The above story re Hitler and the Spear of Destiny is worth reading
inasmuch as it shows the mentor behind Hitler...and other intresting
items...not too long.

Rather, who pulled Hitler's strings, and paid for his guns.

One item....the Nazis first disarmed the public; has the Jewish people
been armed along with other groups in Nazi Germany, Hitler could not
have possibly taken over...

Under Hitler, and under Clinton....with Janet Reno as his mad is beyond believe, but Clinton and his henchmen are
verging on atrocities for which the United States may never recover; and
behind the plot, its always the same old people and secret
societies.....they have gotten richer poisong our children with
drugs....they would divide and conqurer...

Trying to be kind, if I owned a gun, it would be a cold day in hell
before a Nazi Storm Trooper would come to my door, after a gun I didn't
have...why is Clinton smiling....and why did the kids at Littleton make
the Mojo sign, the sign of the devil to him....what really happened at
Littleton, and what and how is the President involved.....what kind of
experiments with drugs are they using on the kids these days.....well,
years ago the K=9 dogs turned on their masters...and everyone wondered
why....was it because they were introduced to a new drug to see what
would happen.

Get those monsters out of our Whitehouse.   Albright, Cohen, Clinton,
Reno....Nazi butchers.


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