-Caveat Lector- www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at:

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Daniel June <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why are you people so negative?

Men occasionally stumble on the truth,
but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off
as if nothing had happened.
- Winston Churchill
    There are many reasons to be negative.  The biggest is the fact that there 
is little we can do about what is facing the world very very soon.  If it was 
as simple as willing change, people wouldn't be so negative.  There is just a 
force so powerful, intentionally ruining the lives of others, that there isn't 
much to be done other than whine.  Until the masses of the people wake up 
(which wont happen because the perpetrators control the media) we're all going 
to be screwed.  Pay special attention to the things in the world that are being 
hidden.  The stuff shown on TV and the newspapers are what "THEY" want you to 
think is really going on in the world.  The real meat of what is going on in 
the world is kept secret to the masses and only a few select people know what's 
going on.  Here is a quote or 2:

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by 
those who are not behind the scenes." -- Benjamin Disraeli, 1844

That quote is from 1844.  It was spoken by the first Jewish Prime Minister of 
England.  He wrote a trilogy "Coningsby", "Sybil" and "Tancred".  He says that 
the world is not governed by the people that the world thinks is running the 
world.  And this was in 1844!!!

The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the 
scenes." -- Justice Felix Frankfurter (1882-1965) U.S. Supreme Court Justice

A supreme court justice said that in the early 1900's.  It's common sense that 
the people ruling the world secretly would not want the world to know they were 
running it.  It would also be easy to rule the world in this day and age, even 
though there are "leaders" of countries and U.N. Leaders supposedly making the 
decisions.  This world has revolved around money for a long time.  The people 
with money have always made the rules.  And those rules are ones that help them 
make more money.  There are numerous people talkin about a small group ruling 
the world, even back in the 1800's.  Now to think that these people have 
mysteriously lost power, or that a Prime Minister of England or a supreme court 
justice didn't know what they were talking about is to deny reality.  

"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so 
monstrous he cannot believe it exists." J. Edgar Hoover

Little do people know how monstrous it really is.  People have always wanted to 
rule the world.  Whether they dream about it, or wish it, or even try to 
accomplish it (Hitler), it is a fact that many people have wanted to rule the 
world.  To think that no group of people have sat down and tried to make a 
serious go at it is crazy in itself.  It's not as far fetched as people might 
believe.  Imagine a whole race of people, with an "oral law" (not allowed to be 
written down, and passed down from father to child) trying their hardest to 
achieve this dream.  Imagine them having a belief that their bloodline is 
genetically superior to the rest of mankind.  Imagine them having the belief 
that they are somehow chosen by God to be the masters of the human race.  
Imagine them being reared up in a you versus them mentality, being constantly 
told that everyone hates them and that if they didn't conspire themselves, they 
will become slaves themselves.  That would more than motivate most people
 to working together on this goal, especially if its stated to be for their own 
self defense.  Imagine then entire generations of this race working together, 
always loyal to each other, before they are loyal to their own country.  
Imagine then one of them is able to strike it rich, by robbing a king.  Imagine 
then that person (Mayer Amsel Rothschild) taking that money and manipulating 
the stock market to multiply his money.  Imagine then him starting the Bank of 
England, and loaning money to Kings and Presidents.  Imagine then giving a bank 
to each of his 5 children, to run in the same manner as he has.  Imagine then 
their sons each with their own banks, loaning money to entire countries and 
collecting the interest of an entire country of people.  Imagine then having so 
much money they could buy off anyone they wanted.  They pay for the campaigns 
of the people they know will represent them.  They pay for the campaigns of the 
people on BOTH sides of a political party, to ensure, no
 matter which one won, they would be loyal to him.  Then paying people to pass 
laws beneficial to protecting their money forever.  Before you know it(1913), 
America's own Federal Reserve is a privately owned corporation owned by 
"hidden" shareholders who are collecting the money of our country.  People 
think the bank of England is controlled by Britain, and the Federal Reserve is 
controlled by USA.  The Federal Reserve is controlled by the bank of England 
and the owners of it.  Do you think these small group of individual 
trillionaires want what is in the people's best interests?  If you had the 
money of entire countries (trillions), would you be able to manipulate alot of 
what you wanted in this day and age?  Think about that for a second.  If it 
still doesn't make sense to you, here are a couple links:

On May 23, 1933, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden, brought formal charges against 
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system.  

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and The New World Order:  

Dear Reader, How Much Proof Do You Need?  


