-Caveat Lector-

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article describes violent crimes - Trafficker may be key to torso in Thames Rosie Cowan, 7/7/04 "A man convicted of people-trafficking yesterday may hold the key to the horrific ritual killing of the African boy known as Adam, according to the detective heading the murder hunt. The man was named in Southwark crown court, London, as Mousa Kamara, 30, but police say he is Kingsley Ojo, 35, from Nigeria. He admitted two charges of smuggling adult illegal immigrants into the UK, and using a false passport and driving licence. Police suspect he may be the man who brought the boy, whose torso was found floating in the Thames in September 2001, to Britain....Detectives believe he was a ritual sacrifice, of which there are believed to be hundreds every year in Africa. Unable to identify the victim, or to find the rest of his body, Scotland Yard was initially baffled." http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,1255592,00.html

this one fwd from L Moss Sharman   Patients lived in fear of 'The Treatment'  7/10/04 By Phil Taylor "Brutal treatment of patients was the culture of the Porirua Mental Hospital in the 1960s, four former workers have said. The four women told the Weekend Herald that electric shock treatment was routinely used as punishment and patients were drugged into zombie-like states to make them more manageable. The women - students at the time - said part of their duties was to hold patients down while shock treatment was applied. Now, Vicki Carnell, Helen Talbot, Elisabeth Gamlen and Gini Bevan, all aged in their 50s, are writing to Attorney-General Margaret Wilson, the Crown Law Office and lawyer Sonja Cooper, who represents more than half of 200 former psychiatric patients who are suing the Government for compensation for mistreatment. Most of the complaints involve Porirua." http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=3577616&thesection=news&thesubsection=general
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