-Caveat Lector-

2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.lp.org/
For release: May 28, 1999
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

New buffalo-meat bail-out program is
"welfare for epicurean billionaires"

        WASHINGTON, DC -- Taxpayers are getting "buffaloed"
again, thanks to a new federal program that is buying surplus
bison meat at inflated prices -- a subsidy that's going straight
into the pockets of people like billionaire Ted Turner.

        "The federal government has created a new form of food:
Buffalo-pork," charged Libertarian Party National Director Steve
Dasbach. "Taxpayers are picking up the buffalo bill, and welfare
billionaires like Ted Turner are profiting."

        The Agriculture Department has announced that it will
spend $6 million this year to buy surplus bison meat -- or about
one-quarter of the industry's ground-meat production.

        The problem: There are 250,000 commercial bison in
America now, a number that's growing by about 20% a year. Bison
ranchers are producing more meat than the public wants and the
surplus is piling up -- so the federal government has stepped in
to buy the extra meat at $3.45 a pound.

        "This program is welfare for rich epicureans: Subsidizing
the production of a luxury meat that most Americans can't even
afford," said Dasbach. "Even worse, it's welfare for
billionaires, since the single largest producer of buffalo meat
is Ted Turner."

        Turner, the vice chairman of the mega-corporation
Time-Warner, raises 17,000 bison on 1.4 million acres of ranches,
sprawling across Montana, New Mexico, and Nebraska.

        "It's a pathetic sight: A billionaire like Ted Turner
with a tin cup in hand, begging for hand-outs from the taxpayer,"
said Dasbach. "People who make the minimum wage are subsidizing a
billionaire's hobby of producing high-priced novelty steaks for
other wealthy people."

        Mindful of the negative PR generated by
help-the-rich-get-richer government programs, the federal
government has promised that the bison bail-out is only a
"temporary" thing.

        In fact, USDA Agricultural Marketing Services bureaucrat
Enrique Figueroa vowed, "We are not going to be buying bison

        But Libertarians are cynical about such promises.

        "Remember the words of Milton Friedman: Nothing is so
permanent as a temporary government program," said Dasbach: "We
suspect that as long as Ted Turner wants a hand-out, obliging
federal bureaucrats will continue to roast the taxpayer for his
financial benefit."

        Ironically, bison were nearly extinct at the turn of the
century, when there were fewer than 1,500 animals alive. Now,
thanks to the commercial success of bison burgers, steaks, and
roasts, that number has skyrocketed -- especially in the past
decade as buffalo meat has become more widely known and popular.

        "The buffalo-production industry seems to have set a new
record: From zero to subsidy in just a few years," said Dasbach.
"But buffalo were saved from extinction with help from the free
market. Now it's time to let the free market work without
government interference -- and make this bison bail-out program

The Libertarian Party                      http://www.lp.org/
2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100           voice: 202-333-0008
Washington DC 20037                        fax: 202-333-0072

           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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