-Caveat Lector-

*Romney said to induce cognitive dissonance*

Skilled politician Romney draws on the extraordinary Mormon capability for
deceit, if this essay by Terry Michael, executive director of the Washington
Center for Politics & Journalism, is any indication.

From *The Deseret News* Sunday, February 25,

"To experience why former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney may be a better
than even bet for next Leader of the Free World, point your Web browser
toward "Mitt TV," the streaming video site of Mitt Romney's presidential
exploratory committee.

"Experience" is key here, because you won't get an understanding of his
appeal from the print journalism caricature of telegenic (but Mormon) family
values conservative (but Mormon) elected in liberal Massachusetts (in spite
of being Mormon).

No one else in either party's field of presidential wannabes comes close to
Romney's communication skill and executive presence. He makes Sen. Barack
Obama, D-Ill., look like just another charming candidate for high school
class president.

For the past year, I have been haranguing the college political journalists
I teach with the prediction that Romney is going to get the Republican
nomination and will likely be the next president.[...]

Now, having viewed the Mormon (did I mention Mormon?) ex-governor of liberal
Massachusetts in digital, virtual reality flesh, every bone in my
libertarian Democrat body tells me the presidency is Mitt Romney's to lose.

The images and sounds of the "savior" of the Salt Lake City 2002 Winter
Olympics bring to mind former White House press secretary Dee Dee Myers'
observation about Bill Clinton: He seduces women, he seduces men, he seduces

Mitt Romney is Bill Clinton with his pants up.[...]

Ms. Rodham Clinton (two competing names) would have you believe she is tough
on defense for her initial support of the war in Iraq, at the same time she
is also, now, against it. Or that perhaps, like Romney's father in his
short-lived 1968 presidential candidacy, she was brainwashed into war

But unlike the late Michigan Gov. George Romney's son, and unlike her
husband, but very much like Mr. Kerry, Ms. Clinton is unable to seduce you
into a state of cognitive dissonance that will allow you to ignore the
contradictions. Observe how Romney looks straight into the camera and almost
laughs off his switch from gay rights in his failed Senate campaign to
anti-gay marriage in his presidential bid. Just got 13 years older, more
gray hair and wiser, he deadpans.

If all that reads like cheap armchair psychoanalysis of the candidates and
the voters, go to Mitt TV and see what I mean. I scared myself... I was
nearly mesmerized by a guy whose religion I consider akin to a cult.[...]


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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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