-Caveat Lector-

HUSTLER mag: Mormons run free-energy cover-up
< http://www.total411.info/2007/01/hustler-mag-mormons-run-free-energy.html>


Free-speech champ Larry Flynt has been exposing conspiracy after conpiracy
in his flagship "HUSTLER" magazine as of late, with the last two issues
featuring a recap of 9/11 as an inside job and the previous month featuring
original reporting on alleged Olklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh's true
military history.

The August 2006 issue also featured an important on an extremely important
issue; that of the cover up of alternative zero-point energy systems. This
cover-up is what keeps humanity on the New World Order leash of carbon-based
energy such as oil.

Exceprts from the HUSTLER interview with Dr. Stephen

"In 1998 Dr. Steven M. Greer resigned his post as Chairman of Emergency
Medicine at Caldwell Memorial Hospital in North Carolina to spend all his
time and energy on exposing a massive corporate-government coverup ...

What's important, Greer insists, is that if the government came clean ...
not only would we wean ourselves off oil and other fossil fuels, but we
could scrap nuclear power and implement clean, cheap, safe energy that any
country or culture could afford. One problem: That might weaken or topple
the corporate-government power structure that controls our fuel and energy
systems, mass-produces war weapons and keeps a tight rein on the global
economy. So how to shine a light on a shadowy consortium that promotes war
while fostering scarcity, making gas prices astronomic?

Based in Crozet, Virginia, Greer's Disclosure Project has convinced hundreds
of insiders, including military brass and CIA ops, to defy nondisclosure


*How does this energy work?*

There's a baseline level of energy that's in all the space around us -- not
*outer* space, but the space in this room. It's estimated that every cubic
centimeter of space here has enough energy to run the entire Earth for a
day. This can be tapped. Some scientists are trying to fabricate motors that
extract energy from the quantum vacuum, the energy that surrounds us.

*You mean the space between atoms?*

Correct. The "zero point" energy. I've actually seen one of these [devices]
working. Of course, the inventor has been threatened. Dr. Eugene Mallove,
who was murdered in May [2004], and I were working on this. I'm carrying it
forward, but it's high-risk. [for more on Dr. Mallove and cold-fusion
technology, check out PureEnergySystems.com.]

*How close are we to harnessing this energy?*

We're fairly close. There are people with "proof of principle" things, but
no products for sale yet. Right now we're working with an inventor who has
created energy from this quantum vacuum in the hundreds of watts range --
enough to run several things in your home. We can also demonstrate the
antigravity effects of high-voltage systems under certain controlled

An electronic field makes something fairly weightless. We're working with a
man who's done very advanced antigravity work. The colonel who classified it
is willing to declassify it for us to take forward.

*You've made an object weightless?*

We've seen this done in a lab. The techniques for tapping this energy have
already been fully developed within rogue and covert programs. Lockheed
Skunkworks has enormous ships zipping around that are [powered by]
antigravity. A lot of the UFOs sighted in the high desert of California and
Utah are actually manmade prototypes.

*Who else is making these phony UFOs?*

The companies involved are SAIC [Science Applications International
Corporation], TRW, Northrop, Raytheon and EG&G. We have enormous
intelligence on this. I know the buildings where this stuff is going on.
This needs to come out so people know the truth.

*Does our tax money support these secret programs, or are they privately

Both. There's private, corporate funding as well as what's called "black
budget" sources. I met with Senator Robert C. Byrd's staff in 1994. His
senior investigator and chief counsel for the Senate Appropriations
Committee, for which he was chairman at the time, told me that this stuff
was real, [but that] they could not penetrate this black world dealing with
UFOs. At that time between $40 billion and $100 billion a year was going
into these projects, and they could not trace the money.

*Why are these programs kept secret?*

Fossil fuel and the nuclear power industries would be made redundant by
these technologies that very elegantly extract energy from the quantum
vacuum, or "zero point" energy field. We have a $7 trillion part of the
world economy dealing with fossil fuels and conventional transportation. If
this information comes out - aside from people realizing that we're not
alone in the universe - they'll quickly see that we don't need oil, coal or
central utilities. It's all about maintaining the homeostasis and status quo
of the world macro-economic and power dynamic.

*How would zero-point energy transform the global economy?*

It would replace everything. You wouldn't need oil, but the $30
trillion-a-year global economy would quickly grow to $200 trillion because
there'd be clean, sustainable energy, and manufacturing and transportation
would be very inexpensive. Eighty percent of the world's population lives in
amazing poverty, and it would lift that. It would revolutionize the planet.
People talk about the "peace dividend," but it's time for a "space

*Who's hiding these advanced energy systems from the public?*

The entity that runs this stuff is the world's largested RICO [Racketeer
Influenced and Corrupt Organization]. They used to be called MJ - Majestic -
12 - but the last term I heard was PI-40. It's not one society. There are
sweeping conspiracy theories about the Masons, Bilderbergers, Trilateral
Commission and Counsel of Foreign Relations. I know people in all these
entities, and most of them couldn't find their ass in a well-lighted room.
It's much more prosaic and nuanced than that.

*Why do they feel threatened?*

It would decentralize power. Right now the centralized financial and oil
system is so integrated with the way the world runs. We have testimony about
what the agenda is from people who've been on the inside.

*Who's in this covert group?*

There's a committee of 200 to 300 people who are on the policy board for
this issue. Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, who went from head of the National
Security Agency to the board of SAIC - which is one of the crown jewels of
this covert entity - is a member. So is Admiral Harry Trane. George Bush
Sr., Cheney and Rumsfeld are involved, as is the Liechtenstein banking
family. The Mormon corporate empire has an enormous interest in this
subject; they have much more power than the White house or the Pentagon over
this issue. And there are secret cells withing the Vatican.

*Have you met with any of these people?*

There are factions within this group, and I've met with some of the "good
guys." People think that it's a monolithic conspiracy, but they're wrong.
About 40% to 50% of people involved in these supersecret projects want this
stuff out. They know we're running out of oil, China is industrializing, and
the polar ice caps are melting. And they know that if this was announced
today, it would take ten to 20 years to get it into widespread application
to avert an economic, strategic, geopolitical and environmental catastrophe.
They see that and want to fix it, but they're still a minority. They're more
enlightened, but it's the ruthless ones who rule.

*Was CIA Director William Colby involved at some point? Was his "accidental"
death in 1996 connected to your work?*

Bill Colby was defecting from the supersecret group, and he was assassinated
because he was going to transfer some hard technologies - operating devices
- and $50 million in funding to us. He knew that with my kind of willpower
and connections, I would have gotten that out to the world. He was found
floating down the Potomac River the week he was going to meet with my
closest friend. They made an example of him.

In fact, Colby's best friend, a colonel who set up the meeting, said it was
absolutely a hit. Even his wife said on CNN, "You know, it was strange,
because he would never go out canoeing in a flooded, rain-swollen Potomac
River at night and leave the house open and the coffeemaker and the computer
on. That's not like Bill Colby at all."

*Colby's widow stopped short of calling it murder.*

Someone may have said, "Play along, or your children are next." I mean,
these people are thugs.

*Has your life been threatened?*

[Around the time] Colby was killed, my right-hand assistant, a member of
Congress who was working very closely with us and myself all got a deadly
type of cancer in the same month -- different kinds. I don't talk about this
publicly much because people say, "Come on!" But it absolutely can be done,
it was done, and everyone died but me. I was devastated, and it took me 18
months to recover.



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