-Caveat Lector-

*Traditionalist Catholic bishop: 9/11 inside job
*< http://www.total411.info/2007/11/traditionalist-catholic-bishop-911.html

>From *RenewAmerica* Nov. 24<http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/abbott/071124>:

"Bishop Richard Williamson, seemingly the most outspoken and controversial
bishop of the Society of St. Pius X, asserted in a recent talk that the
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were committed "to get the American
public to accept the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq," according to a news
item by Jack Kenny in the Nov. 15, 2007 issue of The Wanderer.

Bishop Williamson, whose talk was held Nov. 4, 2007 in Bedford, Mass., is
quoted as saying:

"Without 9-11, it would have been impossible to attack in Afghanistan or
Iraq. The forces inside the United States government and driving the United
States government absolutely wanted to attack and destroy Iraq. The
destruction wrought upon Iraq is unspeakable. And now the same forces want
to do the same thing to Iran . . . They may well be plotting another 9-11."

[...]"And a commercial airliner could not have penetrated six of the ten
walls that were breached by 'whatever hit the Pentagon,' he said."

What did hit the Pentagon, according to Bishop Williamson?

"It was a missile that hit the Pentagon. It was a missile that could only
have been fired by the American military."


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