-Caveat Lector- http://courses.arch.hku.hk/History_of_Architecture/00-01/course_work/China%20light%20and%20power/bldghistory.html

In 1818, Samuel Russell & Company in Canton, China and Perkins & Company in the USA jointly set up an electrical company called Russell & Company. The first branch of Russell & Company was subsequently established on Queen's Road, Central. Russell & Company was restructured in 1895 to become Shewan Tomes & Company. It was not until 1900 that the Company was registered as the China Light and Power Company Limited.

The first power generating station was built on Chatham Road, Kowloon. Other sizable plants located in Hung Hom. Tsing Yi Island and Castle Peak were built in 1939, 1969 and 1982 respectively. The administrative headquarters headquarters of the China Light and Power Company was built at the intersection of Argyle Street and Waterloo Road in 1940.

Thanks to Linda M for this one.


Our Business

CLP's businesses fall into two main areas:
     1.     The electric utility business operated under CLP PowerÂHong Kong, regulated by the
Scheme of Control (SoC) Agreement with the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the HKSAR Government).Â
     2.     The group's power-related and other investments and services, both in Hong Kong and elsewhere, which are outside of the SoC Agreement, or,
Non-Scheme of Control (non-SoC) businesses.

Scheme of Control Business
CLP's power generation facilities in Hong Kong are owned by Castle Peak Power Company (CAPCO), a 40/60 partnership between CLP Power Hong Kong and ExxonMobil Energy. CLP Power Hong Kong operates the power stations and transmits electricity to its 2.1 million customers via its solely owned 11,645 km transmission/distribution network that includes 11,861 substations.
CLP Power Hong KongÂand CAPCO are governed by an SoC Agreement with the HKSAR Government. The current Agreement was signed in 1993 and runs through to 2008. It states that we must provide an adequate, reliable electricity supply and allow the HKSAR Government to monitor our local activities as a power company. In return, CLP Power HongÂKongÂcan charge tariffs designed to recover its costs including taxation and a net return on investment.
Non - Scheme of Control Business
Our Non-SoC businesses include investments in the electricity sector in the Chinese mainland and the Asia-Paciic region, as well as activities beyond the electricity business. These activities leverage our existing assets, expertise and relationships and include: the redevelopment of our properties in Hong Kong that are no longer in use for electricity purposes; the provision of
engineering services and consultancy;Âand the research on sustainable development and emerging energy technologies.

Our Subsidiaries

CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (CLP Power Hong Kong)
     â     The largest electric utility business in Hong Kong
     â     2.1 million customers in Kowloon, the New Territories, and most of the outlying islands - accounting for about 80% of the total population of Hong Kong
     â     8,263 megawatts (MW) of installed generating capacity including the right to use capacity at the Guangzhou Pumped Storage Power Station
     â     Over 11,645 kilometres of transmission and distribution lines

CLP Power Asia Limited (CLP Power Asia)
     â     Invests in and manages power generation projects in the Chinese mainland and the Asia Pacific
     â     Holds interests in generating assets in various parts of the Chinese mainland, including Guangdong, Shandong, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Guizhou, and Shaanxi, and in Taiwan, Australia, India and ThailandÂ

CLP Telecommunications Limited (CLP TeleCom)
     â     Pursues the carrierÂtelecommunications businessesÂbetween Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland

CLP Properties Limited (CLP Property)
     â     Develops CLP's existing properties in Hong Kong no longer in use for electricity purposes
     â     2.1 million square feet of land developed in Hong Kong, principally at Laguna Verde, the site of the former Hok Un Power Station

CLP Engineering Limited (CLP Engineering)
     â     Undertakes engineering projects in lighting services, customer installation, design, planning, construction, operation and maintenance of power plants, transmission and distribution systems in Hong Kong
     â     Provides consultancy and technical training services

CLP Research Institute Limited (CLP Research Institute)
     â     supports operating subsidiaries of CLP with research on emerging technologies, environmental stewardship and sustainable development to improve the economic, environmental and social value of our products and services
     â     collaborates with leading research institutions inside and outside of Hong Kong on issues of importance to local, regional and global communities

Hong Kong Nuclear Investment Company Limited (HKNIC)
     â     Owns 25% of Guangdong Nuclear Power Joint Venture Company, Limited (GNPJVC) which in turns ownsÂtheÂGuangdong Nuclear Power StationÂat Daya Bay.


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CLP Holdings Limited

Photo Gallery Here

CLP Holdings Limited is the holding company for the CLP Group of companies (CLP). Started out in 1901 as China Light and Power Company, Limited, CLP is now one of the most widely held and actively traded stocks on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.

Throughout its history, the company has strived to maintain the highest standards in technology, operational and financial management. CLP's operations reflect its core values of care for people, the community, the environment, performance, respect for laws and standards and valuing innovation and knowledge. These values have allowed the company to contribute to people's lives far beyond the role as a provider of light and power.

In Hong Kong, CLP's modern network supplies over 2.1 million business and residential customers representing a population of some 5.5 million in Kowloon, the New Territories and most of the outlying islands. Constant benchmarking of generation technology, supply network and customer service against international peers ensures its standard matches that of the world's leading power operators.

Since the late 1970s, CLP has established an increasing presence in the growing market of the Asia-Pacific, especially in the Chinese mainland, helping build the power needed for growth and prosperity. Today, CLP is the largest external power company in China with investments in joint ventures operating or constructing power stations in various parts of the Mainland.

>From China, the company has widened its horizons to the Asia-Pacific region. Its experience in successfully establishing and operating a variety of power businesses in the different environments of Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland has supported this growth. CLP now operates in markets and cultures as diverse as Australia, India, Thailand and Taiwan. Through these investments, CLP is becoming a leading investor-owned power company in the region.

As a company with a long-term perspective, CLP is acutely aware of the need to balance economic measures of success with those of environmental sustainability. It carefully manages the impact of its business on the environment, and is one of the few companies in Asia to bring environmental and other non-financial performance data into corporate planning and reporting. Investments have been made in renewable energy projects which examine how best to harness hydro, wind, solar and other renewable resources where they are economically and socially viable.

CLP sees itself as part of the local community wherever it operates. The company actively participates in community programmes where it can make a meaningful difference. These focus on education and Asia's youth while it also provides financial and other support to sustain a diverse range of charitable activities to address the needs of the less-privileged members of the communities.

Looking ahead, CLP aims to build on its present position as a leading investor and operator of the power business in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific. In pursuing growth, it will remain focused on what it knows best - the supply of electric power. The company will also maintain its commitment to serve current and future generations, striving for continued success - a success that will be shared by all.

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Energy has never been a constraint to Hong Kong's economic development. The distribution network for Hong Kong's electricity, gas and water supplies is up to the standard of a developed economy.
Electricity is supplied by the Hongkong Electric Company Limited (HEC) and China Light and Power Company Limited (CLP), which are investor - owned. The former provides electricity to Hong Kong Island and the outlying islands while the latter caters for the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories. Electricity tariff are broadly divided into : domestic, commercial/small industrial and large demand.

Onwards to the utmost of futures!


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