
The Creepy Sides of the 911 Truth Movement

... Continuing in the movers & shakers vein, we've got Kyle Hence's partner,
Byron Belitsos, the co-founder and Board Member of 911truth.org. Actually,
we're moving into the 911 Truth Movement funders category because Byron is
also a publisher. He edited and published Jim Marrs' 911 Inside Job book.
(And in a Time-Warner-ish aside, Bryon writes in Marrs' book without
indicating he's in any way himself connected with the organization, let
alone one of its two founders: "P.S. A special note to researchers: Be sure
to visit 911Truth.org, the portal site of the leading researchers, writers,
publishers, activists, webmasters, and leaders in the 9/11 truth movement.")
Besides being a self-proclaimed leader of the 911 Truth Movement, Byron is
another one of these one world government people and is, in fact, releasing
next month a book he co-wrote urging a world government, which he indicates
in his preface to Jim Marrs' 9-11 book is meant to really supplement Marrs'
9-11 book: "I also felt directed to publish a second book, which is an
Origin Press companion to Inside Job. This book is entitled One Planet: A
Progressive Vision of Enforceable Global Law. I saw in an instant that these
two books go together, one stating the problem in stark terms, and the other
offering a visionary but achievable solution to the war system--the
abolition of war altogether." Here's more from Byron, who also promotes an
'alternative bible' called The Urantia Book: "In times of great crisis,
opposites often arise together in pristine purity. Unleash a great evil in
one place, and its nemesis arises somewhere else. Knock a dying paradigm off
the world stage, and a new one kicks up out of the blue. (PNAC-ish, right?)
. . . The Bush administration, representing the last gasp of imperialist
unilateralism in an interdependent world, is perversely teaching us one such
isolated truth: that firm enforcement of international law is needed in a
dangerous world." http://www.romancingtheuniverse.net/worldpeace.htm

Byron has also published the book of another one world government promoter
making the rounds in various 9-11 Truth Movement programs, Jim Garrison,
president of the State of the World Forum. The book is entitled "America as
Empire: Global Leader or Rogue Power?"

Let's turn to more 911 Truth Movement funders and examine whether they have
agendas beyond the mere exposure of 9-11. Who funds various 911 Truth
Movement organizations and projects, and why? It's actually not so easy to
get details on this. Nicholas Levis, of NY(NewYork)911Truth and one of the
regional directors of the national 911truth.org who also works on its
website has noted, for example, that: "Donors have a right to remain
anonymous. I will tell you that 911Truth.org does not accept any money with
conditions attached, except that of course all money is supposed to be spent
in keeping with the group's published mission statement." (For an aside on
that group's mission statement, see
http://mysite.verizon.net/vze25x9n/id7.html). Lori Price, moderator of the
911 Truth Alliance internet riseup newsgroup, (in which I used to
participate until she kicked me off), also of CLG, Citizens for a Legitimate
Government, believes movement funding is not a question to be addressed
publicly ...

Byron Belitsos is currently CEO of Origin Media Group, Inc., which owns the
website www.ikosmos.com, a content management and e-publishing site offering
"integral studies" content in all media for popular audiences. The firm also
owns Origin Press, an award-winning trade book publishing house focused on
integral spirituality and esoterica, whose authors include Ralph Metzner,
Peter Russell, and Charles Tart, among others. A writer and lecturer,
Belitsos has extensively studied the history, psychology, and philosophy of
religion, with an emphasis on Buddhism and Christianity. He's also been a
student of The Urantia Book for over 20 years, co-authoring the acclaimed
recent title The Center Within: Lessons from the Heart of the Urantia
Revelation (Origin Press, December 1998). Belitsos is an inaugural member of
the business branch of Ken Wilber's Integral Institute.

The Center Within:
Lessons from the Heart of the Urantia Book
by Byron Belitsos
Essay Excerpt:
Jesus, when he lived and walked on this world, experienced life at its
fullest. He knew the heartache that so many of you suffer on this world. He
knew the pain of losing a loved one, the distress of not being understood by
his family members. He lived as deeply as he could so that in his
incarnation experience he would fully understand your pain and distress.

He was, among other things, a master storyteller; he could weave stories
that wrapped around the minds and hearts of those who listened and held them
enraptured. Yet greater even than that was his ability to listen, to open
his heart to his fellow sojourners and allow them to open theirs. He led
them, with a simple word or two, so that what they held within their hearts
could spill out. With well-placed questions, he would allow others, often
strangers, to tell their stories and bare their hearts to him...

...We often wonder how it is that Jesus could live an absolutely blameless
life. How is it that his life could perfectly conform to the will of the
heavenly Father? The answer to these questions is deceptively simple. He
could do so because he never concerned himself with superficial matters.
When any choice among multiple options presented itself, he concerned
himself with only the fundamental issue-determining which path most closely
conformed with the will of the Father in heaven. We feel that this technique
is of great value and import to you all...

...[Jesus] had no more ability than any other person on this planet. That
was basic to the requirements of his mission. However, as a youth, he had
many opportunities to speak with people who traveled through Nazareth,
because his home was on the outskirts of town. Many people stopped by, if
only to ask to water their stock or partake of water themselves, so he often
had occasion to talk with people who traveled the roads of the Near East.
This is where he began to develop his curiosity about the greater world
outside the confines of his village. But the main point is this: Just like
you, he had to practice...

...God lives in you, through you, with you. His presence is all-pervasive
throughout Creation. The concept of atonement leads immediately to the
deduction that God cares only so much, and that otherwise humans are on
their own. This is untrue. The Father participates on a moment-to-moment
basis. There is no reflective time lag in the Father's presence. He does not
hitchhike on your perceptions, he is on the cutting edge-where life can be
most fearsome, and also most exhilarating. That is where the growth takes
place. This is why we have asked you in your group exercises to take risks,
so that you can feel the presence of the Father in the vitality of the
immediate presence of humanity at its finest-spontaneous, unguarded,
truthful, brave... and cowardly. That is where the progress takes place...



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