-Caveat Lector-

This is a still from a recent Dateline NBC special on Mark David Chapman. General Electric's NBC would have us believe the man on the left was Lennon's assassn. But the man purportedly pictured on the right, Jose Perdomo, is likely the real killer.

Viewing Perdomo as Chapman's handler explains a lot. Why did Perdomo allow Chapman to loiter in front of the Dakota all day, beyond the front gate? Why does the autopsy report indicate the shots fired into John Lennon came not from where Chapman was standing, but from Perdomo's position? Was this interlocution following the murder designed to plant a false memory into the troubled mind of Chapman?:
PERDOMO: "Do you know what you just did?"
CHPAMAN: "I just shot John Lennon!"

This webmaster will be discussing these issues today on Deadline Live with Jack Blood today at 3:30 pm EST, 25 years after Lennon's death.

You can listen online on the Network 1 or Network 3 streams provided by the Genesis Communications Network.

Background links:
  • Man who killed John Lennon now heading CIA's covert ops?
  • Was Lennon's real assassin Jose Perdomo?
  • Dead Silence in the Brain: Chapman, mind control, and Lennon
  • Reagan dies 23 years after hit by Bush cabal
  • Undeniable proof: FAUL McCartney the fraud


  • --
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