-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:              Fri, 07 May 1999 19:46:22 +1200
From:                   Nicola Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Re: IUFO: MILAB and  Reptilians
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Steve,

I knew you'd figure something out about the reptoids ! Have you got scaly

The Queen of England and Prince Charles are blood  O. That royal family
has a history of bleeding disorders.

The shroud of Turin has AB type.
In the book -The Eat Right Diet by Peter D'Adamo it is said that John F
Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe were AB. Also AB has not been found in
before 1,000 AD .According to the Japanese AB's are the most intelligent
and are asked for in job positions.

Type B is traditionally Jewish.

Another interesting thing is the ETs who are abducting people are wanting
A neg to breed with - as according to various UFO mags I've read, both the
Pleiadians and greys are type A. A friend Alec Newald was abducted by
and taken across the universe, car and all for breeding purposes, more
than 10 years ago and is a New Zealander of German origin. He said that
the ETs were A neg like him. There was also another New Zealander on the
space ship, which has an underwater base here on earth, who decided to
stay with them and was also A neg type blood and was of German descent
too. An excerpt is on this url -


Hitler was type A and was trying to save A blood for his Ayran expansion
plans. Interestingly enough it has been said he was in contact with
Pleiadians. According to various sources, was it Branton?  the Nazis in
Antartica are supposed to be in league with renegade Pleiadians.

The Pyramids of Montauk book by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon claims
that Rh negative blood contains no simian (monkey) genetic aspects.
Possibly an original human. It is said to respond to a 24 hour and 40 min or
according to others a 25 hr body rhythm which is the same as Mars.

Also in The Black Sun by Peter Moon (p77)  it is claimed by William
Bramley in his book The Gods of Eden that the tablets of Sumeria indicate
that the first human kings were the offspring of "custodial rulers" who
mated with human women. These so called gods were depicted as blue
or blue blooded. Bramley claims that the monarchy of Europe traces back
the "gods" of ancient Sumeria - with links from the House of Orange to the
Brotherhood of the Snake.

Perhaps our brainy ABs can shed more light on this.

Nicky  - type B

Steve Wingate wrote:

> ->  IUFO  Mailing List
> On 6 May 99, at 19:27, Bruce Fleming wrote:
> > Does
> > anyone know what to look for in the DNA of crossbreeds in order to
> > detect if  one is of direct reptilian descent?  The military hired by
> > the
> >
> > shapeshifters know the signature to look for. It will be interesting
> > to know how so that we can check on, for example, the members of the
> > Committee of 300 to know who are of direct reptilian descent.
> It might have something to do with blood type. I have heard that AB
> negative, the rarest type, is related to ET bloodlines.
> I have this blood type,  BTW.   :^0
> Steve

Steve Wingate

California Director


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