La Paz Community, Keene CA, June 21
Rainbow World Family Gathering Camp CA, July 5
Sacramento State Capitol East Lawn, July 9
Oraibi Wash, Hopi indigenous nation, July 11
White House Lawn, July 18
Jerusalem Israel, July 21
Babylon Iraq, July 25

If Governor Schwarzenegger participates in the circle of hands
ceremony on the State Capitol Lawn outside his office July 9 at 11am
this will certainly inspire President Bush to also participate July 18 in
this ecumenical prayer offering in format of the sacred circle ceremony
utilized by so many indigenous spiritual cultures around the world, a
simple contribution for this last year of the United Nations International
Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples (1995-2004) inaugurated
by our Global Peace Walk 1995 from New York to San Francisco, and
in respect of the United Nations International Decade for a Culture of
Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World initiated by the UN
2000 Year for Creating a 21st Century Culture of Peace inaugurated
by our Global Peace Walk 2000 from San Francisco to the UN in NYC.

2001-2010 is the "International Decade for a Culture of
Peace and Non-Violence for The Children of The World"
-- United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization --

My suggestion for the Governor and President is that their prayer for
those occasions include the reading of the prayer of Cesar Chavez:

"Show me the suffering of the most miserable;
So I will know my people's plight.
Free me to pray for others;
For you are present in every person.
Help me take responsibility for my own life;
So that I can be free at last.
Grant me courage to serve others;
For in service there is true life.
Give me honesty and patience;
So that I can work with other workers.
Bring forth song and celebration;
So that the Spirit will be alive among us.
Let the Spirit flourish and grow:
So that we will never tire of the struggle.
Let us remember those who have died for justice;
For they have given us life.
Help us love even those who hate us;
So we can change the world."

The American Peace March on The Red Road to Peace

With the intent to demonstrate and promote the Peace Walk
as a spiritual practice of physical prayer, instead of the usual
"protest" type peace walks, as per Guruji's example, that all
over the world now people can use this kind of peace walk
prayer ceremony to demonstrate examples and teachings
for a Global Culture of Peace, The Red Road to Peace project
was initiated at the entrance of the Cesar Chavez La Paz
Community on August 24, 2003, to end walking back there
arriving October 31, 2004, the observed "Dia de los Muertos"
holiday honoring our ancestors and those who have died before
us.  To begin the final year of the UN Decade of the World's
indigenous peoples a Sacred Pipe Ceremony was conducted
on United Nations Day, October 24, 2003, by a Sundancer of the
Lakota tradition at the Washington Monument to recognize it as
a "symbol of the true spirit of America" in the way analogously
that the Peace Pole is a symbol of the message of peace per
Eastern cultures, a placemarker for prayer ceremonies and symbol
of the "spiritual pillar" innate as conscience in the human mind. That
"Ceremony to Rededicate the Washington Monument as the Symbol
of The True Spirit of America" was conducted to begin a year long
campaign per above under auspices of The American Peace March
to end October 24, 2004, at the Washington Monument offering this
kind of ecumenical circle of hands prayer ceremony for global peace.

So far this American Peace March "vision" has not been accepted
and is now proposed to start an accelerated non-contiguous route from
California after the Rainbow Gathering with walkers conducting under
these auspices The American Peace March in towns and cities all
across the country and around the world ending at the Washington
Monument on October 24, 2004.

After my introduction to this peace walk as prayer ceremony genre
in 1976, I have been inspired by my internship experience at Walt
Disney Studios (1959-63), under auspices of the Boy Scout Explorer
Post 25 that Walt sponsored for sons of studio employees, that the
peace walk event with accompanying staging encampment would
be a good way to fulfill Walt Disney's original vision for what instead
became Disney World in Florida.  His original idea was a theme park
which was divided in sections representing and depicting various
cultures and languages around the world with each language being
spoken in each section, music and entertainment and food etc in each
section representing the various cultures, so that a trip to the park would
be like a miniature trip around the world for better understanding of the
various cultures of humanity.  If a long distance peace walk were
comprised of international volunteers camping together and offering
programs at a nightly stage along the route, demonstrating how they
can get along and solve problems and understand one another in
that rigorous kind of event, this kind of event could be made into
a variety of television programs with spin-off product lines that would
demonstrate how to create a global culture of peace and easily become
"the most popular television show ever".

