-Caveat Lector-


The Dangerous Dollar
By Robert J. Samuelson
Wednesday, November 17, 2004; Page A27

George Bush hasn't much discussed what could be his biggest economic
problem. It's not budget deficits or jobs. It's the possible crash of the
dollar on foreign exchange markets. Even if Bush understood it, he would be
hard-pressed to explain it to the public. Worse, there are no obvious ways
to prevent it. Nor is it certain how big the threat is. Little wonder Bush
hasn't said much. If John Kerry had won, the situation would have been the
same. But a dollar crash, if it occurred, could trigger a terrifying global
The dollar lubricates the world economy, having replaced gold as the major
international currency. Huge amounts of trade and cross-border investment
are conducted in dollars. In some form, a "dollar problem" has long existed.
After World War II there was a "dollar gap'': Europe and Japan didn't have
enough dollars to import the food and machinery needed for recovery. The
United States filled the gap with foreign aid and policies encouraging
multinational American firms to invest abroad. These policies provided
dollars, although the United States still ran big trade surpluses. Actually,
foreigners often used the dollars to buy American goods.

The problem now is similar and different. As in the 1950s, today's outflow
of dollars stimulates the global economy. Unlike the 1950s, it involves huge
U.S. trade and current account deficits. (The "current account" includes
trade plus other "current" overseas payments, such as travel, freight costs
and dividend payments.) In 1990 the U.S. current account deficit was $79
billion, or 1.4 percent of gross domestic product. In 2004, it's expected to
hit an unprecedented $665 billion, or 5.6 percent of GDP, says economist
Nariman Behravesh of Global Insight. The ballooning deficit has two basic

First, the American economy has grown faster than other advanced economies.
Since 1990 U.S. economic growth has averaged 3 percent annually, compared
with 2 percent for the European Union and 1.7 percent for Japan. America's
higher growth sucks in imports; Europe's and Japan's slower growth hurts
U.S. exports.

Second, the global demand for dollars props up its exchange rate, making
U.S. exports more expensive and U.S. imports cheaper. Indeed, many
countries, particularly in Asia, fix their currencies to keep their exports
competitive in the U.S. market. Instead of allowing surplus dollars to be
sold on foreign exchange markets -- lowering the dollar's value --
government central banks in Japan, China and other Asian countries have
purchased more than $1 trillion of U.S. Treasury securities. Private
investors have also bought lots of U.S. stocks and bonds. All told,
foreigners own about 13 percent of U.S. stocks, 24 percent of corporate
bonds and 43 percent of U.S. Treasury securities.
Up to a point, this arrangement benefits everyone. The world gets needed
dollars; Americans get more imports, from cars to clothes. But we may now
have passed that point. Hazards may outweigh benefits. The world may be
receiving more dollars than it wants. A sell-off could spill over into the
stock and bond markets and cause a deep global recession. Here's how.
Foreign traders and investors sell dollars on foreign exchange markets. The
dollar declines in relation to the euro, the yen and other currencies. The
dollar's decline means that the value of foreigners' investments in U.S.
stocks and bonds -- measured in their own currencies -- is also dropping. So
foreigners stop buying U.S. stocks and start selling what they have. The
stock market drops sharply.
Presto: the makings of a global recession. The stock market slide causes
American consumer confidence and spending to weaken. If foreigners also flee
the bond market, long-term interest rates on bonds and mortgages might rise.
Higher currencies make Europe's and Japan's exports less competitive. Their
industries stagnate. The United States, Europe and Japan constitute about
half the global economy. Their recessions would hurt the Asian, Latin
American and African countries that export to them. Markets interconnect;
weakness spreads. It's grim.
Note, however, that the dollar's vulnerability is a symptom of something
else: the addiction of Europe and Asia to exporting to the United States. If
their economies grew faster on their own, the massive U.S. payments deficits
wouldn't have emerged. The dollar would have quietly drifted down.
Foreigners would have invested less in the United States, because they'd
have more investment opportunities at home. But Europe suffers from
suffocating taxes and regulations. Japan has long favored export-led growth.
And about 35 percent of China's exports go to the United States, says
economist Nicholas Lardy.
There's a stubborn contradiction. The world may be getting more dollars than
it wants, but it likes the source of those dollars: large U.S. trade
deficits. China has resisted U.S. pressure to raise the value of its
currency; Europeans and Japanese deplore the recent increases in their
currencies. Because the dollar's vulnerability reflects other countries'
weaknesses, no American president can cure it alone. Contrary to popular
wisdom, for example, U.S. budget deficits don't cause U.S. trade deficits.
In the late 1990s, trade deficits widened even though budget deficits
No one knows what will happen. The massive U.S. payments deficits could
continue for years, with foreigners investing surplus dollars in American
stocks and bonds. Gradual shifts in currency values might reduce the world's
addiction to exporting to the United States. Or something might cause a
dollar crash tomorrow. In that case, massive intervention by government
central banks (buying unwanted dollars) might avert a calamity. Or it might
not. We're in uncharted waters. If we hit a shoal, it will be bad for

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