-Caveat Lector-

<A HREF="http://www.parrhesia.com/cj/">The CJ Files</A>
The CJ Files
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The following are documents generated during the investigation and
prosecution of Carl Edward Johnson. They are made available via the
Internet with his permission. Prior to his conviction, he wrote that he
believed that he would not receive a fair trial and that he wanted a
"cyberspace trial" so that the world would know the nature and strength
of the evidence against him.

I am aware (and readers of these documents should be aware) that law
enforcement agents have been known to engage in psychological warfare
against domestic political groups. Specifically, they have been known to
generate spurious documents intended to create dissension and distrust
among groups of otherwise cooperative and compatible people. They have
also actively created the impression that members of a group or movement
were government informers when in fact they were not. This activity has
been documented across several decades and as having been used against
various political movements and organizations, including the Black
Panthers, CISPES, and AIM; it has led to the dissolution of groups into
opposing factions, and in some cases has led to physical beatings and
deaths as a result of the apparent disloyalty of one member or another.
For more information about this, I recommend: Cointelpro: The FBI's
Secret War on Political Freedom by Nelson Blackstock; Agents of
Repression: The FBI's Secret Wars Against the Black Panther Party and
the American Indian Movement by Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall; The
Cointelpro Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent
in the United States, also by Churchill and Vander Wall; and Undercover:
Police Surveillance in America by Gary T. Marx.

I am also aware that law enforcement agents are trained to, and intend
to, apply considerable psychological pressure to interview subjects in
order to convince them to provide information harmful to themselves or
to people they care about. I am further aware that, historically, people
have chosen to act as informants against their friends and neighbors
because of perceived threats to their own safety or political
well-being. I don't think it's an accident that the subjects of
investigatory interviews in this case were interviewed (in many cases)
at their places of business, without warning, by IRS agents. For more
information about this, I recommend: You and the Police! by Boston T.
Party, and Interviewing and Interrogation for Law Enforcement by John E.
Hess. (Also The Joke by Milan Kundera and The Gulag Archipelago by
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn if you're more inclined towards literary works.)

I did not publish the documents prior to the conclusion of his trial
because I was concerned that doing so would anger the government and
provoke them into unlawful and illegitimate retribution against CJ or
myself. (I don't make that statement lightly or without reflection on
its implications.) Many of the events and messages at the core of CJ's
case are related to messages and ideas about the arrest, prosecution,
and sentencing of another cypherpunk list member, Jim Bell, whose
writings and ideas were used against him in his encounter with the
criminal trial system.

Apparently, there are some law enforcement personnel who don't believe
that ordinary citizens have a right to observe and comment upon the way
that they conduct the public's business - they seem to think that they
can legitimately scrutinize the behavior of others, but that their
conduct can or should be exempt from scrutiny and reflection. I strongly
disagree. Every aspect of the government's conduct of the people's
business must be made available for review by those whom the government
is meant to represent. Civic (and civilian) oversight of government
conduct is especially crucial where it concerns functions such as the
use of the power of the state to investigate and imprison its citizens,
and even more so in areas like Internet-related crime, where evidentiary
standards, expectations of privacy, reasonableness of searches, etc.,
are still being determined. We cannot blindly assume that the government
will make good moral and political choices about who will be prosecuted,
and when; nor can we blindly assume that the government will make
accurate and reliable technical determinations about the relationships
between virtual/electronic entities and physical bodies which it
subjects to investigatory and punitive actions.

I don't agree with everything that Carl Johnson and Jim Bell have
written; and I'm sure they don't agree with everything I've written. I
do believe that their writings, regardless of their intellectual merit
or their tastefulness (or lack thereof) were speech protected by the
First Amendment, and I believe that their convictions should serve as a
warning to others concerned about the health of the Constitution and its
viability today.

No person should fear that their government will subject them to special
investigatory attention because they have chosen to express ideas that
are unpopular, unconventional, or unsettling. That process - even if it
does reveal information about actual crimes committed - cannot help but
reduce (perhaps to zero) the quality and quantity of political and moral
discourse engaged in by others. Choices made by law enforcement about
investigation and arrest, and choices made by prosecutors about charging
and disposition, must not be made dependent upon a person's (lack of)
willingness to appear subservient and submissive before the state or
corporate interests.

I believe that Jim Bell was convicted of actual crimes that he
committed; but that the evidence of the actual crimes was gained during
an investigation into Jim because of his exercise of his Constitutional
right to free speech. I believe that Carl Johnson was convicted of,
essentially, disrespect of the System and its employees.

