-Caveat Lector-

*Tarpley on 9/11 directed-energy weapons*


From pp. 224-226 of Webster Tarpley's 2005 *9/11 Synthetic Terror*

The twin towers did not simply collapse as a result of gravity; they were
violently pulverized in mid-air in an explosive process which hurled debris
hundreds of meters in all directions – they were vaporized by an explosive
force. Anomalies abound. The North Tower was hit first, was hit hardest in
its core columns, and had more jet fuel burn inside its structure than the
South Tower – but the North Tower exploded later. The South Tower was hit
later, with a more glancing blow which had less impact on its core columns,
and which also caused more jet fuel to be consumed outside of the building
in a spectacular plume; the South Tower's fires were less severe – but the
South Tower fell first. WTC 7 was never hit by anything, and had fires only
on two floors (there are no photos of WTC 7 enveloped in flames and smoke) –
but WTC 7 fell anyway. WTC 6 witnessed an explosion and fire which has never
been explained or even addressed.

Finally, we have the embarrassing fact that steel frame skyscrapers are
virtually indestructible by fire. The official version of events argues
that, at least as far as the towers are concerned, it was the combined
effect of crash impact plus fire which caused the collapses. But even the
South Tower collapsed well after most of the jet fuel had burned away, and a
fire based on paper, rugs, and furniture melts steel even less than one
based on jet fuel. By all indications, the South Tower began the collapse
sequence precisely at the moment when, well after the impact had been
absorbed, the fires too were subsiding. The hole made in the North Tower by
American 11 had cooled so much that, just before the collapse of the North
Tower, survivors were observed looking out through the gash in the side of
the building. (Marr 41)

The upper floors of both towers, after showing symptoms of high pressure
which forced smoke out through the widows, exploded into spectacular
mushroom clouds. Debris and other ejecta were thrown at speeds of 200 feet
per second to distances of up to 500 feet in all directions. The clouds then
descended, always emanating from the towers as these fell.

The mushroom clouds had expanded to two or three times the diameter of the
towers after five seconds, and had expanded to five times the diameter of
the towers after 15 seconds. Blast waves broke windows in buildings over 400
feet away. In the thick mushroom clouds, solid objects were hurled out ahead
of the dust, another telltale sign of explosive demolition.

One might have expected the buildings to tip over at an angle starting at
the points where they had been hit like a tree which leaves a stump as it
falls towards the side where it has been most chopped, but instead they did
not topple and there were no stumps; apart from some initial asymmetry in
the top of the South Tower, the two towers both collapsed down on themselves
in a perfectly symmetrical way – a suspicious sign, since this is one of the
prime goals and hallmarks of controlled demolition.

The fall of the twin towers took place at breathtaking speed. The tops of
the buildings reached the ground as rubble no more than 16 seconds after the
collapse process had begun. A weight in a vacuum would have taken
9.2seconds to cover the same distance. This meant that air resistance
little else had slowed the fall of the upper stories. This indicates that
the lower floors must have been demolished and pulverized before the upper
stories fell on them. The building, in other words, had been pulverized, and
in many areas vaporized, in mid-air. No gravity collapse could have created
this phenomenon.

The non-metallic elements of the twin towers, especially the cement slabs
which formed the horizontal surface of each floor, were pulverized into a
fine dust, with particles of less than 100 microns in diameter. This was the
dust which pervaded lower Manhattan as the explosive clouds spread from
hundreds of yards in all directions. This dust took a long time to settle,
but the Giuliani administration tried to convince office workers in the area
that there was no danger. All the steel in the building superstructures was
simply shredded. The exceptionally strong central core columns were neatly
diced into 10- or 20- floor segments – something which has never been

According to Jim Hoffman ... the energy necessary to create the mushroom
clouds and expand them to the extraordinary dimensions actually observed to
pulverize virtually all the concrete in the towers, and to chop the steel
into segments is far greater than the gravitational energy represented by
the buildings in the first place. According to Hoffman, there must have been
powerful additional energy sources at work. When prodded to do so at recent
conferences, Hoffman has been willing to speculate that these energy sources
might have been unconventional ones. High energy microwave interferometry
using coaxial beams for constructive and destructive interference might be a
possibility, but this would require so much energy that, if it had to be
delivered as conventional electric current, it would necessitate a cable
about half a meter in diameter – and there is no evidence of this. So the
problem remains intractable.


The twin towers were robust structures. The structure of the twin towers was
represented first of all by an internal core of 47 steel box columns which
measured 36 by 90 centimeters; the steel was thickest near the base, where
it attained a thickness of 10 centimeters (about four inches), and tapered
gradually down to 6 centimeters on the upper floors. There were 236 exterior
columns in the buildings' facades; these were 10 centimeters thick at the
base, but only 6 millimeters thick in the highest floors. Each floor was a
steel plate into which concrete had been poured. In the center of the
building was a reinforced core featuring four steel columns encased in
concrete. The structure is abundantly cross-braced, so that stress in one
sector could be efficiently shifted to other parts of the structure. All
steel columns rested directly on the bedrock under Manhattan.

This structures had been designed to withstand 140 mile per hour winds, and
had resisted them successfully for more than thirty years. They had been
designed by Lee Robertson, the structural engineer who built the towers to
absorb the impact of a Boeing 707, an aircraft roughly comparable in size
and fuel capacity to the aircraft that appear to have struck the towers on

In the case of the twin towers, the technical problem of how to account for
the immense quantities of energy released would seem to point to an energy
source beyond the capabilities of conventional controlled demolition. For a
possible explanation of what kind of energy source could have been at work,
*we must turn our attention to the realm of new physical principles, and
thus to the class of directed energy weapons which are probably most
familiar to the general public in connection with President Reagan's
so-called star wars speech* of March 23, 1983. We may be dealing here with
high energy microwave interferometry using coaxial beams for constructive
and destructive interference. The inherent problem with this conjecture, as
engineer Ken Jenkins has pointed out, is that such a device would require a
power cable half a meter in diameter, and the presence of such a power cable
has not been demonstrated. The solution to this problem will indeed require
more time and research.


Tarpley's 2005 call for more research has been followed up on
here <http://www.total911.info/2007/01/podcast-911-space-meme-hits-dc.html>.


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