-Caveat Lector-

     More resistance to Clinton's "imperial presidency."

Rep. Urges Consultation on N. Korea

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - House International Relations Committee chairman Benjamin
Gilman said Wednesday he is concerned that the Clinton administration is
forging a new policy toward North Korea without adequate consultation with

Gilman, R-N.Y., outlined his criticism in a statement after former Defense
Secretary William Perry gave Gilman and other members of Congress an update
on the North Korea policy review he initiated eight months ago at the request
of President Clinton.

Gilman said he was concerned that the administration has ``actually completed
its review and is moving forward with quiet diplomatic initiatives with North
Korea'' without close consultation with the Congress.

He noted that legislation approved last year called for the development of a
bipartisan approach to North Korea as a means of easing differences between
the administration and the Congress on the issue.

Gilman's statement did not criticize Perry directly and was devoted largely
to procedural issues, not substance.

The State Department had no immediate response to Gilman's statement but an
administration official disputed the suggestion that the administration is
pursuing a new policy. He said Perry has yet to make recommendations on
policy changes to President Clinton.

As part of his review, Perry visited North Korea two weeks ago. He said
immediately after the visit that he explored with North Korean officials the
possibility of a ``major expansion'' in U.S. relations with North Korea if
U.S. and allied concerns about North Korea's missile and nuclear programs
were addressed.

Of particular concern is North Korea's development of long-range ballistic

Perry said he traveled to Pyongyang as a presidential envoy and not as a
negotiator. ``It will take some time for the DPRK (North Korea) to further
reflect on the views I expressed and for us to reflect on our visit,'' he
said at the time.

In his statement, Gilman said, ``North Korea continues to be a grave threat
to its neighbors, to American troops in the region and to U.S. national
security interests.''

He said North Korea policy must be based on a step-by-step program of
``conditional reciprocity'' that is backed by strengthened conventional
deterrence as well as a missile defense system in the region.

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