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Date: January 16, 2007 9:07:44 PM PST
Subject: Condi Rice Gives Israel Green Light to Strike Iran / Shakeup in Israeli Military

Israel Today, January 15, 2007

Rice does not oppose operations against Iran

On a visit to the Middle East, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she does not oppose Israeli military operations against Iran. “Well, I think that even talk of such just shows how very serious it would be to have Iran continue its programs unabated,” Rice said.

In an interview with Israel’s Channel 10, Rice said the US will continue to help its allies in the region who feel threatened by Iran. “But I think that there is still plenty of room for diplomacy here,” she said.

Rice insisted that Israel refrain from speaking with Syria.

“My understanding is that there have been very little signs of Syria having anything positive to say. Syria is, after all, engaged in trying to undermine the government of Lebanon,” said Rice. “Syria is, of course, continuing to play a negative role in the Palestinian conflict. But there's just no indication that the Syrian government has anything but disruptive plans right now.”

In response to the question of Olmert’s political weakness and ability to make definitive decisions she said, “in the interest of Israeli politics, this is for Israel to decide.”


Israeli Head Of Military Quits

After War Critique

Leadership in Conflict With Hezbollah Faulted

"We must never reach a situation in which people hesitate to tie their fate and future with the Israel Defense Forces ... "There is a danger that the threats Israel faces will become more substantial."
By Scott Wilson
Washington Post Foreign Service
Wednesday, January 17, 2007; Page A10
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/16/ AR2007011601663.html

JERUSALEM, Jan. 17 -- Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, head of the Israel Defense Forces, resigned abruptly Tuesday after one of his predecessors presented findings of an internal review that sharply criticized the military's leadership during the war with Hezbollah last summer.

Since the end of the 33-day war, Halutz has come under heavy pressure from senior reserve officers to step down. The war failed to achieve the stated goals of freeing two Israeli soldiers captured by the Lebanese Shiite militia in July and stopping Hezbollah rocket attacks on Israeli cities.

But Halutz insisted as recently as two weeks ago that he would remain in his post unless called on to resign by the Winograd Commission, an inquiry panel established by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to examine the performance of the military and political leadership during the war.

The commission's interim report was due in coming weeks. Olmert, who has also been severely criticized for his management of the war, reportedly expressed regret over Halutz's decision to resign after trying to persuade him to change his mind.

"It is the nature of people not to be overjoyed serving in a system that is not appreciated and not protected by those it represents," Halutz wrote in his letter of resignation, according to a translation published online by the newspaper Haaretz.

"We must promise never to reach a situation in which people of quality would hesitate to tie their fate and future with" the Israel Defense Forces, he wrote. "Neither good education nor a strong economy would help us then, and there is a danger that the threats the state of Israel faces will become more substantial."

Halutz was appointed the first air force officer to lead Israel's military in July 2005 by then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Among his first duties was to oversee the withdrawal of Israeli settlements and military installations from the Gaza Strip, an operation praised for its speed and precision. But it won him few supporters among hawkish lawmakers and reserve officers, some of whom opposed the withdrawal on strategic and ideological grounds.

Sharon's decision to appoint Halutz reflected the shifting priorities within the military from infantry to air power. Most Israelis serve in the military because of mandatory service requirements, making the chief of staff position one of the most highly esteemed and scrutinized in the country.

Born in 1948 in the Israeli town of Hagor to a Jewish family of Iranian descent, Halutz joined the air force in 1966. He flew F-4 Phantoms during the war of attrition in the Sinai between the 1967 and 1973 Arab-Israeli wars and was credited with shooting down three combat aircraft in the 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict, known in Israel as the Yom Kippur War.

The sharp public criticism of his leadership during the most recent Lebanon war, much of it from senior reserve officers, has focused on Halutz's heavy reliance on air power against an entrenched guerrilla force often fighting from residential areas.

Hezbollah fired about 4,000 short- and medium-range rockets into Israel, including more than 100 on the last day of fighting. The Israeli military said 117 soldiers died in combat during the fighting. In addition, 41 Israeli civilians were killed, most of them by rocket fire.

Halutz also came under public pressure when it was revealed that in the first hours of the war he took the time to phone his stockbroker with instructions to sell portions of his portfolio, fearing a decline in value because of the conflict.

Earlier Tuesday, Dan Shomron, a retired lieutenant general who led Israel's military from 1987 to 1991, told the Israeli parliament's defense and foreign affairs committee that the summer war in Lebanon was "run without any goal."

"The prime minister instructed the army to halt the rocket fire on Israel, but the army failed to translate it into a military objective," Shomron told the committee, although he did not call on Halutz to step down.

Halutz is the third general to resign as a result of the war against Hezbollah, whose performance against Israel's modern military has strengthened its position within Lebanon's fractious political system and drawn praise across the Arab world.

Maj. Gen. Udi Adam, head of the Northern Command, resigned in September. Halutz accepted the resignation two months later of Brig. Gen. Gal Hirsch, an esteemed younger officer who led the Galilee Division, the unit responsible for the Israel-Lebanon border. Hirsch called on Halutz to resign at the same time.

In his resignation letter, Halutz expressed "great pride" in his career and said he had "fulfilled my obligations."

Maj. Gen. Moshe Kaplinsky, the deputy chief of staff, will at least temporarily replace Halutz.

Ashkenazi leads race to succeed Halutz

Yaakov Katz, THE JERUSALEM POST   Jan. 17, 2007

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz's surprise decision to resign Tuesday night opened a tight race over which general would succeed him and become Israel's 19th chief of staff.

The frontrunner among potential successors is Maj.- Gen. (res.) Gabi Ashkenazi, currently director general of the Defense Ministry and the former deputy chief of staff. Ashkenazi lost out to Halutz in the race for the top job in the summer of 2005.

Another leading candidate is Maj.-Gen. Moshe Kaplinsky, the current deputy chief of staff. Perceived as a capable infantry officer, Kaplinsky rose through the ranks of the Golani Brigade, which he eventually commanded.

As Halutz's deputy, Kaplinsky is an obvious choice although his active participation in the war - he was appointed Halutz's "representative" in the Northern Command - has tainted him and may have ruined his chances at getting the appointment.

If Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Amir Peretz are looking to clean the stables in the IDF with a new chief of staff, they might prefer to bring back into service a former general, someone like Ashkenazi, who did not play an active role during the war against Hizbullah.

As a former Golani Brigade commander and head of the Northern Command, Ashkenazi has a great deal of experience and time in Lebanon under his belt, certainly an advantage for the next chief of staff who will need to continue dealing with the fragile situation along Israel's northern border.

"Ashkenazi was not a general during the war and has a lot of experience in the North," said one defense official. "He could be the ideal candidate if Halutz steps down."

Another potential candidate for the top job is OC Ground Forces Command Maj.-Gen. Benny Gantz, who has been named as next in line to become deputy chief of staff alongside Kaplinsky. Gantz is a well-respected officer and has served as commander of the Northern Command and of the Judea and Samaria Division.

Both Kaplinsky and Ashkenazi, if chosen, would be the first officer from the Golani Brigade to become chief of staff.

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