-Caveat Lector- < http://www.total411.info/2006/01/bulldozers-menace-lower-ninth-ward.html >


Arctic Beacon 7 Jan 2006:
" Federal Judge Threatens To Throw New Orleans City Attorney In Jail "If One More Home is Bulldozed Down" In The 9th Ward
Activists and lower income homeowners have been successful in temporarily stopping the needless destruction of many of the 14,000 homes in the 9th Ward scheduled for demolition by the government's crooked use of the eminent domain laws. A federal judge scolded city attorneys for attempting to violate the temporary restraining order in effect until an upcoming January 16 hearing. Although activists were pleased with the ruling, they remain suspicious of the future outcome.

Posted by Total to TIA at 1/15/2006 02:10:00 AM

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