More information about Jim Bell's arrest and conviction is available at
<http://www.parrhesia.com/jimbell> and at <
http://www.jya.com/jdbfiles.htm>. More information about Carl Johnson's
arrest, detention, and conviction is available at <

The documents are made available in .PDF form for two reasons - because
of the difficulty of achieving good results with consumer-grade OCR
systems, and in order to provide a modicum of privacy for the people
peripherally involved. Their names and participation will now be
available, but not easily searchable or indexable by automated means. In
one instance, I blacked out personal information about people mentioned
in investigatory reports without their cooperation or permission. I have
copies of all of this information on paper, and have distributed it to
several other people prior to the publication of this webpage in order
to minimize the chances that I'll be subjected to attempts at

-- Greg Broiles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

3.pdfInsp. Jeff Gordon's memorandum summarizing  Canadian ISP/telephone
4.pdfSympatico customer records, SaskTel billing detail
5.pdfPrintouts of Email messages to Bill Gates, Cypherpunks list
6.pdfApparently files dumped from hard disk of seized laptop, mentioning
Circle of Eunuchs and Jim Bell case details
7.pdfMore file dumps - "iwarannounce" and file with hand-written note "kids
8.pdfTwo documents - first page of "Infowar", apparently as posted through
remailers and as found on laptop hard disk
9.pdfDump of files related to email conversation with Sympatico sysadmin Dan
regarding unreplyable "Reply-To:" headers in email messages.
10.pdfEmails (apparently from outgoing email file on laptop hard disk) from
regarding InfoWar, assassination politics
11.pdfMicrosoft corporate "Security Report" and internal emails regarding
message to Bill Gates
12.pdfDiscussion of relationship between CJ's arrest and search of Jim Bell's
computer equipment; discussion re secret keys and signature attack
13.pdfCopy of IRS press release sent to various Cypherpunks regarding Jim
Bell guilty plea; messages to Senators Kennedy and Feinstein
14.pdfDejaNews view of message posted to Usenet dated 12/9/97 with purported
password for "carljohn" account at Sympatico and of message re Bill Gates;
prologue to "Space AliensHide My Drugs"
15.pdfEmail, PGP screen dump re "sog" PGP key
16.pdfInterview report re Paul Barrington/Paul Bear
17.pdfInterview report re Robert & Pauline McWilliams
18.pdfInterview report re Jim Choate
19.pdfEmail from Lance Cottrell re Cyberpass AUP, with printout signed (pen &
ink) by Lance
20.pdfInterview report re Igor Chudov
21.pdfInterview report re Charles McCracken
22.pdfInterview report re William Denney
23.pdfInterview report re Declan McCullagh
24.pdfHandwritten affidavit from Blanc Weber following IRS interview
25.pdfReport re Carl Johnson and his arrest in Tucson
26.pdfDeclaration of John Gilmore (incomplete)
27.pdfUS Marshals' Service report, discussing IRS monitoring of Cypherpunks
list, and what
was interpreted as a death threat against a federal magistrate.(Some personal
information blacked-out to shield subjects)
28.pdfUS Marshals' Service report, discussing Carl Johnson
29.pdfAffidavit of David Smith re Bureau 42 hosting of CJ's writings, contact
30.pdfReport of Sgt. Del Block regarding purported "Explosive Fire Bomb at
the Estevan Court
House", discussing coordination between RCMP, Estevan Police Service, and IRS.
31.pdfUS Secret Service report concerning Carl Johnson
32.pdfHandwritten notes re "The CJ Parker Hate Page", photocopies of ID
(apparently in CJ's possession at time of arrest?)
33.pdfPrinted emails, handwritten notes re "RSA/LEA challenge" & misc, "The
Revolution is
NOW!" document
35.pdfMisc documents, apparently emails?
36.pdf"terror.pln" document
37.pdfPGP screen dumps
38.pdf"SPACE ALIENS HIDE MY DRUGS" document, with handwritten note &
signature from Linda Reed denying her authorship
39.pdfSocial Security Office of the Inspector General's report re Carl
Johnson41.pdfEmail apparently received by Jim Bell from Toto (see note at
bottom of first page); Email from Jim Bell
42.pdf"AP Bot" related messages, screen dump of AP Bot
43.pdfDejaNews dump of "InterNet DEATH THREAT!!!" message, John Gilmore msg
Bernstein appeal hearing, Human Gus-Peter message, InfoWar End Game
44.pdfIRS' line-by-line analysis of HTML for AP Bot web page, screen shot of
AP Bot page, dump of HTML source for AP Bot page
45.pdf Insp. Jeff Gordon's summary of information received from RCMP
RCMP search of Carl Johnson's home in Bienfait, Saskatchewan.
46.pdfEmail message with handwritten note "Decrypts to Bell key/password"
47.pdfMisc email messages, screen dumps from Explorer and PGP
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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