-Caveat Lector-

from http://www.totse.com/files/FA020/p2masons.htm
No date given (apparently between late '80s and 1992)
     In this old LaRouche post, there seem to be hints already, around the
time when Red China was stealing US secrets during the Reagan-Bush
administration, of a "deal" between the Octopus and Communist (not
necessarily Russian) intelligence agencies.

Italian probe could mean new woes for Oliver North

by Leonardo Servadio and Mark Burdman

     Developments in Italy during the week of July 23 have raised
new questions about the potential involvement of the Iran-Contra
mob around Lt. Col. Oliver North, in both the assassination of
Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme and the ensuing coverup. What
is emerging in Italy points to that side of the North crowd's
misdeeds which has never been brought before an American court
and investigated by any U.S. commission.
     The tumult in Italy was already brewing since early June,
but it became a controversy of international proportions, when
the magazine {Panorama} revealed on July 23, that President
Francesco Cossiga had sent a letter to Prime Minister Giulio
Andreotti on July 5, after having reviewed the content of
interviews conducted by Italian state television TG1 journalist
Ennio Remondino with former CIA agents Richard Brenneke and
Ibrahim Razin. Cossiga wrote that statements contained in the
broadcasts were so serious that the government was obliged to
look into them immediately, and "if the government were to think
that the information had any basis, I think that it should
inform the judiciary authority and the Parliamentary Commission
on Massacres and, at the level of the bilateral relations, the
relevant authorities in the U.S.A. and in Sweden." Otherwise,
wrote Cossiga, the journalists who published the information
without previously thoroughly checking its validity, should be
punished in a most rigorous way.
     In late June-early July, the interviews with Brenneke and
Razin were broadcast in four parts by TG1. The most explosive
element of what they said, was that three days before Swedish
Prime Minister Olof Palme was assassinated, Licio Gelli, Grand
Master of the Propaganda 2 (P-2) Freemasonic lodge, had sent a
telegram to Republican Party representative Philip Guarino, an
intimate of George Bush, announcing that "the Swedish tree will
be felled." In his sequence, Razin claimed that the text of the
telegram exists in the archives of the National Security Agency,
and that the FBI has opened an investigation into this.  Razin
added that he knew of the existence of such a telegram from a
high representative of the American mafia, and that Palme was
assassinated because he knew about the illegal weapons trade in
connection with the Iran-Iraq war. As Brenneke put it, Palme had
become a "fly in the ointment" for those responsible for the
dirty doings.
     Brenneke, in one of his TV sequences, asserted that the P-2
lodge was involved in such a trade. According to Razin, the arms
trade was an integral part of agreements reached at the time of
the 1980 election campaign between representatives of the
Republican ticket of Ronald Reagan and George Bush, and Iranian
representatives: The Iranians would guarantee not to release the
American hostages before the election was over, so that President
Carter would not get the benefit. In exchange, the Republicans
allegedly promised to send weapons to Iran after winning the
elections. Brenneke said that Gelli was present at the October
1980 meeting in Paris where U.S. and Iranian representatives
discussed the whole operation. He also asserted that George Bush,
then candidate for the U.S. vice presidency, took part in
October 1980 arms-to-Iran discussions in Paris, although not
necessarily in the same discussions as Gelli.
     Speaking about the CIA-Propaganda-2 contacts, Brenneke said
in the interview: "We used the assistance of these people to let
money and drugs go in and out of the U.S.A., and to let drugs and
money go in and out of Italy. We used them to create situations
favorable to the explosion of terrorism in Italy and other
European countries at the beginning of the 1970s." Brenneke added
that the CIA had financed P-2 to the tune of $1-10 million a
month, conduited through foreign-based corporations.
     If what Brenneke said is found to be true, it would prove
that the CIA, the P-2, and the KGB were working together to run
weapons, dope, and destabilizations internationally, given that
the KGB involvement in such activities has been amply proven. It
would be proven that Palme was killed by the same crowd that ran
the Iran-Contra operation and that slandered Lyndon LaRouche's
political associates as a coverup for their own dirty dealings.
In statements issued July 24 and 25, Virginia 10th District
congressional candidate LaRouche identified that this crowd is
best known as "Project Democracy," a sub-unit of the U.S.
government's National Endowment for Democracy that works closely
with the Anti-Defamation League, NBC News, and elements of the
U.S. Department of Justice, and FBI, in the operation to have
LaRouche and several associates framed up and imprisoned.  This
Project Democracy apparatus works with powerful forces in Israel
and Great Britain.
     The Brenneke and Razin statements are not by themselves what
is causing tremors internationally, but rather the fact that the
President of Italy has urgently demanded that the government
clear up the truth of the Palme-Propaganda-2-CIA matter, of the
contention that the CIA financed terrorism in Italy, and the
matter of U.S.  President Bush's name having been raised. Once
the fact of Cossiga's letter was made public, the shock effects
went way beyond Italy. Many of the newspapers that had jumped on
the "LaRouche behind killing of Palme" disinformation in the
March 1986 period--such as the {Wiesbadener Kurier} in West
Germany and the {Times} in Britain--were now publishing prominent
stories featuring in the headlines, the mooted CIA-Propaganda-2
connection to the murder of Palme. On July 24, almost all of the
nationally read newspapers in West Germany, and much of the major
regional press, were highlighting the story, and it was also
getting wide coverage in Sweden and other countries in Europe.
     CIA officials have meanwhile furiously denied all the
allegations, and have claimed that Brenneke was never in the
CIA's employ. But as the Italian daily {Il Giorno} of July 24
underlined, the CIA usually refrains from taking an official
position in such circumstances. If they do so now, there must be
something really big afoot.

