-Caveat Lector- < http://www.total911.info/2005/12/man-says-911-testimony-blocked.html >

This is raw intel -- a Mr Brian Stewart-Magee has gotten in contact with this website to tell his story:
"My name is Brian Stewart-Magee. I am a former Intelligence Advisor for Special Forces and Intelligence Analyst for the Air Intelligence Agency. I have my own situation similar to Able Danger. However, I may have a stronger case. I am claiming two things for now. One, I was threatened and fired for my intelligence analysis on Usama Bin Laden a/k/a "The Contractor". Second, I was threatened not to testify to the 9/11 Commission by a high ranking JAG officer. My goal is to bring this to the public's attention. Please contact me if you would like to break this story first.

Brian Stewart-Magee, MBA
Former Intelligence Advisor
U.S. Special Forces/The Green Berets

Mr. Stewart Magee includes this letter from Sen. Jeff Sessions' office regarding his claims: PDF LINK


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