-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Eric Scheibeler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 5, 2005 8:01:27 AM PDT
To: "Robert Millegan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Awmay Quixtar Motivational Org. Fraud Updates

*** Your privacy is respected. You are receiving this update as 
you signed up for my free e-book Merchants of Deception. If you
wish to not be contacted, please click the link at the bottom of 
this e-mail and you will be immediately removed***

        California & Michigan Residents, Please Respond Quickly  

Dear Robert,

                 The response to www.merchantsofdeception.com 
has been overwhelming. Tens of thousands of victims have 
downloaded the free book and contacted me from countless 
countries with near identical stories of consumer fraud. 

                 Your story is needed. I apologize if you already sent
it as this is going to thousands of people now. If you have been
defrauded in a Quixtar motivational group in the US (particularly
if you live in California or Michigan), please send your story 
immediately. This will never be posted online and will only 
be provided to attorneys, regulators and other investigative 
agencies. Please just take a moment to send a short paragraph

1). Your dates of involvement
2). The amount of your loss (approx.)
3). The line of sponsorship (Yager, Brritt, Dornan Network 21, 
     TEAM, INA, ILD, WWDB, efinity, Marker Man Productions, 
     Biznet or Harteis International, ProAlliance,  Interbiz etc...) 
4). Representations made to you
5). The impact it has had upon your life

Due to the hundreds of victim e-mails I receive it is difficult for 
me to reply in a timely manner so I apologize if it takes a while. 
If you have been involved in Amway, Quixtar, Amvio or A2K in 
another country, please send your testimonial as well. 

The tide has turned as the book and web site have made this 
growing database a global epicenter for documentation of the 
fraud that has been perpetrated upon consumers for over two 

We all hate "spam" so I have sent out very few updates. 
However, there have been a substantial number of 
developments that will be addressed in an update shortly. They 
include the following:

Dick DeVos running for Governor of Michigan - fit for office?

Why have multiple, credible complaints to the FTC and 
Department of Justice been wholly ignored? 

The FBI has added another agent to the investigation and set 
up an e-mail account specifically for me to forward victim 
statements to. 

DSA -The Direct Selling Association's deceptive practice 

Cubic Zirconia - Diamonds who faked qualification and received
fortunes in tool money and speaking fees for doing so (while 
giving charismatic, emotional speeches on topics like leadership,
character and integrity).  

Systematic utilization of Cult tactics - Three US cult experts 
have had to assist victims and/or their family members after
countless hours of tape, seminar and CD indoctrination.

The Deceptions utilized in multiple lines of sponsorship.  

Who is the law firm Brinks Hofer and what do they do for 
Amway/Quixtar? (Yes, they too are reading this). 

Some testimonials I have been given permission to publish. 

My heart goes out to the many who have contacted me with 
stories of personal loss. They range from small losses to some
in excess of a hundred thousand dollars, bankruptcies, 
foreclosures, divorces and suicides. It is time for this to stop. 

America cannot afford to continue to export fraud and cultism
to other nations under the false veil of "free enterprise" or 
capitalism as the documentation seems to clearly reveal that 
this is neither. In the US, there is near a 100% loss rate for 
those induced to "invest" in "their own business" in any given 
motivational organization.   

The good news is that there are far more victims in the Amway 
Quixtar motivational organizational scam than victimizers and 
we now have a collective voice. This house of cards may soon 
be brought to a screeching halt. 

Bernard Ebbers was just sentenced to 25 years in prison for his
role in the $11 billion accounting scam at WorldCom. John Rigas
and his son Timothy were recently sentenced to 15 and 20 
years respectively in the Adelphia Communications scandal 
involving billions as well. A former top executive at Cendant 
Corp.,  E. Kirk Shelton, was sentenced to 10 years in prison 
for his role in a $500-million accounting fraud.  

Ex-Tyco International Ltd. Chief Executive Dennis Kozlowski 
and his finance chief, Mark Swartz, who were found guilty of
looting Tyco of over a hundred million dollars and are soon to 
be sentenced. How do you think the perpetrators of this fraud 
would do before a jury?    

In my opinion, based upon the documentation I have received,
these corporate frauds pale in comparison to the tens of billions
culled by Amway, Quixtar, the IBOAI and their related 
motivational organizations that have been financially 
incenitvized  to continue defrauding the public. The political 
tide is shifting in America and the public is fed up with corporate
pirates who loot billions from hard working, honest people. 

As a nation, we have come to a time of accountability. The 
millions given to the Republican party on a near constant basis 
will no longer function as regulatory or investigative "insurance",
in my opinion. I believe the GOP has a vested interest in 
immediately distancing itself from any source of "dirty" money.   

Please respond with your story, even briefly, as it is of true  
value at this time. Thank you for your encouraging e-mails 
as they have meant a great deal to me on a personal

If you had not saved your copy of the book to your computer
you can download it again free of cost from:  

Thank you for your time.

Kindest regards, 

Eric Scheibeler

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To update your contact information:

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