             - Some signals to Washington -

     In Italy itself, the two Italian magistrates who are
investigating the P-2 affair, Francesco Monastero and Elisabetta
Cesqui, want to hear testimony from Brenneke and Razin. According
to Italian press reports, the two magistrates also want to
investigate corporations based in Belgium, Switzerland, and the
U.S. that Brenneke said the CIA had used as a channel to finance
the P-2 lodge. In the hands of the magistrates are documents
which Brenneke gave to journalist Remondino, which are said to
include evidence of the connections between the CIA and the
     Meanwhile, P-2 Grand Master Gelli is so distraught, that he
has instructed his lawyer to sue Italian state television for
billions of liras.
     But as seen from Italy, these investigations and legal
fights are only part of a broader picture, in which many dark
truths are coming to the light of day. Beyond this, they indicate
a significant strategic re-thinking going on from inside Italy.
     In the days in which the interviews with Razin and Brenneke
were broadcast, the Italian press was full of articles concerning
the proofs, which are starting to come out in the open, regarding
the ties beween Eastern secret services and the international
terrorism that was unleashed against all the Western European
countries, but in particular against Italy and Germany, during
the 1970s.  It had just come out that the renowned terrorist
"Carlos" was protected by East bloc secret services.
     "We want to understand if the terrorists, with the help of
the 007s from the East, wanted to stop the process of change in
the Communist Party," said Christian Democratic Secretary Arnaldo
Forlani, while in Hungary at the end of June. Forlani was
referring to the assassination of his party's chairman Aldo Moro,
perpetrated by the Red Brigades in June 1978, three months after
he was kidnaped. Moro had been working to bring the Italian
Communist Party out of Moscow's political control, and for
bringing Italy out of the political control of the two
superpowers. What might unite the cases of Moro and Palme
is that, in different ways, they both were an obstacle to the
superpowers' global power-sharing plans.
     In this context, the fact that the interviews of Brenneke
and Razin came out just as all the media were starting to expose
the connections of terrorism with the KGB and the Eastern
intelligence services, led some people, especially from Italy's
Socialist and Liberal parties, to say that the interviews
conducted by Remondino were a smokescreen raised by the
Communists in order to divert attention from the Communist role
in protecting and steering international terrorism.
     In reality, if what Brenneke and Razin stated in their
interviews proves true, the picture that would emerge would not
necessarily contradict the information concerning the Communist
connections to terrorism: rather, it might complete them and
provide a wider and more precise picture, bringing to the light a
dark world where Eastern and Western secret operations were run
for maintaining the status quo against political forces striving
for national emancipation. Were this the case, it would be quite
coherent that revelations such as those of Razin and Brenneke
come up at a time when the "equilibrium of Yalta" is being
shaken.  ] President Cossiga's letter to Prime Minister Andreotti
was written July 5: right after the brodcasts, and just as
Andreotti was about to leave for the London NATO summit.
     In the days before that summit, there were some provocative
signs that the Italian political elite had decided to open up a
new era in its relations with the U.S. In June 27 testimony
before an Italian parliamentary commission investigating the
circumstances of the shooting down of an Italian airliner over
Ustica 10 years ago, Adm. Fulvio Martini, the head of Italian
military intelligence, was asked about Libya's role in that
affair.  In response, he noted that Libya's relations with many
countries operated in a "gray zone."
     For example, he pointed out, the presidential campaign of
George Bush received money from Libya indirectly, through
royalties paid by Qaddafi into Texas oil companies which
supported Bush. Martini's charge of a Bush-Qaddafi link made
headlines at the time. He could not have said it, without
agreement from senior figures in the Italian political
establishment.  This was a foretaste of the issues that erupted
at the Houston Group of Seven summit on July 9-11.
     There, it became obvious that significant tensions have
emerged between continental Europe and the Anglo-American world,
with talk of trade war on everyone's lips. No doubt, the whole
skein of Martini's statements, the TG1 interviews, and the
Cossiga letter, side by side with the exposes of East bloc
sponsorship of terrorism, reflects the potential for Italy to
shift into a new European orientation in the period ahead.  That
Italy holds the presidency of the European Community until the
end of this year, makes this entire matter all the more

