-Caveat Lector-

Kerry's devious use of Mary Chaney

Sometimes we don't give politicians credit for how devious they really can be. John Kerry's apparently gratuitous mention of Dick Cheney's daughter at first appears to be just a thoughtless reference which included the fact that Cheney's daughter is a lesbian.

But let's look at his whole answer to the question which (paraphrased) was is homosexuality a conscious choice or is one born with it.

The gay community contends it is innate, that one is born with it although it may take time to manifest itself.

What Kerry was doing was reaching out to the gay community to let them know he supports their view. The devious part is that he used Mary Cheney to support that view even though she has not taken any position on that issue, at least publicly.

I'm sure Kerry and his campaign managers thought that was brilliant because anyone attacking the position that it is innate, would also be attacking Cheney's daughter. They may have realized there would be some flak from mentioning Cheney's daughter but their spin machine could minimize that. The gay community would get the message.

 If Mary Cheney had taken a position on the question, there might have been some justification for quoting her. But she hasn't and what Kerry did was a cynical ploy to reassure the gay community by implying Mary Cheney supported that position when he had no idea what her position would be.

This is not only dishonest, it is proof that Kerry will say anything he thinks will help him get elected.

There is also a strong implication that Kerry had been tipped off that question would be asked.





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