The word conspiracy, as it relates to this site, will be defined in the context 
of a scheme: to act in harmony toward a common end. As it has been known for 
centuries, "alchemists conceal in order to baffle the vulgar." This site exists 
for the sole purpose of penetrating the veil.  http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/

A conspiracy is not a bunch of craziness that some wackos believe for no 
reason.  I've heard alot of people write it off in this manner:  "Just some 
people wanting to stir up lies to cause chaos."  Which motive do you think is 
greater?  1)  Ordinary people wanting to stir up lies and create paranoia for 
no reason other than to cause mischief, or 2)  Filthy Rich Old Money that has 
worked together for centuries to keep their money and control the lives of 
those they feel are less deserving.

Even if you still dont believe, don't just write it off.  Consider everything 
rational a possibility until you are able to disprove it.  I dare you to follow 
those links, and disprove the facts contained in those links.  I dare you to 
prove there is no conspiracy among the filthy rich to keep their money.  To 
suggest that they wouldn't try is idiocy in itself.

"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so 
monstrous he cannot believe it exists." J. Edgar Hoover

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet it was 
planned that way."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945), 32nd US President

"The high office of President has been used to format a plot to destroy the 
American's freedom, and before I leave office must inform the citizen of his 
plight." (John F. Kennedy at Columbia University, 10 days before his 

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than 
standing armies."(Thomas Jefferson) 

"A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present 
levels, would be ideal." -- Ted Turner(Billionaire) - CNN founder and UN 



MAYBE THEY SHOULD MAKE A CHIP THAT READS 777. Remember, there were two marks in 
the book of revelations. There was also the mark of God. Why are you people so 



Andy Thames wrote:

Wow, thank you for doing a step by step analysis of what I posted. Very, very 
informative. Sadly, your analysis scares the shit out of me more than the 
original post did. WOW.

Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 23:16:38 EST
Subject: VERICHIP -- Coming to a store (or arm) near you!





"Part Two"
>From Wndbear

Many years ago, I think it was sometime around 1998 ... one of the many 
"Popular Science" type magazines (I do not remember which one it was) did a 
five page article on the VeriChip, and some related side articles, which I 
thought was rather interesting. The sad part is that it was done in such a way, 
so as to either confuse, or to make it sound more like a "SciFi" joke. 
Whichever, if you can find it ..... it is well worth a re-issue by whomever can 
do so ....

In one of the side articles was the following .... 
1. The so-called transponder, about the size of a grain of rice, can supposedly 
pass through the hub of an 18 guage needle, the same size generally used to 
draw blood from veins. This of course, makes it possible to place it into the 
body without any invasive procedures, on the body.

2. The transponder in the orignal article, stated it held 18 pieces of 
information or digits, not 16 as is stated above. 

NOW THE EXPLANATION .........................
If you want to, you can call the following speculation, guessing, nonsense, or 
anything you want. A lot of research, by many, has gone into this, and it is 
shared here for your edification. You can accept or reject it; certainly your 
choice! But when you are marched (at gunpoint??) to your nearest police station 
to be injected ... you were warned! 

1. What if an Alzheimer's patient got out of his bed, and wandered off? Who is 
he? How can the police find his keepers? Think about the reality of this, 
because in this day and age, anyone of us could become that patient anytime in 
the near future.

Implant into the patient, a tracking device, a GPS locator ... the VeriChip, by 
order of the (your) child-caretaker, too busy to take regular care of "daddy", 
now that he is old and an annoyance. Not unrealistic considering the manner in 
which family members now treat each other. 

Where should this transponder be placed? An arm? Leg? Somewhere on the body? 
Hmmmm .... reality tells us, that good ol' Uncle Sam is gonna want a place 
where all cops, caretakers, gestapo, etc ... can locate it! Or, in other words, 
a designated spot, on everybody, like maybe .. the right wrist.

MEDICALLY SPEAKING .... the ideal place to put it is where the patient (or 
prisoner) cannot remove it! Such a place is to have injected into the soft 
cartilege between the two small bones of the forearm, at the wrist! Its 
permanent, and there is no way humanly possible to remove it, short of 
amputation! Please keep this mind. I will explain why towards the end of this 

The right wrist! But what if daddy was an Iraqi-Afghani war hero and lost his 
right arm? That automatically eliminates the limbs on most patients as a common 
location, doesn't it? But ... everyone has a forehead, or you will not be 
living.... so why not inject the transponder into the upper frontal sinus of 
the forehead, embedding it into the bone! Again, Please keep this mind!!!