Razin's TV statements

{Excerpts of the interchange between Ibrahim Razin and RAI
journalist Ennio Remondino, as translated from the Italian

Q: Can you give us more details on the telegram from the P-2
announcing the assassination of the Swedish leader Olof Palme?
Razin:  During summer 1985 I interrogated a very important leader
of the American mafia, whose name I cannot mention, who told me
that such a telegram was sent from Gelli to Philip Guarino, at
that time one of the most outstanding members of the Republican
circle around Bush.
Q: Do you have any precise indication about the existence of the
Razin:  At present the FBI has opened an inquiry on this story.
The existence of the telegram is also indicated by the archives
of the National Security Agency.
Q: From where was this telegram sent precisely and who got it?
Razin:  It left with the signature of Licio Gelli and was
addressed to Philip Guarino. It was sent from South America, from
one of the southernmost regions of Brazil. According to the most
reliable information it was sent by a man called Ortolani on
behalf of Licio Gelli or in any case on Gelli's instructions.
Q: What was the exact text of the telegram?
Razin:  The telegram said: "Tell our friend that the Swedish palm
will be felled."
Q: Why would the Italian P-2 have been involved, interested in
the assassination of Palme?
Razin:  Sweden was one of the main protagonists of the illegal
weapons traffic at the time of the Iran-Iraq war when Palme was
prime minister and thus Palme was surely aware of what was
Q: And P-2 was part of this operation?
Razin:  Yes, P-2 was at the center, one of the main participants
in the illegal arms traffic, which was connected to the drug
traffic from the outset. P-2 also made a substantial contribution
to the recycling of large amounts of money used for this arms and
drugs traffic from one country to another.
Q: And what about the CIA-P-2 relations?
Razin:  Suffice it to see how the P-2 was involved with Banco
Ambrosiano and with Michele Sindona and how the CIA was involved
with them in several financial manipulations. For example, in the
United States the big scandal involving the S&L banks is big
news.  The Texas state prosecutor has found evidence of CIA
involvement in the bankruptcy of many of these banks which used
illegal funds for their operations. The man who knows a lot about
this is Richard Brenneke, a former CIA agent from Oregon.
Q: Do you have more details which could help to clarify why Palme
was assassinated?
Razin:  I am sure that there are documents on this but it is a
different story to see if they are going to come out into the
open. I can give you some other collateral details. For example,
a week before Palme's death, an agent named Michael Townley was
in Stockholm.  Townley was involved in the assassination of the
Chilean Orlando Letelier, some years ago in Washington. Townley
was a political dirty tricks specialist... It is a definite fact
that the weapons traffic had a lot to do [with Palme's death.]


President Cossiga's letter

{What follows is a translation of the letter sent on July 3 by
Italian President Francesco Cossiga to the head of the
government, Giulio Andreotti, as it appeared in all major Italian
press on July 26:}

