-Caveat Lector-

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two forwarded from news source L Moss Sharman
Church to fight new law's time limit - Retroactive clause unfair, officials say By Manya A. Brachear 7/27/04 "The Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago plans to argue in court Tuesday that the state's recently extended statute of limitations on childhood sexual abuse allegations should not apply to suits filed before the law was changed. The tactic has infuriated abuse survivors who feel the archdiocese has betrayed victims of sexual abuse by withdrawing its outspoken support of the law and invoking statutes of limitations to avoid liability. "It just feels as though they're trying to use a legal technicality to dodge accountability and responsibility," said David Clohessy, executive director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by  Priests. "We think that bishops need to act as moral leaders, not as hardball defense lawyers." Officials from the archdiocese and the Congregation of Christian Brothers, also named as a defendant in two lawsuits before the Cook County Circuit Court, said they still would support the law if it is applied fairly."  http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-0407270071jul27,1,1654231.story?coll=chi-newslocal-hed

Polygamist leader named in abuse suit - Allegations: The polygamous church president, two others are accused of sexual assault By Pamela Manson 7/30/04 "A former member of a polygamous sect on the Utah-Arizona border on Thursday accused three of his uncles, one of them the faith's leader, of sexually assaulting him when he was a child and calling it "God's work." In a lawsuit, Brent Jeffs claims that the trio of leaders in the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) - president Warren Steed Jeffs, considered by his followers to be their prophet, and his brothers, Blaine Balmforth Jeffs and Leslie Balmforth Jeffs - described the abuse as a way to make him a man. "Those defendants explained to plaintiff that it was 'God's will' that he never disclose the abuses to anyone, and if he did, it would be upon pain of eternal damnation," Brent Jeffs, 21, said in his suit, filed in Utah's 3rd District Court. "Thus, for many years, the frightened child remained silent." But Brent Jeffs said his brother's suicide two years ago prompted him to finally break his silence. His suit, which claims FLDS leaders knew of the "perversity and sexually predatory acts" but did nothing to stop them, gives no details about the death. Under Utah law, child sexual assault victims have until age 22 to bring a civil suit. Rodney Parker, a Salt Lake City attorney for the church, said all of Jeffs' charges are false." http://www.sltrib.com/utah/ci_2385468
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