Its in a place where the patient cannot remove it. Its readily accessable to 
the scanners, and where better? All the "caretaker" (or cop) need do, is point 
his portible scanner and shoot! Viola! Patient (prisoner! soldier! runnaway! 
enslaved worker! illegal alien! farmworker! assumed terrorist! ) identified! 

2. Why 18 digits? Logical, when you stop to consider that since about the early 
1970's America was primed and made ready for this, by something few remember, 
called ... "ZIP Codes" It started out with five-digits, then a few years later, 
four more were added, giving every block, in every town, its own ZIP.... ie. 
Notice ... NINE digits!

Add to this the fact that every American is issued a NINE digit Social Security 
account number. Put the two together, and you have a perfect identifier for 
every living human on the face of the earth! 
Ever wonder why the BUSH cabal is pushing the idea of issuing SSAN's to illegal 
aliens???? Could this be the reason? 

If you consider this, there is a likelihood of about 20 billion different 
numbering combinations, in which no two humans will have the same number. And 
even if two somewhere in the world, had the same SSAN, they would have 
different ZIP's, or 
vise-versa. Presently, the world's population is estimated at 7 billion and 
Of course, those catagories could be reversed, offering yet another set of 
numbers should more be needed .....

Instead of "Hi Joe" .... you are likely to one day, get a letter addressed to 
you as "98765-1234-123-45-6789" Wow ... talk about becoming ... just a number!!!

YOUR HAND PASSES OVER A SCANNER: You've just been identified! You are "Joe 
Schmucklenutz, living at 123 Edema Drive, in Schmuckville Junction, Texas". 
And, all of that came from just 18 digits, scanned, and appearing on the cop's 
in-car computer screen! Can you imagine the info that cop can access with a 
punch of maybe two buttons on his computer?

Think I'm kidding? Address a blank envelope to yourself and mail it, using this 
idea; your SSAN followed by your 9 digit ZIP. I once sent a blank envelope to 
myself by snail-mail, addressed with just my "Last Four", and NINE digit 
Zip.... it was in my box four days later!

NOW are you ready for this .... 
Remember everytime you go to the store, those unusual marks on the side of the 
package you just handed the cashier? She swipes that mark, called a "UPC" 
across the little glassplate on her register! 

Many UPC's do not have corresponding numbers (regular digits) on them for a 
reason. They do not want you to know, or understand the codes. Many are 
deliberately mismarked on purpose, so that you will read the actual number, but 
it will no always correspond to the actual marks. 

Look at ANY UPC, on any product sold ... all have the same three double lines 
on them! Notice the three most obvious marks of all. The FIRST one, the LAST 
one, and the one in the CENTER .... notice they are identical? The three long 
extended double-lines represent the number SIX. It is used, as a divider of 
each (of the two) catagory, because the computer is designed to ignore that 
particular mark. The first group of numbers would be the ZIP, the second group, 
your SSAN, each divided by a SIX (the extended lines). 

ie: SIX-98765-1234-SIX-123-45-6789-SIX
(your ZIP) (your SSAN)

... and this number will appear on your very own personalized transponder, 
injected into your body! 

Could this also be the reason that the new Homeland people does not want 
Americans to have the freedom to travel? To be able to idolate you in one 
particular location, for the rest of your life? Think about it.

OKAY ... now that I've said all that ... follow me further ... and deeper, into 
this explanation. See if two and two ... finally make four, in you mode of 
thinking! Irregardless of your personal religious beliefs or lack thereof, 
please pay close attention to the following.

The following is a word-for-wrord quote from the BOOK OF REVELATION, Chapter 13
Verses 16-18, inclusive; (for full understanding, please read Chapter 13 in its 

>From the King James Version ...... (the words in parentheses are mine--added)

"And he causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to 
receive a mark in their right hand (wrist???) or in their foreheads. And that 
no man might buy or sell, save that he had the mark, or the name of the beast 
(Satan) or the number of 
his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of a 
man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." 


The Mark of the Beast .... 666 ... we've all seen it many times before in the 
movies, and other places. But keep in mind ... the Bible is a book of prophesy, 
which was written over a period of time from 1500 BC, to about 100 AD .... more 
than 1900 years AGO!! The technology that has made this transponder and what it 
represents DID NOT EXIST THEN .... in fact, it did not even exist as little as 
twenty years ago!

Yet, now, we are seeing biblical prophesy being fulfilled right here in front 
of us. All I can say is .... its your choice....

You can heed the warnings, or laugh about them, as sadly .... many will.


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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