   I believe that it is my duty to call your attention to the
reports broadcast on TG1 June 28 and 30, and on July 1 and 2,
following advance releases put out by the RAI through ANSA [news
service]. In these broadcasts, produced by a TG1 journalist, a
number of persons have been interviewed, including persons who
asserted they had been agents of the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA). The information broadcast in these programs requires, in
my judgment, careful evaluation by the Italian government,
particularly in consideration of the particular "credibility"
that such information has for public opinion in our country and
foreign countries, with possible involvement of the
responsibility of our government, because it is not credible
outside of our country, although true, that a public radio and
television service can exist which is not directly responsible to
the government or to the parliament. The gravity of the
information put in circulation, consists above all in the
statement that the terrorism of the 1970s was "ignited" in Italy
by the CIA through the P-2 Masonic lodge.
     Second, in the asserted participation of the P-2 Masonic
lodge, and thus, of Italian citizens, in the "plot" which would
have been planned by the CIA to assassinate Olof Palme, then
prime minister of the Swedish kingdom. Third, also very serious,
is the attribution of responsibility for these criminal actions,
in which the P-2 Masonic lodge would have participated, to high
level personalities of North American political and institutional
life, including the then-representative of the Republican Party,
and today the President of an allied and friendly country, the
United States of America, George Bush.
     If the government should think that such information had any
foundation, I believe that it must inform the judiciary
authorities and the parliamentary commission on atrocities, and
on the level of bilateral relations, the competent authorities in
the U.S.A. and the Kingdom of Sweden.
     If, on the other hand, the government, after careful
evaluation, were to conclude that the information broadcast by
the RAI-TV is false or even recklessly provocatory, I think that
the government should inform the judiciary authorities of
possible penal law violations and undertake necessary measures to
find out the managers and personnel of the national TV center
     I would be grateful if you could keep me informed on the
initiatives undertaken by the government.

             ***   ***   ***

What Brenneke said

{Excerpts from the TG1 interview with ex-CIA agent Richard
Brenneke, translated from the Italian transcript. The interviewer
is Ennio Remondino.}

Q: Do you know the P-2 directly?
Breneke: Naturally I have known the P-2 since 1969 and I had
deals with the P-2 in Europe since that time and I had contact
with it also recently, till the beginning of the 1980s. The U.S.
government sent money to P-2. In some periods the sum was about a
million a month.
Q: For what purpose?
Breneke: The CIA money for the P-2 had several aims. One of them
was terrorism. Another aim was to get P-2's help to smuggle dope
into the U.S.A. from other countries. We used them to create
situations favorable to the explosion of terrorism in Italy and
in other European countries at the beginning of the 1970s.
Q: Excuse me, but your statements are very serious. You say that
the P-2 was a creation, the financial and organizational arm of
the CIA to destabilize, to run cover operations in Europe?
Breneke: There is no doubt. The P-2 since the beginning of the
1970s was used for the dope traffic, for destabilization in a
covert way. It was done secretly to keep people from knowing
about the involvement of the U.S. government. In many cases it
was done directly through the offices of the CIA in Rome and in
some other cases through CIA centers in other countries.
Q: In what operations was the P-2 (as an extension of the CIA)
Breneke: The P-2 was involved in the operation for which I ended
up in court, that is the delay in the liberation of the American
hostages in Iran in 1980.  Members of P-2 participated in the
operation and even attended meetings in Paris and other European
cities. The same people were involved in the arms smuggling into
Iran which took place after these meetings while there was still
an embargo against Iran. The P-2 collaborated with agencies of
the American government in sending weapons to Iran after the
meeting of 1980.
Q: Do you know Gelli personally?
Breneke: I met him for the first time in 1969-70 and the subject
of the discussion was the financing of his organization. I met
him several times in the 1970s. I met him in Paris in October
1980 on an important occasion: There was a meeting....
Q: "October Surprise"...
Breneke: "October surprise." The aim of the meeting was to
organize the freedom of the hostages after, not before, the
elections. The meeting was important because there were Mr.
Casey, who later became the head of the CIA, at that time manager
of the Reagan-Bush electoral campaign and Donald Gregg, who
became ambasssador to South Korea and at that time worked for the
CIA and the National Security Council. At the meeting I attended
Bush was not there, but Bush was...
Q: President Bush?
Breneke: The present President Bush was at that time a vice
presidential candidate. From the information I had, I know that
Bush was in Paris in the same days for meetings dealing with the
freedom of the hostages and the payment of a ransom for their
freedom. Gelli took part in these meetings. I do not know if he
attended the same meetings with Bush but he definitely attended
the same meetings I attended.
Q: Do you have documentation to prove these very serious
Breneke: My accusations are very serious and I would not do it
without evidence.... Some of these documents were given to the
court on the occasion of the trial against me. They are still in
the trial record. Some documents I gave to members of the inquiry
commission of the U.S. Congress....

Copyright (c) 1998 TOTSE
Information last updated on: 02/18/92

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