-Caveat Lector-

> personifications of the ubiquitous solar myth and whose exploits were
> well known, as reflected by such popular deities as Mithra,
> Heracles/Hercules, Dionysus and many others throughout the Roman Empire
> and beyond. The story of Jesus as portrayed in the Gospels is revealed
> to be nearly identical in detail to that of the earlier savior-gods
> Krishna and Horus, who for millennia preceding Christianity held great
> favor with the people in much the same way as Jesus does today. Thus,
> the Jesus character is not unique or original, not "divine re velation."

The only 'solar deity' in the aforementioned passage is Mithras and as no
specifically Mithraic texts have survived it's somewhat presumptuous to
definatively equate him with Jesus. Also as far as I remember Horus was
born to Isis after she copulated with Osiris' dead body and then battled
Seth for control of Upper/Lower Egypt - not quite Jesus-like I'd say. And
Krishna is the 8th avatar of Vishnu and delights in amorous dance and
partakes of many lovers - also not quite Jesus-like in my opinion. As for
Dionysius and Herakles...well you'd have to be a twit to see any intimate
parallel with Jesus. You'd have much better luck comparing Jesus and


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