This is my prayer, this is my proposal, please offer your support by
taking whatever action conscience dictates.

Love for All and All for Love

Global Emergency Alert Response 2000

David Crockett Williams
20411 Steeple Court
Tehachapi, CA 93561
(until June 21, 2004)

From: David Crockett Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Peace Pole for Jerusalem Ceremony in Sacramento ~July 9?
Date: Thursday, May 06, 2004 1:49 PM

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Attn: Governor's Scheduling Office
Fax: 916-323-8725
Phone: 916-445-2841
General Fax: 916-445-4633

May 6, 2004

Re: Request for Governor's participation in Peace Pole Ceremony

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger's scheduling staff:

In addition to my work as a scientist in the area of new energy
technologies development about which I have written before with
suggestions for his support and meeting experts on this, my work
as a spiritual practitioner per my teachers also involves a personal
mission "to unite the three faiths of Jerusalem in Peace" to which
end since 1994 I have been waiting for the right time to offer the
"Santa Barbara Peace Pole for Jerusalem" for ceremony there.

Due to Governor Schwarzenegger's recent visit to Israel and due
to the occasion of the 33rd annual World Family Gathering, being
held this year in California July 1-7, I want to offer this ceremony
and ask if the Governor will participate and his office will help with
outreach on this project as a way his prestige can help fulfill this
mission by his participation in such an interfaith prayer ceremony
in a circle at the Capitol perhaps on Friday July 9 or anytime at the
Governor's convenience with participation of various different
religious and spiritual practitioners offering their prayers and
messages for the occasion.

If he is interested in this idea and I can be so advised, this will
help greatly and perhaps be the deciding factor as to whether
this Peace Pole Ceremony can be conducted in Jerusalem
to fulfill this mission asap.

Background info on the overview/history of this Peace Pole
tradition may be found at

My background story by way of introduction and why/how I am
committed to this mission is at

More information on these annual World Family Gatherings
may be found at http://www.welcomehome.org and feedback
from government officials about them may be obtained from
US Forest Service which is working closely with them this year.

It is my hope that this Peace Pole Ceremony can be held at
their gathering this year which is where, in 1978, I was first
introduced to it when it was conducted there by a Zen Buddhist
Monk, Reverend Yusen Yamato http://www.globalpeacenow.org
working with whom since has inspired me to continue this effort.

Please let me know if there is an interest for more details
and I will send a writeup about this particular Peace Pole
and its history since its creation in 1994 for this purpose.

Thanks very much.


David Crockett Williams
20411 Steeple Court
Tehachapi, CA 93561

From: David Crockett Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: USA President George Walker Bush (fax cc attn White House Chief of Staff
Andrew Card) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Subject: American Flag Day, Rainbow Uprising Campaign 2004 Peacemakers
Offering The American Peace March on The Red Road to Peace
Date: Monday, June 14, 2004 8:28 AM

It wasn't until after June 14, 1976, that I became aware of this
annual Flag Day observance, but that US Bicentennial Flag Day
was a day that set the direction of my life because of what happened
that summer.  What may seem like a coincidence that day has turned me
into one of the most stubborn believers in the Hopi Prophecy fulfillment.

I had heard the traditional Hopi interpreter Thomas Banyacya give his
talk about the Hopi Prophecy teachings on May 28th that year and
was so moved by his message, especially the part when he "zapped"
me looking into my eyes while he said the part about "the true white
brother coming to the Hopi land very soon, wearing a red cap or red
cloak and bringing many new inventions".  Because I believed so
strongly that my chemical physics of consciousness theory, my
Tetron equations, would mean the development of many new
inventions, after I read his Hopi Declaration of Peace over and
over about a hundred times, I thought I should perhaps dye something
red and go to the Hopi land to "see what happened".  This determination
lasted only long enough for me to decide that as a chemist it should be
a lab coat that I dye red, and to get one to dye red and wear. Then I
started thinking about this whole notion of prophecy fulfillment.

Then I started fearing ridicule and "who does he think he is" kind of
humiliation coming my way should I try this.  I wondered how I
could get out of making such a fool of myself if it were not my
"destiny" and how to tell if it was, etc.  I decided that for such
an important purpose, I should seek a "sign from God" like Moses
got the Burning Bush as a sign from God.

