-Caveat Lector-


Synthetic terror alert BURNT ORANGE for Super Bowl XL

(Total411.info) -- Total411.info is issuing an BURNT ORANGE ALERT for synthetic terror during the Super Bowl on Sunday February 5. This is the second-highest level of alert. This not a red alert because there is no evidence of "training exercises" going on during the Super Bowl. Such "training exercises" are typically the conduit for an inside job to become successful.

With the US Army stretched past its limit, for the warmongers to successfully subdue Iran, they must use nuclear weapons. But they cannot do so without a false-flag nuclear explosion on American soil to "justify" a nuclear "retaliation."

However, several red flags are present and must be considered dangerous:
  • The NFL dropped their regular security firm for this Super Bowl after using it several years. Some details from Philadelphia Daily News Jan 27:
    "The league has cut ties with the nationally respected security firm it has used for the last 29 Super Bowls, California-based Contemporary Services Corporation. It will go a less expensive route this year, hiring three smaller, less-experienced companies to handle security for Super Bowl XL next week in Detroit.

    The league sure has picked a strange time to make a security switch of this magnitude, considering that next week's game will be played just a half-mile from an international border (Detroit is across the river from Windsor, Ontario).


    "[CSC] basically was the arms and legs [of Super Bowl security]," said former NFL senior VP for special events Jim Steeg, who spent 26 years as the league's Super Bowl coordinator . . .

    "[They're involved] in everything that's going on. Regardless of whether it's controlled by the local police department or the FBI or overseen by the league office, they're the guys that make everything happen. They're not only the ones manning the post, but also the ones thinking how you deploy everybody and determine what the needs are and how to respond to a crisis."

    The league has replaced CSC with three smaller firms: S.A.F.E. Management and Guardian Corporation, both out of Detroit, and the North Carolina-based Alpha Protection Group. But they don't have the manpower of CSC, which manages 19 of the NFL's 32 stadiums, and have had to subcontract out to other security firms.

    "They all have experience and have done large events before," Ahlerich said. He pointed out that Alpha handled security for the G-8 Summit in Scotland last summer

    "It's going to be a real challenge for the different companies to fulfill some of the functions and requirements at a high level because they just don't have the experience in going through it," [Damon Zumwalt, CSC's president and chief executive officer] said.

  • One of the new security firms, called here "Alpha Protection Group," is actually called "Alpha Protective Services." It is actually based in Georgia, not North Carolina. (And SAFE Management is actually a Maryland firm.) This group has an interesting pedigree:
  • It is very important to note that the Super Bowl is being played on the Canadian border. Canada is still part of the British Commonwealth, answerable to and a puppet state of the Crown and the City of London. The Canadian military has announced that "several Canadian agencies" will be involved in Super Bowl security. (Including NORAD, the joint US-Canada organization which stood down for 9/11.)

    More importantly, the Canadian military just this Tuesday just announced a major reorganization of its forces. That means, that like on 9/11, many key military personnel will have been on the job for less than one week! This is also similar to the key changes in command made in the US military just before the warmongers' last attempt at a domestic nuke last August in Charleston, South Carolina...

  • Which brings us to the point that there is another nuclear drill allegedly scheduled for Charleston this weekend. But there is no indication the scope of the drills are anything like what happened last August. Leak of the new alleged Charleston drill may have been a feint to throw independent researchers, who exposed the Charleston plot before it could unfurl, off the scent.

  • Some provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act were set to expire Friday, Feb. 3. They have temporarily been extended while the House and Senate wrangle over whether to slightly restrain or widely expand the Gestapo-like powers. Super Bowl nuke would of course provide the perfect pretext for renewal and expansion.

  • Detroit is home to the increasingly-bankrupt US auto industry. Nuking the city would clear the books of that liability and bring in lots of reinsurance money. The entire city in general is a basket case and a candidate for "urban renewal" along the lines of what happened and is happening to New Orleans in the wake of the HAARPicane Katrina and the sabotaged levees.

  • Detroit is also home to the Western Hemisphere's largest Arab & Muslim population. A nuke attack there would decimate that dissenting population galvanize "pro-America" feelings among the survivors of that community.

  • The Illuminati love to telegraph their moves in the pop culture. (Both 9/11-WTC and Charleston-nuke were telegraphed.) Intelligence-agency stooge Tom Clancy wrote about a Super Bowl nuke in "Sum of All Fears," which was then turned into a feature film a few years ago.

  • Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is scheduled to attend the game. The State Department has been a bulwark against the warmongers and decapitating it would give more power to the Defense Department in planning the aftermath.

  • Scheduled to play during halftime are Sir Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones, who have intimate knowledge of one of the Crown's greatest psy-ops, the replacement of PAUL MCCARTNEY with a double.

  • "The Power Hour" on the GCN radio network has been receiving "chatter" tying the Super Bowl and the Pittsburgh Steelers to a nuclear incident since last December.

  • --
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