-Caveat Lector-


Thierry Meyssan, in Operation Northwoods: The Terrorist Attacks Planned by the American Joint Chief of Staff against its Population (http://www.voltairenet.org/article30117.html) reveals the connections which make today's Cuba Libre movement all the more menacing:

On April 1961, the American Army suffered a serious crisis: major- general Edwin A. Walker, the man that started the racist clashes in Little Rock before being appointed Chief of the US Infantry in Germany, was fired by President Kennedy. Walker was accused of developing an extreme right wing proselytism within the army. He himself was a member of the John Birch Society and the Ku Klux Klan.

The Foreign Affairs Commission of the Senate developed an investigation on the ramification of the extreme right wing groups within the army. The hearing were presided by Senator Albert Gore (D- Tennessee), father of the future American vice-president. Senators suspected the Chief of Staff, General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, was involved in Walker’s extreme right wing movements.

Gore knew that Lemnitzer was a secret operation expert: in 1943 he had been in charge of the negotiations to cause a rift between Italy and the Third Reich of Adolf Hitler; and in 1944, along with Allan Dulles, he led the secret negotiations with the Nazis in Ascona, Switzerland, to prepare Germany’s capitulation (Operation Sunrise).

He was also involved in the creation of the Allies «stay-behind» network by using and recruiting Nazi agents to fight the USRR and helped war criminals and people accused of crimes against humanity to escape to Latin America. However, Gore was not able to prove Lemnitzer’s involvement in such facts.

The Return of Lemnitzer

For John F. Kennedy, Lemnitzer was a hysterical and extremist anti- communist backed up by unscrupulous multinational companies. It was then that President Kennedy understood the real meaning of his antecessor, President Eisenhower, warning when the year before, in his farewell address he said:

"The responsible of the government must be aware of an illegitimate influence whether it comes or not from the military-industrial complex. The risk of developing or using a usurped power exists and will remain present. We must not allow this threat to prevent us from our liberties and democratic processes. Nothing must be considered completely achieved. Only the proper surveillance and awareness can guarantee the balance between the lobby of the huge industrial and military machinery we have developed and our pacific methods and objectives so that security and freedom can work together".

John F. Kennedy opposed Generals Walker, Lemnitzer and his friends and refused to involve the US in an overt war against communism in Cuba, Laos, Viet Nam or any other country. John Kennedy was murdered on November 22, 1963.

General Lemnitzer retired in 1969 but in 1975, while the Senate was doing its investigation of the role played by the CIA during Nixon’s administration, Gerald Ford, who became president after the Watergate scandal, asked him to participate in the said investigation.

After this, Ford requested his services again to assist pressure group Committee on the Present Danger (CPD). This group was created by the CIA, which was then directed by George Bush senior. It campaigned against communism and promoted its threats. Among its leaders, there were several CIA officers and Paul D. Wolfowitz (current Assistant Secretary of Defense in charge of the operations in Afghanistan). At the same time, Gerald Ford promoted General William H. Craig to Major General. Craig had directed the preliminary analysis of Operation Northwoods as director of the National Security Agency (NSA).

General Layman L. Lemnitzer died on November 12, 1988.

In 1992, the American public opinion questioned President Kennedy’s murder after the transmission of filmmaker Oliver Stone’s film where inconsistencies on the official version were shown. President Clinton ordered archives on Kennedy’s presidency to be declassified and among them, Kennedy’s Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara’s papers, secret project «Northwoods» was found.

Now maybe it's a bit of a stretch to give Oliver Stone sole credit for making the herd scratch its antlers over Kennedy's death, but it does make one wonder whether further revelation might not also be possible (although we're certainly not going to get from Stone on 9/11, given the piece of crap he's made on it...)



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