-Caveat Lector-

Missouri high court allows church abuse case on repressed Memory  Kelly Wiese AP Jefferson City, Mo. "A man who claims to have recalled childhood sexual abuse by clergy decades after it occurred can move forward with a lawsuit, the Missouri Supreme Court ruled Tuesday. The case, which is being watched closely by advocates for sexual abuse victims, turns on the state deadline for filing lawsuits, which is triggered not by when a wrongdoing is committed, but by when victims are capable of realizing the damage they suffered. Michael Powel contends he was sexually abused by two instructors while attending Chaminade College Preparatory School, a Catholic boarding school in St. Louis County, from 1973 to 1975. But Powel claims he did not recall the abuse until 2000, when he began receiving treatment for brain cancer." http://www.belleville.com/mld/belleville/news/state/14810021.htm?template=contentModules/printstory.jsp
Manchester academic to tell conferences: Child abuse can cause schizophrenia  University of Manchester researcher Paul Hammersley is to tell two international conferences, in London and Madrid on 14 June 2006, that child abuse can cause schizophrenia. The groundbreaking and highly contentious theory, co-presented by New Zealand clinical psychologist Dr John Read, has been described as "an earthquake" that will radically change the psychiatric profession....Mr Hammersley, Programme Director for the COPE (Collaboration of Psychosocial Education) Initiative at the School of Nursing Midwifery and Social Work, said: "We are not returning to the 1960s and making the mistake of blaming families, but professionals have to realize that child abuse was a reality for large numbers of adult sufferers of psychosis." “Hammersley and Read argue that two-thirds of people diagnosed as schizophrenic have suffered physical or sexual abuse and thus it is shown to be a major, if not the major, cause of the illness. With a proven connection between the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and schizophrenia, they say, many schizophrenic symptoms are actually caused by trauma. Their evidence includes 40 studies, which revealed childhood or adulthood sexual or physical abuse in the history of the majority of psychiatric patients and a review of 13 studies of schizophrenics found abuse rates from a low of 51% to a high of 97%. Psychiatric patients who report abuse are much more likely to experience hallucinations – flashbacks which have become part of the schizophrenic experience and hallucinations or voices that bully them as their abuser did thus causing paranoia and a mistrust of people close to them.” http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2006-06/uom-mat061306.php
A History of Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder)  “Evidence of multiple personality is not a new development of the twentieth century.” http://www.fortea.us/english/psiquiatria/history.htm
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