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-Caveat Lector-

Saudi Entrepeneur Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists


BY Alex Constantine

... Ramzi Yousef lit for Pakistan. After the 1993 WTC bombing, he was sought
around the world. A reward of $2-million was offered for his capture. He
vanished for a spell in the mountainous wastes of western Pakistan, province
of Baluchistan. But Youshef was soon spotted, big man about town in
Peshawar, then Karachi. He was something of a celebrity amongst young
Muslems aspiring to make their mark as mass murderers.

³His boyhood friend Murad was living in Karachi,² according to the LA Times.
³He had recently returned from the U.S., where he had earned a commercial
pilot's license. Yousef came to see him. He talked, Murad said, about the
need for good Muslims to give their lives, if needed, to the struggle.² They
discussed prospective targets: Benazir Bhutto, prime minister of Pakistan.
Nuclear power stations. The U.S. Consulate in Karachi. A variety of other
U.S. government buildings. ³There was a plan to assassinate President

Ramzi took Murad to meet an old hand in the terror trade. ³He said his name
was Abdul Magid. He was a Saudi import-export businessman.² His real name,
police discovered, was Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. ³He wasn't Saudi, but like
Yousef a Baluchi, born and raised by expatriates in Kuwait. He is thought to
be Yousef's uncle.² Like Ramzi Yousef, Mohammed had studied engineering in
the States. In 1984, he enrolled at a two-year college in North Carolina.
³After college, he came home to Pakistan and joined what appears to have
been the family business - jihad. A Kuwaiti newspaper has reported that he
went to work as secretary to an Afghan warlord.²

Yousef and Murad ³moved to an open-air compound where Yousef taught Murad to
build bombs. Making chocolate, Yousef called it. In one practice session, a
detonator exploded in Yousef's face.² He recuperated, and Mohammed ³showed
up out of nowhere² to pay the bills.

Khalid Mohammed, Yousef and a third recalcitrant, Wali Shah Khan, arrived in
the Philippines in early 1994. ³Khan had stopped en route in Kuala Lumpur,
where he and Hambali, the Indonesia patent medicine salesman, incorporated
an export company called Konsojaya. Its real purpose, police say now, was to
serve as a financial conduit for the plotters.²1

Ramzi Yousef was blissfully re-united with his buds in Abu Sayyef, the
military-intelligence cut-out of the U.S. proxy army in the Philippines.

The waltz of spooks and Islamic terrorists left recurrent footstep patterns
in the ashes they left behind. Like the World Trade Center bombing, the 1998
US embassy blast in Nairobi was in part planned and executed by a CIA-FBI
informant. In 1993, according to court affidavits, Mohammed was quizzed by
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police after an agent of al Quaeda was caught
entering the US with his driver's license and a false passport. The Mounties
released Mohammed when the FBI claimed him as a prized asset, and the former
US Army sergeant was free to continue running with al-Qaeda. Mohammed
trained Osama bin Laden¹s bodyguards and the cell in Kenya responsible for
the bombing. The FBI informant was only picked up in late 1998 and
sentenced for his part in the crime.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on November 4, 2001: ³A former U.S.
Army sergeant who trained Osama bin Laden's bodyguards and helped plan the
1998 bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Kenya was a U.S. government informant
during much of his terrorist career.... Ali Mohammed, an Egyptian-born U.S.
citizen and longtime Silicon Valley resident who pleaded guilty last year to
terrorism charges, approached the Central Intelligence Agency more than 15
years ago and offered to inform on Middle Eastern terrorist groups....
Later, according to the sources, Mohammed spent years ... training [bin
Laden's] Islamic guerrillas in camps in Afghanistan and the Sudan; bringing
Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is bin Laden's chief deputy, to the Bay Area on a
covert fund-raising mission; and planning the 1998 bombing of the U.S.
Embassy in Nairobi, in which more than 200 people died.²
Mohammed pled guity. ³He told a federal judge that he first was drawn to
terrorism in 1981, when he joined Egyptian Islamic Jihad, a fundamentalist
group implicated in that year's assassination of Egyptian President Anwar
Sadat.² As we¹ve seen, Sadat¹s was a CIA murder led by Ayman Zawahiri. ³For
almost as long as he was a terrorist, Mohamed also was in contact with U.S.
intelligence, according to court records and sources.²

Mohammed quit the Egyptian Army ³to work as a counterterrorism security
expert for EgyptAir.² The mind reels... ³After that, he offered to become a
CIA informant, said the U.S. government official who spoke on condition of

The trusted bin Laden aide worked in the mid-¹80s as a supply sergeant for a
Green Beret unit, and an instructor on Middle Eastern affairs in the John F.
Kennedy Special Warfare School. ³Mohamed's behavior and his background were
so unusual that his commanding officer, Lt. Col. Robert Anderson, became
convinced that he was both a Œdangerous fanatic¹ and an operative of U.S.

An al Quaeda principal loosely tied to the 1993 WTC bombing was Saudi
merchant Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, Osama¹s best friend and brother-in-law.
³Khalifa's charity work in the Philippines did have some legitimacy,²
observed the Christian Science Monitor on January 21, 2003. ³He built
schools, established healthcare clinics, and distributed food aid. Many
residents of the southern Philippines, Christians as well as Muslims,
remember Khalifa kindly. The gray area lies in how much of Khalifa's charity
money was diverted to terrorism. Khalifa says none: ŒI am not only sure, but
challenging anyone to prove otherwise¹"

Abu Sayyaf defectors admitted they were given as much as 70 percent of the
charity¹s grants. 
³Using charities in the Philippines as a cover, Khalifa is alleged to have
funded the radical Islamic group Abu Sayyaf.² He was said to have
spearheaded a plot to hijack planes and crash them into the Pentagon or CIA
- ³widely seen as a blueprint for the Sept. 11 attacks.²3


1) TERRY McDERMOTT, ³The Plot - How terrorists hatched a simple plan to use
planes as bombs² Los Angeles Times, September 1, 2002.

2) Lance Williams and Erin McCormick, ³Al Qaeda terrorist worked with FBI -
Ex-Silicon Valley resident plotted embassy attacks,² San Francisco
Chronicle, November 4, 2001.

3) Catherine Taylor, ³Former Bin Laden friend denies terror ties,² Christian
Science Monitor, 
January 21, 2003.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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