So on that bicentennial Flag Day I went to the top of a mountain
overlooking the San Francisco Bay and closed my eyes and
deeply meditated for a while on this, feeling relieved that I would
not have to do this thing because, after all, getting a "sign from
God" was for folks like Moses, not guys like me, so I was relaxed
thinking this would "get me off the hook".  But when I opened my
eyes, the spot on the bay where my gaze landed had developed
a long column of smoke coming up like a big exclamation mark.
As I watched it, fire at the bottom became visible and then it
began burning up the canyon towards me for a while and then
the wind shifted and it burned over to the canyon to my left until
the borate bombers came and dumped red borate solution on
the fire.  So that's why I dyed my lab coat red at the June 21 Summer
Solstice gathering under auspices of the All One Family Union and
then went to the Hopi land, camped at Oraibi Wash there for two
months and had some incredible experiences that have formed
the basis of my religion since then, including meeting someone
who came there right after the Rainbow Gathering that year and
got dropped off at my campsite by coincidence.  On July 18 we
went to the nearby Kachina dances as a "spiritual team" and
coincident with our positioning and arrival came the appearance
of the two Morning Kachinas symbolizing the "last hope prayer
of the Hopi people," as we were told later.  The two men who
took part as those two Kachinas (which had never before appeared
in the long lifetimes of many who witnessed this) had fasted for
four days without food or water or sleep while singing/chanting that
same prayer they did as they entered and participated in that dance.
That July 18 morning at our camp had a long full double rainbow
after which we met the Hopi Grandfather David Monongye at the
trading post before going to the dance.  He walked up to me and
stood very close when he simply said "you are my brother".  I was
wearing that red labcoat all the time there then but the visitor from
the Rainbow Gathering didn't know about the symbol.  He was into
the prophecies of the book of Revelations so we went from the
dance shortly after the Morning Kachina's came and entered the Hopi
Mennonite Church there just as a big thundering downpour started.
The pastor took us home to lunch and he compared knowledge of
Revelations with my new friend James, and they agreed point by
point on the chronology of various events leading to the return of
Jesus Christ.  After that we watched the dance a while into the
afternoon and then another long and full double rainbow happened.
That was the first and second time I ever saw a double rainbow.

This is why I want to offer the Peace Pole for Jerusalem Circle of
Hands Ceremony for President Bush's participation at the White
House this year July 18 Sunday, 28 years later.

This is why I want to offer this Peace Pole Ceremony for Governor
Schwarzenegger's participation after the 2004 California Rainbow
Gathering July 1-7 in northern California where I will bring this up
in the councils there for support of this plan and a return visit on
the way to the Hopi land to offer ceremony for the fulfillment of their
outstanding prophecy about the return of the Fire Clan sacred stone

This is why I want to offer this ceremony in Jerusalem as soon as
possible this Summer to pray for the fulfillment of the prophecies
regarding the return of Jesus Christ, and The Messiah of the Jews,
and the Mehdi of the Moslems.

This is why I am packing up and putting my stuff in storage and
going offline later this week in order to offer my life to this purpose,
to offer the Peace Pole for Jerusalem Ceremonies as part of the
Rainbow Uprising Campaign 2004 ("a self purification campaign
to uprise consciousness to the level from which solutions to problems
can be seen") and complete the March 20 - October 24 American
Peace March Ceremony ending with circle of hands around the
Washington Monument, and complete the Red Road to Peace
Ceremony of August 28, 2003, to October 31, 2004, starting and
ending at the Cesar Chavez La Paz Community in Keene CA
where I will offer the World Peace and Prayer Day Ceremony
at 11am Monday June 21, 2004, Summer Solstice in coordination
with that ceremony conducted by Chief Arvol Looking Horse this
year near Mt. Fuji in Japan.  http://www.wolakota.org

Read the Hopi Declaration of Peace at

2004 Rainbow Gathering info

Rainbow Uprising Campaign 2004

David Crockett Williams 661-822-3309
Tehachapi, California, until June 21, 2004
Global Emergency Alert Response 2000
More details on my Hopi story etc at

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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