-Caveat Lector- also has
New Abuse Charges (Iraq)

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Ritual Abuse Conference - 2004 http://members.aol.com/smartnews/smart-2004-conference.htm

Vatican Aware of Abuse for Centuries, Study Says - Authors use church's own documents to make their case. Critics say money is the motive. By William Lobdell, Times Staff Writer LA TIMES 6/20/04 "Roman Catholic officials have argued that the church learned only in recent years that it had a widespread problem with priests molesting children. A report in February by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, for example, said Cardinal Roger M. Mahony and other bishops didn't realize until 1985 that sexual abuse by clergy was "more than a matter of tragic but isolated incidents." But a North Carolina priest and two former monks who live in Southern California say they have scoured ancient Vatican records and forgotten Latin texts to show just the opposite: that the church has recognized the problem of abuse by priests for at least 1,700 years and has failed to address it successfully. "The contention that the present scandal is isolated to this era is completely debunked by the Roman Catholic Church's own documents," concluded Father Thomas P. Doyle and former monks Richard Sipe and Patrick Wall in their 375-page report, "Canonical History of Clerical Sexual Abuse." The authors finished the report last month and are looking for a publisher." "But church attorney Callahan, who represents the Diocese of Orange in nearly 100 cases now in mediation, said that most studies show the molestation rate within the Catholic clergy to be 3% to 5%."

Supreme Court allows priest abuse suit AP Washington 6/21/04 "The Supreme Court on Monday allowed a lawsuit to proceed that accuses the Archdiocese of Milwaukee of transferring a child molester from Wisconsin to work as a Roman Catholic priest in California. The justices declined without comment to block a lawsuit involving allegations that the priest, Sigfried Widera, molested an 8-year-old California boy after his move....Before his death, Widera fled the country to avoid trial on dozens of counts of child molestation in Wisconsin and California."
"The case is Archdiocese of Milwaukee v. Superior Court of California, 03-1444."

has graphic details of abuse

New Abuse Charges
    By Viveca Novak and Douglas Waller
    Time Magazine

    Sunday 20 June 2004
Allegations of mistreatment of female detainees.
    Could the abuse of prisoners in Iraq have gone beyond the beatings and sexual humiliation already alleged? Unreleased, classified parts of the report on prison abuse from Major General Anthony Taguba, which were read to TIME, contain indications of mistreatment of female prisoners. In a Feb. 21 statement to Taguba, Lieut. Colonel Steven L. Jordan, former head of the Abu Ghraib interrogation center, said he had received reports "that there were members of the MI [Military Intelligence] community that had come over and done a late-night interrogation of two female detainees" last October. According to a statement by Jordan's boss, Colonel Thomas Pappas, three interrogators were later cited for violations of military law in their handling of the two females, ages 17 and 18. Senate Armed Services Committee investigators are probing whether the two women were sexually abused. The Pentagon declined to comment.
    Meanwhile, a class action filed in California on behalf of former detainees raises the specter of brutal physical abuse.
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