-Caveat Lector-


"Gun Laws Alone Won't Halt School Violence."
                        --- Reno
(translated this means she and her Socialists colleagues want your "piece".)


Bill aims to control Web gun sales

Brady Bill author Sen. Charles Schumer wants to regulate Web sales of

By Shannon, McCaffrey, Associated Press, ZDNN
March 18, 1999 5:26 AM PT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen. Charles Schumer, who earned his gun control stripes
authoring the Brady Bill, has set his sights on cyberspace with legislation
to rein in the sale of guns on the Internet.

Schumer said Tuesday that Internet sites hawking everything from AK-47
rifles to pre-1899 Derringers allow virtually anyone to buy guns with the
click of a computer button. Internet sales are growing as laws regulating
over-the-counter weapon sales tighten, he said.

"This blows a hole in the heart of the Brady Bill," Schumer said. "The
firepower available on the Internet is chilling."

Under current law, guns sold across state lines must be shipped from the
seller to a licensed dealer, who performs a mandated background check on the
buyer. The laws apply to individuals selling guns, as well as dealers.

Web loophole
But Schumer, a Brooklyn Democrat, said that Web sites dealing in weapons
generally allow the seller posting the ad to connect directly, and
discreetly, with a potential buyer. If they chose, they can easily bypass
the background check, Schumer said.

Schumer's bill would require that all Web sites specializing in gun sales be
licensed with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. It would also
make it illegal to post any gun sale ad that would allow the buyer and
seller to complete the transaction without the involvement of a licensed

Bill Powers, spokesman for the National Rifle Association, said Schumer
failed to show that anyone had actually purchased guns illegally on the

"This is the same old 'let me stand up every week and get a headline'
Charles Schumer," Powers said. "There's no evidence it's a problem except
Charles Schumer saying it is."

No numbers
Schumer admitted he had no specific numbers to back up his claims of illegal
Internet sales. "By their very nature these transactions are secret," he

Kristen Rand, of the Washington D.C.-based Violence Policy Center, said the
area was still too new for any definitive statistics.

"It's total common sense though," Rand said. "If the loophole exists, there
is someone using it."

Schumer pointed to the recent decision by online auction site eBay to
discontinue gun sales, admitting on its Web site that it could not be
properly monitored.

No different from classifieds?
One of the operators at the New Hampshire-based Guns America Web site, Paul
Helinski, said the site's ads were no different from classified postings in
a newspaper or magazine.

"We're not doing anything wrong or illegal," Helinski said. "These are law
abiding gun enthusiasts."

ATF spokesman B.J. Zapora said under current law, those convicted of illegal
interstate gun trafficking or dealing firearms without a license face up to
10 years in prison and fines of up to $250,000.

© 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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